NLA Trial index

NLA Trial Articles from 1846

  1. Accuracy of OCR and overProof is measured in comparison with the human corrections. We know human corrections in this sample are incomplete, and themselves contain errors, but they are the best we could find automatically from the NLA newspapers corpus, tagged as completely corrected then further filtered to those with at least 3 corrections, at least 40% of lines corrected and lowest third percentage of non-dictionary words.
  2. Accuracy is measured by a separate process from that used to colour words in this output: the colouring process is heuristic, and not completely accurate.
  3. Colour legend:
    Text - OCR text corrected by human and/or overProof
    Text - human and/or overProof corrections
    Text - discrepencies between human and/or overProof
    Text - human corrections not applied by overProof
  4. Identified overProof corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words changed by overProof which ALSO match human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list.
  5. Identified overProof non-corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words in the overProof output which DO NOT MATCH human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list. Words marked as [**VANDALISED] are those which have been changed by overProof but not by the human correction; as before, a missed human correction will be (incorrectly) classified as vandalisation by overProof.
  6. Searchability of unique words refers to the distinct words in an article, and how many are present before and after correction. It is measure of how many of the words within an article could be used to find the article using a search engine.
  7. Weighted Words refers to a calculation in which common words count for little (a fraction of a word) and unusual words count for more, in proportion to the log of the inverse of their frequency in the corpus. It may be an indicator of how well distinctive words in an article can be searched before and after correction.

Article ID 12885620, Article, DEPARTURES., page 2 1846-03-02, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 156 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
February 28.-Dorset, brig, Captain Walsh, February 28.—Dorset, brig, Captain Walsh, February 28 Dorset, brig, Captain Walsh,
for Adil&tde. Passengers-Mrs and Miss for Adelaide. Passengers Mrs. and Miss for Adelaide. Passengers-Mrs and Miss
New, Mrs. Scott and two children, Mrs. Tay- New, Mrs. Scott and two children, Mrs. Tay- New, Mrs. Scott and two children, Mrs. Taylor
lor and two children, Mr. John M'Cann, Mr. lor and two children, Mr. John McCann, Mr. and two children, Mr. John M'Cann, Mr.
P. A. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. M'Orath and two P. A. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. M'Grath and two P. A. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. McGrath and two
children, Mr. Charles Phillips, Mr. John children, Mr. Charles Phillips, Mr. John children, Mr. Charles Phillips, Mr. John
Barnett, Mr. II. Barnett, Mrs. Bruifield, and Barnett, Mr. H. Barnett, Mrs. Bruffield, and Barnett, Mr. H. Barnett, Mrs. Bradfield, and
two children, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mr. and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mr. and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mr. and
Mrs. M'Kenrie ; Messrs. John, James, and Mrs. McKenrie ; Messrs. John, James, and Mrs. McKenzie ; Messrs. John, James, and
Roderick M'Ken/ie, Mr. and Mrs. Flintoff, Miss Roderick McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Flintoff, Miss Roderick McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Flintoff, Miss
Chapman, Mr. J. Middleton, Mr. Simms, Mr. Chapman, Mr. J. Middleton, Mr. Simms, Mr. Chapman, Mr. J. Middleton, Mr. Simms, Mr.
P. Mather, Mr. W. Manning, and Mrs. Reeves P. Mather, Mr. W. Manning, and Mrs. Reeves P. Mather, Mr. W. Manning, and Mrs. Reeves
And child and child, And child
February 28.-Joseph Wheiler, brig, Captain February 28.—Joseph Wheeler, brig, Captain February 28. Joseph Wheeler, brig, Captain
Reed, for Launceston. Passengers - Mrs. Reed, for Launceston. Passengers Mrs. Reed, for Launceston. Passengers - Mrs.
Reed, and Mr. G. Hammond. Reed, and Mr. G. Hammond. Reed, and Mr. G. Hammond.
February 28. - Pacific, ship, American February 28.— Pacific, ship, American February 28. - Pacific, ship, American
whaler, 333 tons, Caj tain Little, lor tho Whale whaler, 333 tons, Captain Little, for the Whale whaler, 333 tons, Captain Little, for the Whale
Fishery. Fishery. Fishery.
February 28.-Phobc, schooner, Captain February 28.—Phoebe, schooner, Captain February 28. Phebe, schooner, Captain
Bennett, for Port Phillip. Passengers-Mr. Bennett, for Port Phillip. Passengers-- Mr. Bennett, for Port Phillip. Passengers Mr.
Blair, Mr. Dobson, Miss Miller, Mrs. Kemp, Blair, Mr. Dobson, Miss Miller, Mrs. Kemp, Blair, Mr. Dobson, Miss Miller, Mrs. Kemp,
Mrs. Webb and two children, Master Fossey, Mrs. Webb and two children, Master Fossey, Mrs. Webb and two children, Master Fossey,
and Mr. and Mrs. Connor. and Mr. and Mrs. Connor. and Mr. and Mrs. Connor.
March 1.-Aoenorta, schooner, Captain March 1.—Agenoria, schooner, Captain March 1.-Aoenorta, schooner, Captain
Bentley, for Port Phillip. Bentley, for Port Phillip. Bentley, for Port Phillip.
Identified overProof corrections WHEELER MCKENZIE THE ADELAIDE
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words14491.795.850.0
Searchability of unique words7085.791.440.0
Weighted Words87.492.238.4

Article ID 12894133, Article, DEPARTURES., page 2 1846-11-16, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 63 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
November li-Lady Mary Fits Hoy, November 14.—Lady Mary Fitz Roy, November li Lady Mary Fitz Roy,
schooner, Captain lkrter.^for Auckland. Pas- schooner, Captain Barter, for Auckland. Pas- schooner, Captain larter. for Auckland. Pas-
sengers-Mr. J, S. Prout,*Mrs. Neal, and Mrs. sengers—Mr. J. S. Prout, Mrs. Neal, and Mrs. sengers Mr. J, S. Prout, Mrs. Neal, and Mrs.
Barter. Barter. Barter.
November 14.- Comet, schooner, Captain November 14.— Comet, schooner, Captain November 14.- Comet, schooner, Captain
Cork, for Port Nicholson. Cork, for Port Nicholson. Cork, for Port Nicholson.
November 14.-Catherine, schooner, Captain November 14.—Catherine, schooner, Captain November 14. Catherine, schooner, Captain
Dryden, for Launceston Dryden, for Launceston. Dryden, for Launceston
November 14.-Siar of China, schooner, Cap- November 14.—Star of China, schooner, Cap- November 14. Mar of China, schooner, Captain
tain Wood, for Port Nicholson. Passengers tain Wood, for Port Nicholson. Passengers— Wood, for Port Nicholson. Passengers
Mr. J. J. Peacock, Mr. J. Hair, Mr. A. Smith, Mr. J. J. Peacock, Mr. J. Hair, Mr. A. Smith, Mr. J. J. Peacock, Mr. J. Hair, Mr. A. Smith,
Mr. Milos, and Mr. John Gill. Mr. Miles, and Mr. John Gill. Mr. Miles, and Mr. John Gill.
Identified overProof corrections MILES FITZ ROY PROUT
Identified overProof non-corrections STAR
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5782.596.580.0
Searchability of unique words3485.397.180.0
Weighted Words85.597.180.0

Article ID 27453152, Detailed lists, results, guides, RAILWAY FACTS AND INVENTIONS. HOW TO SPEND DEPOSITS., page 4 1846-06-24, South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), 253 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Prom* official financial data, it appears that die I From official financial data, it appears that the From official financial data, it appears that the London,
London, Worcester, and South Staffordshire narrow i London, Worcester, and South Staffordshire narrow Worcester, and South Staffordshire narrow
puatff line, promoted l?y the London and Binning-- ' gauge line, promoted by the London and Birmingham pirates line, promoted by the London and Burning-- '
hatu last session, against the Oxford, Worcester, and j last session, against the Oxford, Worcester, and late last session, against the Oxford, Worcester, and
Wijlverlinmpton broad guage line, promoted by the ! Wolverhampton broad gauge line, promoted by the Wolverhampton broad gauge line, promoted by the
Great Western, exftended nearly £60,000 cut of! Great Western, expended nearly £60,000 out of Great Western, extended nearly £60,000 cut of!
£131,430 received fiifr deposite, in what is called j £131,430 received for deposits, in what is called £131,430 received first deposited, in what is called
•* the baftfc of the guage*," for ** parliamentary ex "the battle of the gauges," for "parliamentary " the best of the gauges," for a parliamentary expenses,
penses, counsels" fees, solicitors* and agents" bills?, wit expenses, counsels' fees, solicitors' and agents' bills, wit- counsels" fees, solicitors and agents" bills?, with
nesses* travelling expenses,** kc., and if the outlay nesses' travelling expenses," &c., and if the outlay ness's travelling expenses kc., and if the outlay
on the part of rite Great Western, who were success- j on the part of the Great Western, who were successful, on the part of rate Great Western, who were success- j
fid, is calculated in a suufiar ratio, there w ill have : is calculated in a similar ratio, there will have fad, is calculated in a similar ratio, there will have been
been expended upon this one object upwards of; been expended upon this one object upwards of £120,000. expended upon this one object upwards of;
The managers of the Stock Exchange have decide j The managers of the Stock Exchange have decided The managers of the Stock Exchange have decide j
apon the e«tahtit;hment of a department Cor the regis-1 upon the establishment of a department for the registration upon the establishment of a department for the register
tratkm of iutcfiigenop afivcting railway tihares, Eng- j of intelligence affecting railway shares, English tracks of intelligence affecting railway shares, Eng- j
H«!i and fiNreign. Circulars are to be addressed to : and foreign. Circulars are to be addressed to Hill and fiNreign. Circulars are to be addressed to
die diffifent companies, req«estinsr a prospectus and the different companies, requesting a prospectus and the different companies, requesting a prospectus and a
map. copies of reports, notices of calls, &c, and | map, copies of reports, notices of calls, &c., and map. copies of reports, notices of calls, due, and a
«wkly rtturns of traffic betomnns: to each under- j weekly returns of traffic belonging to each under- weekly returns of traffic becoming: to each undertaking.
takiner. A schedule of inquiries Is also sent to be j taking. A schedule of inquiries is also sent to be A schedule of inquiries Is also sent to be
tilled up. This creation of a department in which so filled up. This creation of a department in which so filled up. This creation of a department in which so
much useful intellig-ence may be collected, is much to ! much useful intelligence may be collected, is much to much useful intelligence may be collected, is much to be
be commended, a centre of information on this very J be commended, a centre of information on this very commended, a centre of information on this very
varied subject being very desirable. If something is j varied subject being very desirable. If something is varied subject being very desirable. If something is ; also
also done towards the improvements of the London j also done towards the improvements of the London done towards the improvements of the London
•hare lists, another benefit will be conferred. i share lists, another benefit will be conferred. share lists, another benefit will be conferred. i
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words21382.293.060.5
Searchability of unique words13580.792.661.5
Weighted Words82.793.662.9

Article ID 71606242, Article, SHIPS IN HARBOR., page 4 1846-10-27, South Australian (Adelaide, SA : 1844 - 1851), 150 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Britannia (barque), 379 tons. Hobson, master, Britannia (barque), 379 tons, Hobson, master, Britannia (barque), 379 tons. Robson, master,
discharging from London. discharging from London. discharging from London.
Canton (ship), 600 tons. Friend, master, in the Canton (ship), 600 tons. Friend, master, in the Canton (ship), 600 tons. Friend, master, in the
stream, about to load for London. Elder, stream, about to load for London. Elder, stream, about to load for London. Elder,
Baker, and Hart, Agent«. Baker, and Hart, Agents. Baker, and Hart, Agents.
Competitor (barque), 360 tons. Hyde, master, dis« Competitor (barque), 360 tons, Hyde, master, dis- Competitor (barque), 360 tons. Hyde, master, discharged,
charged, and about to load for London. John charged, and about to load for London. John and about to load for London. John
Newman, Agent. Newman, Agent. Newman, Agent.
Gunga (barque), 300 tons, Greaves, master, di«. Gunga (barque), 300 tons, Greaves, master, dis- Gunga (barque), 300 tons, Greaves, master, discharging
charging from Liverpool. W. Younghusband & charging from Liverpool. W. Younghusband & from Liverpool. W. Younghusband &
Co., Agents. Co., Agents. Co., Agents.
Hooghly (barque), 466 tons, Henry, master, dis. Hooghly (barque), 466 tons, Henry, master, dis- Hooghly (barque), 466 tons, Henry, master, discharging
charging from London. A. L. Elder, Agent. charging from London. A. L. Elder, Agent. from London. A. L. Elder, Agent.
Medway (ship),600 tom. Coombes, matter, loading Medway (ship), 600 tons, Coombes, matter, loading Medway (ship), 600 tons. Coombes, matter, loading
for London. Montefiore tc Co. Agents. for London. Montefiore & Co. Agents. for London. Montefiore & Co. Agents.
Palmyra (brig), 147 tons, Lindsay, master. New Palmyra (brig), 147 tons, Lindsay, master. New- Palmyra (brig), 147 tons, Lindsay, master. New
man agent. man agent. man agent.
Raven (brig), 170 tons, Bell, master, discharging Raven (brig), 170 tons, Bell, master, discharging Raven (brig), 170 tons, Bell, master, discharging
from Hobart Town. J. Newman, Agent. from Hobart Town. J. Newman, Agent. from Hobart Town. J. Newman, Agent.
Taglioni (barque), 371 tons, Black, master, dis Taglioni (barque), 371 tons, Black, master, dis- Taglioni (barque), 371 tons, Black, master, discharging
charging from London. A. Thomson, Agent. charging from London. A. Thomson, Agent. from London. A. Thomson, Agent.
Teazer (schooner) 57 ton«. Ball, master, from Port, Teazer (schooner) 57 tons, Ball, master, from Port Teazer (schooner) 57 tons. Ball, master, from Port
Phillip. J. Newman, Agent. Phillip. J. Newman, Agent. Phillip. J. Newman, Agent.
Tigress (brig), 180 tons. Scott, roaster ; discharging Tigress (brig), 180 tons, Scott, master ; discharging Tigress (brig), 180 tons. Scott, master ; discharging
from Melbourne. A. L. Elder Agent, from Melbourne. A. L. Elder Agent. from Melbourne. A. L. Elder Agent,
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections HOBSON [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words12495.299.283.3
Searchability of unique words61100.098.4-63.9
Weighted Words100.098.6-69.3

Accumulated stats for 4 articles from year 1846

accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words53887.895.563.6
Searchability of unique words30086.394.056.2
Weighted Words88.294.755.3