NLA Trial index

NLA Trial Articles from 1849

  1. Accuracy of OCR and overProof is measured in comparison with the human corrections. We know human corrections in this sample are incomplete, and themselves contain errors, but they are the best we could find automatically from the NLA newspapers corpus, tagged as completely corrected then further filtered to those with at least 3 corrections, at least 40% of lines corrected and lowest third percentage of non-dictionary words.
  2. Accuracy is measured by a separate process from that used to colour words in this output: the colouring process is heuristic, and not completely accurate.
  3. Colour legend:
    Text - OCR text corrected by human and/or overProof
    Text - human and/or overProof corrections
    Text - discrepencies between human and/or overProof
    Text - human corrections not applied by overProof
  4. Identified overProof corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words changed by overProof which ALSO match human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list.
  5. Identified overProof non-corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words in the overProof output which DO NOT MATCH human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list. Words marked as [**VANDALISED] are those which have been changed by overProof but not by the human correction; as before, a missed human correction will be (incorrectly) classified as vandalisation by overProof.
  6. Searchability of unique words refers to the distinct words in an article, and how many are present before and after correction. It is measure of how many of the words within an article could be used to find the article using a search engine.
  7. Weighted Words refers to a calculation in which common words count for little (a fraction of a word) and unusual words count for more, in proportion to the log of the inverse of their frequency in the corpus. It may be an indicator of how well distinctive words in an article can be searched before and after correction.

Article ID 12908989, Article, MULTUM IN PARVO. (From late Australasian Papers.), page 2 1849-04-11, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 296 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
I {From tate Australasian Papers.) j (From late Australasian Papers.) I From the Australasian Papers.) CAPTAIN
CAPTAIN NUOBNT, 63th Regiment, has been ap- CAPTAIN NUGENT, 53th Regiment, has been ap- NUGENT, 65th Regiment, has been appointed
pointed Private Secretary to Sir O. Grey. pointed Private Secretary to Sir G. Grey. Private Secretary to Sir G. Grey.
At the criminal sessions ¿f the Supreme Court At the criminal sessions of the Supreme Court At the criminal sessions of the Supreme Court
at Auckland last month, there was not a single at Auckland last month, there was not a single at Auckland last month, there was not a single
ouse for trial.-The Lords of her Majesty's case for trial.—The Lords of her Majesty's house for trial The Lords of her Majesty's
Treasury have confirmed Mr. C.issells in the Treasury have confirmed Mr. Cassells in the Treasury have confirmed Mr. Cassells in the
office of Collector of Customs at Melbourne, office of Collector of Customs at Melbourne, office of Collector of Customs at Melbourne,
for which he has hitherto held only an acting for which he has hitherto held only an acting for which he has hitherto held only an acting
commission. Mr. Caescll's appointment (says commission. Mr. Caesell's appointment (says commission. Mr. Caescll's appointment (says
the Argus), will, we are sure, give the greatest the Argus), will, we are sure, give the greatest the Argus), will, we are sure, give the greatest
satisfaction.-During the past week, says the satisfaction.-- During the past week, says the satisfaction. During the past week, says the
Melbourne Herald) Mr. Abel Thorpe disposed Melbourne Herald) Mr. Abel Thorpe disposed Melbourne Herald) Mr. Abel Thorpe disposed
of a number of sheep and station at 9s. Od, per of a number of sheep and station at 9s. 6d, per of a number of sheep and station at 9s. 6d, per
head. A Mr. Dow has purchased 2300 sheep head. A Mr. Dow has purchased 2300 sheep head. A Mr. Dow has purchased 2300 sheep
and station on the Weimby for Ps, 9d. per and station on the Weirriby for 6s, 9d. per and station on the Weiraby for 9s, 9d. per
head. A Mr. Robertson, of Hobart Town, has head. A Mr. Robertson, of Hobart Town, has head. A Mr. Robertson, of Hobart Town, has
purchased sheep and station at Lake Colac, for purchased sheep and station at Lake Colac, for purchased sheep and station at Lake Colac, for
8s. 9d. per head.-The proprietor of the Mel- 8s. 9d. per head.-- The proprietor of the Mel- 8s. 9d. per head The proprietor of the Melbourne
bourne Argus is to be proceeded against for bourne Argus is to be proceeded against for Argus is to be proceeded against for
libel in publishing a speech made by Alderman libel in publishing a speech made by Alderman libel in publishing a speech made by Alderman
Johnstone, containing some grossly indecent Johnstone, containing some grossly indecent Johnstone, containing some grossly indecent
and malicious remarks on Mr. Justice and malicious remarks on Mr. Justice and malicious remarks on Mr. Justice
a'Beckett.-Strong attempts are being made at a'Beckett.-- Strong attempts are being made at a'Beckett Strong attempts are being made at
Auckland to get up a Californian emigration Auckland to get up a Californian emigration Auckland to get up a Californian emigration
mania, but they meet willi little success.-Nine- mania, but they meet with little success.-- Nine- mania, but they meet with little success. Nine-
teen thousand bales of wool have been shipped teen thousand bales of wool have been shipped teen thousand bales of wool have been shipped
from the port of Geelong this season. from the port of Geelong this season. from the port of Geelong this season.
I COURT OF REQUESTS.-This Court will COURT OF REQUESTS.-- This Court will COURT OF REQUESTS.-This Court will
I resume its sittings at ten o'clock, commencing resume its sittings at ten o'clock, commencing I resume its sittings at ten o'clock, commencing
j at No. 16, at No. 16. at No. 16,
lency the Governor ha» appointed Mr. Henry lency the Governor has appointed Mr. Henry the Governor has appointed Mr. Henry
Burford Kampf, to bo Clerk of Petty Sessions Burford Kampf, to be Clerk of Petty Sessions Burford Kampf, to be Clerk of Petty Sessions
at Pearson's Station, Glenelg River. at Pearson's Station, Glenelg River. at Pearson's Station, Glenelg River.
THIEVES EMIOUATION.-In another page will THIEVES EMIGRATION.-- In another page will THIEVES EMIGRATION. In another page will
be found an articlo of deep interest on this sub- be found an article of deep interest on this sub- be found an article of deep interest on this subject.
ject. It is, wo presume, from an English ject. It is, we presume, from an English It is, we presume, from an English
paper, but no authority ia givon for it in the paper, but no authority is given for it in the paper, but no authority is given for it in the
Melbourne Argus, whence we take it. Melbourne Argus, whence we take it. Melbourne Argus, whence we take it
' \ ' ' A ' '
Identified overProof non-corrections WEIRRIBY PBTTY [**VANDALISED] CAESELLS CASE LATE
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words27494.298.268.8
Searchability of unique words16994.197.050.0
Weighted Words95.097.652.6

Article ID 12909581, Article, SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS., page 2 1849-12-03, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 145 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
DüOBsiBtu 1. --Swift. H.M. bite, 3G0 tons, DECEMBER 1.—Swift, H.M. brig, 360 tons, DüOBsiBtu 1. --Swift. H.M. bite, 360 tons,
Commander W. C Aldlinm, from Hobart Commander W. C Aldham, from Hobart Commander W. C Aldham, from Hobart
Town the 22nd November. Town the 22nd November. Town the 22nd November
December 1. - Eagle, steamer, 150 tons, December 1.—Eagle, steamer, 150 tons, December 1 - Eagle, steamer, 150 tons,
Captain Allen, from Moreton Bay the 27th Captain Allen, from Moreton Bay the 27th Captain Allen, from Moreton Bay the 27th
November. Passengers-M'. George Gammie, November. Passengers—Mr. George Gammie, November. Passengers-M'. George Gammie,
Mr. Kent, Mr. Mehan, Mr. Bloods worth, and Mr. Kent, Mr. Mehan, Mr. Bloodsworth, and Mr. Kent, Mr. Mehan, Mr. Bloods worth, and
twelve in the steerage. twelve in the steerage. twelve in the steerage.
December 2.-St. George, ship, 604 tons, December 2.—St. George, ship, 604 tons, December 2. St. George, ship, 604 tons,
Captain Jones, from London the 21 st, and the Captain Jones, from London the 21st, and the Captain Jones, from London the 21 st, and the
Isle of Wight the 24th August. Passengers Isle of Wight the 24th August. Passengers-- Isle of Wight the 24th August. Passengers
Mrs. Futter, Miss Futter, Miss C. Futter, Mr. Mrs. Futter, Miss Futter, Miss C. Futter, Mr. Mrs. Futter, Miss Futter, Miss C. Futter, Mr.
Frederick Futter, Mr. and Mrs. Nokes and Frederick Futter, Mr. and Mrs. Nokes and Frederick Futter, Mr. and Mrs. Nokes and
three children, Mrs. Pennv, Miss Harrison, three children, Mrs. Penny, Miss Harrison, three children, Mrs. Penny, Miss Harrison,
Mr. Bremer, Dr. Cutting, Mrs. Cutting, Mr. Mr. Bremer, Dr. Cutting, Mrs. Cutting, Mr. Mr. Bremer, Dr. Cutting, Mrs. Cutting, Mr.
Heale, Mr. Farmer, Sophia Wintersheiel, Heale, Mr. Farmer, Sophia Wintersheiel, Heale, Mr. Farmer, Sophia Wintersheiel,
Hannah Grey, Charlotte Martin, Mrs. Dawson Hannah Grey, Charlotte Martin, Mrs. Dawson Hannah Grey, Charlotte Martin, Mrs. Dawson
and three children, Mr. and Mrs. John Daw- and three children, Mr. and Mrs. John Daw- and three children, Mr. and Mrs. John Daw-
son and four children, Sarah Anne Dawson, son and four children, Sarah Anne Dawson, son and four children, Sarah Anne Dawson,
Thomas Dawson, Timothy Moore, Mr. and Thomas Dawson, Timothy Moore, Mr. and Thomas Dawson, Timothy Moore, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Biddle and infant, Archibald Osborne, Mrs. J. Biddle and infant, Archibald Osborne, Mrs. J. Biddle and infant, Archibald Osborne,
George Osborne. George Osborne. George Osborne.
Identified overProof corrections PENNY ALDHAM
Identified overProof non-corrections INTELLIGENCE BLOODSWORTH BRIG
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words12394.395.928.6
Searchability of unique words7092.995.740.0
Weighted Words93.796.240.0

Article ID 12911840, Family Notices, Family Notices, page 3 1849-11-07, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 117 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
At 'Wilbetree, Mudgee, on the 28th of Oc- At Wilbetree, Mudgee, on the 28th of Oc- At Wilbetree, Mudgee, on the 28th of October,
tober, Mis. Robert Lowe, of a son. tober, Mrs. Robert Lowe, of a son. Mrs. Robert Lowe, of a son.
At her residence, Port Macquarie, on Mon- At her residence, Port Macquarie, on Mon- At her residence, Port Macquarie, on Monday,
day, the 22nd instant, Mrs. Arthur Edward day, the 22nd instant, Mrs. Arthur Edward the 22nd instant, Mrs. Arthur Edward
Halloran, of a son. Halloran, of a son. Halloran, of a son.
On the 11th June, by special license, by the On the 11th June, by special license, by the On the 11th June, by special license, by the
Rev. G. II. Evans, A.M., at St. George's Ca- Rev. G. H. Evans, A.M., at St. George's Ca- Rev. G. H. Evans, A.M., at St. George's Cathedral,
thedral, Madras, the Honorable Sir William thedral, Madras, the Honorable Sir William Madras, the Honorable Sir William
Westbrooke Burton, Puisne Judge of tho Westbrooke Burton, Puisne Judge of the Westbrooke Burton, Puisne Judge of the
Supreme Court, to Maria Alphonsine, third Supreme Court, to Maria Alphonsine, third Supreme Court, to Maria Alphonsine, third
daughter of the late John Beatty West, Esq., daughter of the late John Beatty West, Esq., daughter of the late John Beatty West, Esq.,
Q. C, and M. P. for the City of Dublin. Q. C., and M. P. for the City of Dublin. Q. C, and M. P. for the City of Dublin.
On the 25th Oetober, at Woomargama, On the 25th October, at Woomargama, On the 25th October, at Woomargama,
Hume River, of influenza, in the 28th year of Hume River, of influenza, in the 28th year of Hume River, of influenza, in the 28th year of
.her age, Mary, the wife of the Rev. David her age, Mary, the wife of the Rev. David her age, Mary, the wife of the Rev. David
| Mackenzie. _ Mackenzie. | Mackenzie. 2
Identified overProof corrections THESUPREME
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9796.9100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words6798.5100.0100.0
Weighted Words98.4100.0100.0

Accumulated stats for 3 articles from year 1849

accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words49494.898.061.5
Searchability of unique words30694.897.449.3
Weighted Words95.397.751.1