NLA Trial index

NLA Trial Articles from 1843

  1. Accuracy of OCR and overProof is measured in comparison with the human corrections. We know human corrections in this sample are incomplete, and themselves contain errors, but they are the best we could find automatically from the NLA newspapers corpus, tagged as completely corrected then further filtered to those with at least 3 corrections, at least 40% of lines corrected and lowest third percentage of non-dictionary words.
  2. Accuracy is measured by a separate process from that used to colour words in this output: the colouring process is heuristic, and not completely accurate.
  3. Colour legend:
    Text - OCR text corrected by human and/or overProof
    Text - human and/or overProof corrections
    Text - discrepencies between human and/or overProof
    Text - human corrections not applied by overProof
  4. Identified overProof corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words changed by overProof which ALSO match human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list.
  5. Identified overProof non-corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words in the overProof output which DO NOT MATCH human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list. Words marked as [**VANDALISED] are those which have been changed by overProof but not by the human correction; as before, a missed human correction will be (incorrectly) classified as vandalisation by overProof.
  6. Searchability of unique words refers to the distinct words in an article, and how many are present before and after correction. It is measure of how many of the words within an article could be used to find the article using a search engine.
  7. Weighted Words refers to a calculation in which common words count for little (a fraction of a word) and unusual words count for more, in proportion to the log of the inverse of their frequency in the corpus. It may be an indicator of how well distinctive words in an article can be searched before and after correction.

Article ID 2953287, Article, COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. 11th January, 1843. SPEREM OIL., page 2 1843-01-13, The Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), 100 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
litó January, 1849. 11th January, 1843. 11th January, 1849.
Tenders will be received at this Office unfit 12 Tenders will be received at this Office until 12 Tenders will be received at this Office unfit 12
o'clock on Wednesday, the 25th instant, far the o'clock on Wednesday, the 25th instant, for the o'clock on Wednesday, the 25th instant, for the
supply of Sperm Oil required for the Light-hosts, supply of Sperm Oil required for the Light-houses, supply of Sperm Oil required for the Light-houses,
during the year terminating on the SIst Decetber, during the year terminating on the 31st December, during the year terminating on the 31st December,
1643. 1843. 1843.
The probable consumption will be about Eight The probable consumption will be about Eight The probable consumption will be about Eight
Tuns, to be delivered at Hobart Town in such Tons, to be delivered at Hobart Town in such Tons, to be delivered at Hobart Town in such
quantities and at such times as may be disired quantities and at such times as may be desired quantities and at such times as may be desired
d uriog the period of the Contract. during the period of the Contract. d bring the period of the Contract.
The Oil to be pure Sperm, free from head natter, The Oil to be pure Sperm, free from head matter, The Oil to be pure Sperm, free from head matter,
and subject on delivery to the approval of ile Port and subject on delivery to the approval of the Port and subject on delivery to the approval of the Port
Officer. Officer. Officer.
E. J. MANLEY, Accountant of »ores. E. J. MANLEY, Accountant of Stores. E. J. MANLEY, Accountant of stores.
Identified overProof non-corrections UNTIL
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9088.997.880.0
Searchability of unique words5988.198.385.7
Weighted Words88.698.385.0

Article ID 12408510, Article, DEPARTURES., page 2 1843-06-20, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 54 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
For Launceston, yesterday, the barque For Launceston, yesterday, the barque For Launceston, yesterday, the barque
Sluili atauini /'iicl.rl, Captain li li, with sun Australasian Packet, Captain Hill, with sun- Sluili starring cricket, Captain li li, with sun
dr'pi. Pusseiitfeis-Mi. and Mis. Knowles, dries. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. Knowles, dropt. Pusseiitfeis-Mi. and Mrs. Knowles,
Vr. and Mrs. M'Crone, and Mr John Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. McCrone, and Mr. John Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. M'Crorie, and Mr John Jacobs.
For Purl Nicholson, yeMerday, ihe seliooner For Port Nicholson, yesterday, the schooner For Port Nicholson, yesterday, the schooner
Scotia, Captain Ward, with sundries. Pus Scotia, Captain Ward, with sundries. Pas- Scotia, Captain Ward, with sundries. Pas
icngers-Mr. mid Mrs. ligar, Mr. Hell, Mr. sengers—Mr. and Mrs. Egar, Mr. Bell, Mr. sengers Mr. and Mrs. Egar, Mr. Bell, Mr.
Kinp, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Liddle, and four King, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Liddle, and four King, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Liddle, and four
children. children. children.
Identified overProof corrections BELL PORT KING PASSENGERS SCHOONER EGAR
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5263.584.657.9
Searchability of unique words3265.684.454.5
Weighted Words65.583.251.3

Article ID 12409497, Article, NEW INSOLVENTS., page 2 1843-01-28, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 132 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The following persons filed their schedules The following persons filed their schedules The following persons filed their schedules
yesterday : yesterday :— yesterday :
No. 02*1, Joseph Eccles, of 13, Windmill No. 623, Joseph Eccles, of 13, Windmill- No. 624, Joseph Eccles, of 13, Windmill
street, Sydney, stone-mason; debts £19 street, Sydney, stone-mason ; debts £49 street, Sydney, stone-mason; debts £19
10s. fid., assets nil; balance deficiency, 10s. 5d., assets nil ; balance deficiency, 10s. 6d., assets nil; balance deficiency,
£?10 10s. fid. £49 10s. 5d. 149 10s. 8d.
No. G21, Henry N. Disney, of Pitt-slrect, No. 624, Henry N. Disney, of Pitt-street, No. 621, Henry N. Disney, of Pitt-street,
Sydn'ev, commercial agent; debts JC3!)5 Sydney, commercial agent ; debts £595 Sydney, commercial agent; debts JC!)s
12s. Oil. ; assets £57 7s. Od.; balance defi- 12s. 0d. ; assets £57 7s. 0d. ; balance defi- 12s. Oil. ; assets £57 7s. 6d.; balance deficiency,
ciency, £538 5s. Od. ciency, £538 5s. 0d. £538 5s. 6d.
No. (525, John Whitehead Mackee and Alex- No. 525, John Whitehead Mackee and Alex- No. (525, John Whitehead Macnee and Alexander
ander M'Naught/lnte of Kiamal», settlers. ander McNaught, late of Kiamala, settlers. McNaught tate of Kiama, settlers.
This estate was sequestrated on a petition, This estate was sequestrated on a petition, This estate was sequestrated on a petition,
filed by John Ross, William Druke, and filed by John Ross, William Drake, and filed by John Ross, William Drake, and
Robert Gow, tmstees to tho estate of Win. Robert Gow, trustees to the estate of Wm. Robert Gow, trustees to the estate of Wm.
Wiight nnd Win. Smellie; Graham being Wright and Wm. Smellie ; Graham being Wright and Wm. Smellie; Graham being
one of the parties lately carrying on busl one of the parties lately carrying on busi- one of the parties lately carrying on bus
ne'fl, in Sydney as merchants, under the ness, in Sydney as merchants, under the left, in Sydney as merchants, under the
style of Paul and Co. The enso will come style of Paul and Co. The case will come style of Paul and Co. The case will come
on for adjudication on Wednesday, the 8th on for adjudication on Wednesday, the 8th on for adjudication on Wednesday, the 8th
March, 181-3. " March, 1843. March, 181-3. "
Identified overProof non-corrections MACKEE [**VANDALISED] LATE BUSINESS KIAMALA
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words10486.596.271.4
Searchability of unique words7686.894.760.0
Weighted Words86.994.759.5

Article ID 12415733, Article, DEPARTURES., page 2 1843-09-11, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 69 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
nrp\Riuitrs DEPARTURES. nrp\Riuitrs
For Port Phillip and Launceston, on Satur- For Port Phillip and Launceston, on Satur- For Port Phillip and Launceston, on Saturday
day last, the steamer Shamrock, Captain Gil- day last, the steamer Shamrock, Captain Gil- last, the steamer Shamrock, Captain Gilmore,
more, with a general cargo. Passengers more, with a general cargo. Passengers— with a general cargo. Passengers
.fudge Dnnnithorne, Mr. Frances, Mr. Con Judge Donnnithorne, Mr. Frances, Mr. Con- Judge Donnithorne, Mr. Frances, Mr. Condon,
doll, Lady Murray, Mr. A. Smilli, Mr. and dell, Lady Murray, Mr. A. Smith, Mr. and Lady Murray, Mr. A. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Pitcairne, Miss Pitcairne, Miss E. Mrs. Pitcairne, Miss Pitcairne, Miss E. Mrs. Pitcairn, Miss Pitcairn, Miss E.
Wright, Miss Duma9, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Wright, Miss Dumas, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Wright, Miss Dumas, Mr., Mrs., and Miss
Lucas, Mr. Lcatbes_, Mr. Templeton, Mr. Lucas, Mr. Leathes, Mr. Templeton, Mr. Lucas, Mr. Leathes, Mr. Templeton, Mr.
Gregory Gorman, Misses O', und M. Frazer, Gregory Gorman, Misses C. and M. Frazer, Gregory Gorman, Misses O', and M. Frazer,
I\lr. and Mrs. Lee, and Mr. R. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Lee, and Mr. R. Morgan. Tyler. and Mrs. Lee, and Mr. R. Morgan.
Identified overProof corrections JUDGE SMITH LEATHES DUMAS
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6085.090.033.3
Searchability of unique words4082.590.042.9
Weighted Words82.188.233.9

Article ID 12422581, Article, DEPARTURES., page 2 1843-07-17, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 61 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
For Valparaiso, yesterday, the brig For Valparaiso, yesterday, the brig For Valparaiso, yesterday, the brig
Content, Captain Hamilton, with sundries. Content, Captain Hamilton, with sundries. Content, Captain Hamilton, with sundries.
' For Launceston, same day, tue ship Bran For Launceston, same day, the ship Bran- For Launceston, same day, the ship Bran
ksnmoor, Captain Smith, willi sundries. kenmoor, Captain Smith, with sundries. kenmore, Captain Smith, with sundries.
For Port Phillip, same dnj', the schooner For Port Phillip, same day, the schooner For Port Phillip, same day, the schooner
Perseverance, Captain Pearce, with a general Perseverance, Captain Pearce, with a general Perseverance, Captain Pearce, with a general
cargo. cargo. cargo.
For-Guam, same day, the barque Osprey, For Guam, same day, the barque Osprey, For Guam, same day, the barque Osprey,
Cnpt. Kirk, in ballast. Passengers-Mr. John Capt. Kirk, in ballast. Passengers—Mr. John Capt. Kirk, in ballast. Passengers Mr. John
Jlryan, Mr. M. Millar, Miss Millar, Masters Bryan, Mr. M. Millar, Miss Millar, Masters Bryan, Mr. M. Millar, Miss Millar, Masters
Thomas and John Millar. Thomas and John Millar. Thomas and John Millar.
Identified overProof corrections BRYAN CAPT
Identified overProof non-corrections BRANKENMOOR
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5989.898.383.3
Searchability of unique words4092.597.566.7
Weighted Words91.297.166.7

Article ID 65583585, Article, To the Editor of the Inquirer., page 5 1843-10-04, Inquirer (Perth, WA : 1840 - 1855), 254 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
To the Editor oj the Inquirer. To the Editor of the Inquirer. To the Editor of the Inquirer.
Sin.— Will anything rouse the merchants and SIR.— Will anything rouse the merchants and Since Will anything rouse the merchants and
monied people of this place to try the value of monied people of this place to try the value of monied people of this place to try the value of
[ the Jftrrab or colonial mahogany, even in a small the Jarrah or colonial mahogany, even in a small the Jftrrab or colonial mahogany, even in a small
quantity ? Not to send it though, as they have quantity? Not to send it though, as they have quantity ? Not to send it though, as they have
done, to compete with other woods as a furniture done, to compete with other woods as a furniture done, to compete with other woods as a furniture
article, but to be submitted to trial in docks, pub article, but to be submitted to trial in docks, pub- article, but to be submitted to trial in docks, public
lic and private wharveB, as a timber which the lic and private wharves, as a timber which the and private wharves, as a timber which the
tea-worm will not touch. Look at the prices sea-worm will not touch. Look at the prices tea-worm will not touch. Look at the prices
obtained in Liverpool for. the Demerara green obtained in Liverpool for the Demerara green- obtained in Liverpool for. the Demerara green
I heart, as detailed by Mr. Hartley, C.E., in the heart, as detailed by Mr. Hartley, C.E., in the I heart, as detailed by Mr. Hartley, C.E., in the
proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers,
*' JS'ov. 1842 (vide Mechanics' Magazine for 1842, Nov. 1842 (vide Mechanics' Magazine for 1842, *' JS'ov. 1842 (vide Mechanics' Magazine for 1842,
Nov., p. 505,) seven shillings per cubic ioot ! ! Nov., p. 505,)—seven shillings per cubic foot!! Nov., p. 505,) seven shillings per cubic foot ! !
that is, £14 for load of 40 feet, or £17 10s. for that is, £14 for load of 40 feet, or £17 10s. for that is, £14 for load of 40 feet, or £17 10s. for
ton of 50 feet. Will that pay freight, Messrs. ton of 50 feet. Will that pay freight, Messrs. ton of 50 feet. Will that pay freight, Messrs.
F. M. & Co. ? will that do for dunnage of wood F. M. & Co.? will that do for dunnage of wood F. M. & Co. ? will that do for drainage of wood
and dead weight too, gentlemen ? Will you and dead weight too, gentlemen? Will you and dead weight too, gentlemen ? Will you
renttire fen tons of it as a present to a dock com venture ten tons of it as a present to a dock com- require ten tons of it as a present to a dock company,
pany, in order at a future time to ship thousands pany, in order at a future time to ship thousands in order at a future time to ship thousands
oftonsinyour freight-seeking ships? I dare of tons in your freight-seeking ships? I dare oftonsinyour freight-seeking ships? I dare
ray the Saw-Mill Company will let you have say the Saw-Mill Company will let you have say the Saw Mill Company will let you have
logs squared for use at a fourth of that price. I logs squared for use at a fourth of that price. I logs squared for use at a fourth of that price. I
| -will bet you a new hat, Mr. Inquirer, (and you will bet you a new hat, Mr. Inquirer, (and you will bet you a new hat, Mr. Inquirer, (and you
want one sadly) that not one of the so called mer want one sadly) that not one of the so called mer- want one sadly) that not one of the so called merchants
chants (i. «., importing [merchants) will take a chants (i. e., importing merchants) will take a (i. e., importing [merchants) will take a
?tep in advance, and risk £20 to get up an export step in advance, and risk £20 to get up an export step in advance, and risk £20 to get up an export
article. Nous verron*. X. article. Nous verrons. X. article. Nous verron. X.
Identified overProof corrections FOOT WHARVES STEP DARESAY TEN
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words21892.795.031.3
Searchability of unique words13792.094.936.4
Weighted Words92.595.236.4

Accumulated stats for 6 articles from year 1843

accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words58387.394.556.9
Searchability of unique words38487.294.355.1
Weighted Words87.394.052.7