NLA Trial index

NLA Trial Articles from 1826

  1. Accuracy of OCR and overProof is measured in comparison with the human corrections. We know human corrections in this sample are incomplete, and themselves contain errors, but they are the best we could find automatically from the NLA newspapers corpus, tagged as completely corrected then further filtered to those with at least 3 corrections, at least 40% of lines corrected and lowest third percentage of non-dictionary words.
  2. Accuracy is measured by a separate process from that used to colour words in this output: the colouring process is heuristic, and not completely accurate.
  3. Colour legend:
    Text - OCR text corrected by human and/or overProof
    Text - human and/or overProof corrections
    Text - discrepencies between human and/or overProof
    Text - human corrections not applied by overProof
  4. Identified overProof corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words changed by overProof which ALSO match human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list.
  5. Identified overProof non-corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words in the overProof output which DO NOT MATCH human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list. Words marked as [**VANDALISED] are those which have been changed by overProof but not by the human correction; as before, a missed human correction will be (incorrectly) classified as vandalisation by overProof.
  6. Searchability of unique words refers to the distinct words in an article, and how many are present before and after correction. It is measure of how many of the words within an article could be used to find the article using a search engine.
  7. Weighted Words refers to a calculation in which common words count for little (a fraction of a word) and unusual words count for more, in proportion to the log of the inverse of their frequency in the corpus. It may be an indicator of how well distinctive words in an article can be searched before and after correction.

Article ID 2186215, Article, ORIGINAL POETRY. TO THE THREE MISS OF., page 4 1826-07-22, The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), 156 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
TO THE THREE MISS .....*... OP .......».>. TO THE THREE MISS ********' OF ********* TO THE THREE MISS says... OF .......».>.
Let Knglnnd bnnit of lovely fair, Let England boast of lovely fair, Let England burst of lovely fair,
In IVi-ey, Villiers, or in Gower) In Perey, Villiers, or in Gower ; In Friday, Villiers, or in Gower)
Let Scotin vaunt der beauties rare, Let Scotia vaunt her beauties rare, Let Scotia van der beauties rare,
In Campbell, Hamilton, or Moore. In Campbell, Hamilton, or Moore. In Campbell, Hamilton, or Moore.
Let Ireland's harp, on ev'ry «'ring, Let Ireland's harp, on ev'ry string, Let Ireland's harp, on ev'ry spring,
Record Fitzgerald, Buller/Qninj Record Fitzgerald, Butler, Quin ; Record Fitzgerald, Butler Quin
Let Snowilon's bards sweetly «inf, Let Snowdon's bards as sweetly sing, Let Snowdon's bards as sweetly surf,
A Paget, Hetbeit, or a Gwynne. A Paget, Herbert, or a Gwynne. A Paget, Herbert, or a Gwynne.
.Such charms, I grant, may bein- tlie prize Such charms, I grant, may bear the prize Such charms, I grant, may be in- the prize
'Midst antique European isles;   'Midst antique European isles ; 'Midst antique European isles; nose;
In this new wai Id, we've blighter eyes, In this new world, we've brighter eyes, In this new war Id, we've blighter eyes,
. We've fresher beauties, sweeter smiles. We've fresher beauties, sweeter smiles. . We've fresher beauties, sweeter smiles.
-Hud Harnee lived in times like these, Had Horace lived in times like these, -Hud Harris lived in times like these,
Had Oviil tuned his milgie lyre, Had Ovid tuned his magic lyre, Had Over tuned his male lyre,
-inrLydia's charms could longer piesse, Nor Lydia's charms could longer please, -inrLydia's charms could longer piesse,
'Nortweet Corinna lays mspiie. Nor sweet Corinna lays inspire. 'Nortweet Corinna lays inspire.
Had Byron breathed th' Aiistialinn air Had Byron breathed th' Australian air--- Had Byron breathed th' Australian air
Haply lind Moore been wafted here-. Haply had Moore been wafted here--- Happy Find Moore been wafted here-.
We'd ne'er hnve hean! of Julio fair, We'd ne'er have heard of Julia fair, We'd ne'er have heard! of Julie fair,
Ko Lalla Itookh had cbnim'd the ear." i'_ No Lalla Rookh had charm'd the ear. Ko Lalla Rookh had charmed the ear." if
Thiee sisters view-a matchless host-.. Three sisters view---a matchless host--- Three sisters view-a matchless host-..
*..«.*#.'!!! Mveet theme of cv'ry praise ; ********'!!! sweet theme of ev'ry praise; *..«.*#.'!!! Meet theme of every praise ;
Australia's Pi ¡de, Australia's Boast, Australia's Pride, Australia's Boast, Australia's Pi side, Australia's Boast,
Aecent these tributary lava. Accept these tributary lays. Accept these tributary lava.
H. H. H.
Sydney, Julu 20, 1826. Sydney, July 20, 1826. Sydney, July 20, 1826.
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words14370.681.135.7
Searchability of unique words11271.482.137.5
Weighted Words73.182.835.9

Article ID 8790657, Article, LAUNCESTON., page 3 1826-02-18, Hobart Town Gazette (Tas. : 1825 - 1827; 1830), 354 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The Committee appointed to ascertain the The Committee appointed to ascertain the The Committee appointed to ascertain the
amount of Pilotage and Harbour Dues, at amount of Pilotage and Harbour Dues, at Port amount of Pilotage and Harbour Dues, at
Port Dalrymple, have recommended the fol- Dalrymple, have recommended the following Port Dalrymple, have recommended the following
lowing rate», of which His Excellency the rates, of which His Excellency the rates, of which His Excellency the
LitáUTBNANT Governor has bceii pleased LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR has been pleased LieáUTENANT Governor has been pleased
to approve :-. to approve :— to approve :-.
Vessels proceeding above Whirlpool Reach Vessels proceeding above Whirlpool Reach Vessels proceeding above Whirlpool Reach
are to pay 6s. 6d. sterling for every foot are to pay 6s. 6d. sterling for every foot are to pay 6s. 6d. sterling for every foot
draught of wafer; over six inches is to be draught of water ; over six inches is to be draught of water; over six inches is to be
deemed one foot. No charge will be made deemed one foot. No charge will be made deemed one foot. No charge will be made
for any draught of water under half a foot. for any draught of water under half a foot. for any draught of water under half a foot.
All vessels under seven feet draught shall pay All vessels under seven feet draught shall pay All vessels under seven feet draught shall pay
for »even feet ; and vessels remaining below for seven feet ; and vessels remaining below for seven feet and vessels remaining below
Whirlpool Reach shall pay 4s. 4d. sterling Whirlpool Reach shall pay 4s. 4d. sterling Whirlpool Reach shall pay 4s. 4d. sterling
for each foot. for each foot. for each foot.
The Harbour Dues are to be, foi each re- The Harbour Dues are to be, for each The Harbour Dues are to be, for each remove
move of a ship or vessel under 200 tons, los; remove of a ship or vessel under 200 tons, 15s ; of a ship or vessel under 200 tons, tons;
.for 200 and under 300 tons, 20s; for 300 for 200 and under 300 tons, 20s ; for 300 for 200 and under 300 tons, 20s; for 300
and under 400, Á'l. 10s; for 400 and under and under 400, £1 10s ; for 400 and under and under 400, 29. 10s; for 400 and under
500, £2 ; and k r 500 tons, and upwards, 500, £2 ; and for 500 tons, and upwards, 500, £2 and k r 500 tons, and upwards,
£-i. 10). steiliiig. £2 10s. sterling. was. 10). sterling.
Every vessel entering the Hat hour will he Every vessel entering the Harbour will he Every vessel entering the Harbour will he
charged with two remove«, whether removed charged with two removes, whether removed charged with two removes, whether removed
or no', the mooring and unmooring being or not, the mooring and unmooring being or no', the mooring and unmooring being
virtually two removes; but vessels belonging virtually two removes ; but vessels belonging virtually two removes; but vessels belonging
to the Port shall not pay .Harbour Dues; and to the Port shall not pay Harbour Dues ; and to the Port shall not pay Harbour Dues; and
Colonial Vessels shall not pay Pilotage unless Colonial Vessels shall not pay Pilotage unless Colonial Vessels shall not pay Pilotage unless
tiny receive the Pilot on board. they receive the Pilot on board. they receive the Pilot on board.
If the Pilot does not board the vessel out- If the Pilot does not board the vessel outside If the Pilot does not board the vessel out
the middle ground at the Heads of the middle ground at the Heads of the middle ground at the Heads of
George Town; or if, when the weather does George Town ; or if, when the weather does George Town; or if, when the weather does
not permit his going outside, he is not ready not permit his going outside, he is not ready not permit his going outside, he is not ready
to shew the vessel the channel, by keeping his to shew the vessel the channel, by keeping his to shew the vessel the channel, by keeping his
boat in the fair way until the vessel can be boat in the fair way until the vessel can be boat in the fair way until the vessel can be
boarded, he shall forfeit ona half of his boarded, he shall forfeit one half of his boarded, he shall forfeit one half of his
Pilotage inwards. Pilotage inwards. Pilotage inwards.
The Committee hare recommended thal The Committee have recommended that The Committee have recommended that
an Additional Pilot be appointed ; and that an Additional Pilot be appointed ; and that an Additional Pilot be appointed and that
if the Pilotage does not amount to £o0 each, if the Pilotage does not amount to £50 each, if the Pilotage does not amount to 20 each,
per annum, the d< ficiency shall be paid them per annum, the deficiency shall be paid them per annum, the deficiency shall be paid them
from the Colonial Fund. from the Colonial Fund. from the Colonial Fund.
They have also felt it their doty lo sta»e, They have also felt it their duty to state, They have also felt it their duty to state,
that a Light-house upon the Low Head at that a Light-house upon the Low Head at that a Light-house upon the Low Head at
George Town is necessary, which they i eco ni George Town is necessary, which they George Town is necessary, which they i co ii
mend to be erected ; and that the expense be recommend to be erected ; and that the expense mend to be erected and that the expense be
defrayed hy a trifling tax, not exceeding 6d. be defrayed by a trifling tax, not exceeding 6d. defrayed by a trifling tax, not exceeding 6d.
a ion, on each vessel coming within the Heads a ton, on each vessel coming within the Heads a ton, on each vessel coming within the Heads
at George Town. at George Town. at George Town.
Identified overProof corrections TON BEEN STATE RATES DEFICIENCY DUTY
Identified overProof non-corrections LIEUTENANT RECOMMEND
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words31492.798.478.3
Searchability of unique words14794.698.675.0
Weighted Words96.399.072.9

Accumulated stats for 2 articles from year 1826

accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words45785.893.050.7
Searchability of unique words25984.691.544.7
Weighted Words89.093.944.6