NLA Trial index

NLA Trial Articles from 1868

  1. Accuracy of OCR and overProof is measured in comparison with the human corrections. We know human corrections in this sample are incomplete, and themselves contain errors, but they are the best we could find automatically from the NLA newspapers corpus, tagged as completely corrected then further filtered to those with at least 3 corrections, at least 40% of lines corrected and lowest third percentage of non-dictionary words.
  2. Accuracy is measured by a separate process from that used to colour words in this output: the colouring process is heuristic, and not completely accurate.
  3. Colour legend:
    Text - OCR text corrected by human and/or overProof
    Text - human and/or overProof corrections
    Text - discrepencies between human and/or overProof
    Text - human corrections not applied by overProof
  4. Identified overProof corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words changed by overProof which ALSO match human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list.
  5. Identified overProof non-corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words in the overProof output which DO NOT MATCH human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list. Words marked as [**VANDALISED] are those which have been changed by overProof but not by the human correction; as before, a missed human correction will be (incorrectly) classified as vandalisation by overProof.
  6. Searchability of unique words refers to the distinct words in an article, and how many are present before and after correction. It is measure of how many of the words within an article could be used to find the article using a search engine.
  7. Weighted Words refers to a calculation in which common words count for little (a fraction of a word) and unusual words count for more, in proportion to the log of the inverse of their frequency in the corpus. It may be an indicator of how well distinctive words in an article can be searched before and after correction.

Article ID 5819006, Article, THE GAZETTE., page 6 1868-06-15, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 224 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The following notifications aro from the The following notifications are from the The following notifications are from the
Gazette of Friday : Gazette of Friday :— Gazette of Friday :
ArroiKiMENTS.-J. Keogh, clerk, Police APPOINTMENTS.—J. Keogh, clerk, Police- ArroiKiMENTS.-J. Keogh, clerk, Police
court, Melbourne, to act, temporarily, as clerk court, Melbourne, to act, temporarily, as clerk court, Melbourne, to act, temporarily, as clerk
of tho peace of the County Court, Court of of the peace of the County Court, Court of of the peace of the County Court, Court of
Mines, and Potty Sessions at Ararat, and Mines, and Petty Sessions at Ararat, and Mines, and Petty Sessions at Ararat, and
also as Clerk of Petty .Sessions at Moyston, also as Clerk of Petty Sessions at Moyston, also as Clerk of Petty Sessions at Moyston,
vice M. J. P. Hanify on leave ; Michael vice M. J. P. Hanify on leave ; Michael vice M. J. P. Hanify on leave ; Michael
Cody, Leigh Creek, to bo electoral regis- Cody, Leigh Creek, to be electoral regis- Cody, Leigh Creek, to be electoral registrar
trar for the Warrenheip division of tho trar for the Warrenheip division of the for the Warrenheip division of the
Bahai at East.District and South-western Pro- Ballarat East District and South-western Pro- Ballarat East. District and South-western Province,
vince, vice W. Cantwell ; Robert Leys, to be vince, vice W. Cantwell; Robert Leys, to be vice W. Cantwell ; Robert Leys, to be
engineer surveyor, ondshipwrightsurveyor, at engineer surveyor, and shipwright surveyor, at engineer surveyor, ondshipwrightsurveyor, at
Echuca, to carry out instructions of Local Echuca, to carry out instructions of Local Echuca, to carry out instructions of Local
Steam Navigation Board at that'place, ap- Steam Navigation Board at that place, ap- Steam Navigation Board at that place, appointment
pointment to talco effect from 27th ult. ; pointment to take effect from 27th ult. ; to take effect from 27th ult. ;
William Henry Wastell, ro-appointcd mana- William Henry Wastell, re-appointed mana- William Henry Wastell, reappointed manager
ger of the Heads Gully Common Toll-road. ger of the Heads Gully Common Toll-road. of the Heads Gully Common Toll Road.
PROMOTIONS.-William Finlay, and Alex- PROMOTIONS.—William Finlay, and Alex- PROMOTIONS William Finlay, and Alexander
ander Crombie Todd, travelling superintend- ander Crombie Todd, travelling superintend- Crombie Todd, travelling superintend-
ing inspectors of works in the department of ing inspectors of works in the department of ing inspectors of works in the department of
Public Works, are promoted from the third Public Works, are promoted from the third Public Works, are promoted from the third
class to the second class professional division class to the second class professional division class to the second class professional division
of tho Civil Service, these appointments to of the Civil Service, these appointments to of the Civil Service, these appointments to
tako effect from tho 11th of January, 18G8 ; take effect from the 11th of January, 1868 ; take effect from the 11th of January, 1868 ;
John Bartholomew Callan, clork in tho de- John Bartholomew Callan, clerk in the de- John Bartholomew Callan, clerk in the department
partment of Public W^rks, is promoted from partment of Public Works, is promoted from of Public Works, is promoted from
the fifth class to the fourth class ordinary the fifth class to the fourth class ordinary the fifth class to the fourth class ordinary
division of the Civil Service, to take effect division of the Civil Service, to take effect division of the Civil Service, to take effect
from tho 1st of January, 18G8. from the 1st of January, 1868. from the 1st of January, 1868.
DISMISSAL.-James Joseph Godkin, lato DISMISSAL.—James Joseph Godkin, late DISMISSAL. James Joseph Godkin, late
clerk and landing waiter at Warrnambool, clerk and landing waiter at Warrnambool, clerk and landing waiter at Warrnambool,
dismissed from the public service from tho dismissed from the public service from the dismissed from the public service from the
13th ult. 13th ult. 13th ult.
Identified overProof non-corrections SHIPWRIGHT
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words20787.998.184.0
Searchability of unique words11692.299.188.9
Weighted Words93.599.287.5

Article ID 5819227, Article, INQUESTS., page 6 1868-06-17, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 334 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
An inquest was held on Monday evening, An inquest was held on Monday evening, An inquest was held on Monday evening,
by Mr. Candlcr, at the hospital, on tho body by Mr. Candler, at the hospital, on the body by Mr. Candler, at the hospital, on the body
of William Allen, who, on the 12th inst., of William Allen, who, on the 12th inst., of William Allen, who, on the 12th inst.,
lost his life by accidentally falling down tho lost his life by accidentally falling down the lost his life by accidentally falling down the
open hatchway of the barque Briton, lying open hatchway of the barque Briton, lying open hatchway of the barque Briton, lying
at the Australian Wharf. While walking at the Australian Wharf. While walking at the Australian Wharf. While walking
past the hatchway tho foot of deceased caught past the hatchway the foot of deceased caught past the hatchway the foot of deceased caught
m the corner, and ho tripped and foil head- in the corner, and he tripped and fell head- in the corner, and he tripped and fell head-
foremost. He was dead when taken up. The foremost. He was dead when taken up. The foremost. He was dead when taken up. The
jury brought in a verdict of "Accidental jury brought in a verdict of "Accidental jury brought in a verdict of "Accidental
Death." Death." Death."
Mr. Candler held an inquest yesterday, at Mr. Candler held an inquest yesterday, at Mr. Candler held an inquest yesterday, at
Prahran, on the body of the infant child of Prahran, on the body of the infant child of Prahran, on the body of the infant child of
John Roper, a carpenter. Deceased, who was John Raper, a carpenter. Deceased, who was John Roper, a carpenter. Deceased, who was
aged five weeks, was on Sunday night sleep- aged five weeks, was on Sunday night sleep- aged five weeks, was on Sunday night sleep-
ing by the tide of her mother, who on awak- ing by the side of her mother, who on awak- ing by the tide of her mother, who on awak-
ing on tho following morning found tho ing on the following morning found the ing on the following morning found the
inlantdead in her arras. After hearing tho infant dead in her arms. After hearing the man dead in her arms. After hearing the
medical evidence as to tho cause of death, medical evidence as to the cause of death, medical evidence as to the cause of death,
the jury found that it was occasioned by the jury found that it was occasioned by the jury found that it was occasioned by
the mother having accidentally overlain tho the mother having accidentally overlain the the mother having accidentally overlain the
deceased. deceased. deceased.
An attempt has been mado to form a jockey An attempt has been made to form a jockey An attempt has been made to form a jockey
club at Yass, but it failed, only four persons club at Yass, but it failed, only four persons club at Yass, but it failed, only four persons
having attended. having attended. having attended.
Tho coroner's inquiry into tho death of the The coroner's inquiry into the death of the The coroner's inquiry into the death of the
late Martin Rooney, who was found mnrdored late Martin Rooney, who was found murdered late Martin Rooney, who was found murdered
in his tent at Duke s-flat, was resumed at tho in his tent at Duke's-flat, was resumed at the in his tent at Duke s-flat, was resumed at the
Hamburgh Hotel, Myer's-ilat, on Monday Hamburgh Hotel, Myer's-flat, on Monday Hamburgh Hotel, Myer's flat, on Monday
morning. Much additional evidenco was morning. Much additional evidence was morning. Much additional evidence was
taken, and the inquest was further adjourned taken, and the inquest was further adjourned taken, and the inquest was further adjourned
until Monday. Mr. Wrixon watched the case until Monday. Mr. Wrixon watched the case until Monday. Mr. Wrixon watched the case
for tho prisoner, John Hogan, who excited for the prisoner, John Hogan, who excited for the prisoner, John Hogan, who excited
no small wonder by the manner in which ho no small wonder by the manner in which he no small wonder by the manner in which he
acted during a short adjournment of tho in- acted during a short adjournment of the in- acted during a short adjournment of the inquest.
quest. He denied having been a mato of tho quest. He denied having been a mate of the He denied having been a mate of the
late deceased, and stated that ho could find late deceased, and stated that he could find late deceased, and stated that he could find
his real mate if an opportunity wero afforded his real mate if an opportunity were afforded his real mate if an opportunity were afforded
bim. Mr. Chomley, Detective Alexander, him. Mr. Chomley, Detective Alexander, him. Mr. Chomley, Detective Alexander,
and some others of tho police, wero not slow and some others of the police, were not slow and some others of the police, were not slow
in providing a conveyance, in which ho was in providing a conveyance, in which he was in providing a conveyance, in which he was
placed, ana after being driven all round tho placed, and after being driven all round the placed, and after being driven all round the
diggings, ho pointed to tho hut in which the diggings, he pointed to the hut in which the diggings, he pointed to the hut in which the
murdered man had been discovered, saying, murdered man had been discovered, saying, murdered man had been discovered, saying,
" 1 here's where I havo been staying since I "There's where I have been staying since I " 1 here's where I have been staying since I
came upon tho nish." came upon the rush." came upon the rush."
Identified overProof corrections MADE HAVE FELL HIM ARMS WERE RUSH
Identified overProof non-corrections SIDE RAPER THERES DUKES
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words32086.298.488.6
Searchability of unique words17993.997.863.6
Weighted Words94.497.861.3

Article ID 8850347, Article, LATER FROM THE COLONIES. MELBOURNE., page 2 1868-02-04, The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), 434 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
, The Argus of 1st February reports as follows : The Argus of 1st February reports as follows : The Argus of 1st February reports as follows:
-" Ia the import markets to-day business has —"In the import markets to-day business has -" In the import markets to-day business has
been fairly active. Though in many staples been fairly active. Though in many staples been fairly active. Though in many staples
showing a considerable amount of animation showing a considerable amount of animation showing a considerable amount of animation
early in the week, we have few transactions to early in the week, we have few transactions to early in the week, we have few transactions to
refer to. Breadstuff's have been extremely quiet, refer to. Breadstuffs have been extremely quiet, refer to. Breadstuffs have been extremely quiet,
and prices for flour have heen barely supported. and prices for flour have heen barely supported. and prices for flour have been barely supported.
We cannot, howoyer, quote under t £15 10s. for We cannot, however, quote under £15 10s. for We cannot, however, quote under t £15 10s. for
best brands. In wheat, oats, or barley, nothing best brands. In wheat, oats, or barley, nothing best brands. In wheat, oats, or barley, nothing
in the way of sales has transpired ; maize is very in the way of sales has transpired ; maize is very in the way of sales has transpired ; maize is very
dull at 3s. 6d. to 3s. 7d." dull at 3s. 6d. to 3s. 7d." dull at 3s. 6d. to 3s. 7d.
' The lateness of the news brought by the The lateness of the news brought by the The lateness of the news brought by the
Panama mail ia presumed to bo owing to the Panama mail is presumed to be owing to the Panama mail is presumed to be owing to the
submarine cable Connecting Cuba with America submarine cable connecting Cuba with America submarine cable Connecting Cuba with America
working successfully. working successfully. working successfully.
The bon. she Chief Secretary was thrown from The hon. the Chief Secretary was thrown from The hon. the Chief Secretary was thrown from
his buggy ou Tuesday, aud foil so heavily that his buggy on Tuesday, and fell so heavily that his buggy on Tuesday, and fell so heavily that
for a couple of days" he wfs confined-to~hig-bed. for a couple of days he was confined to his bed. for a couple of days he was confined-to~hig-bed.
The Argita says Sydney Tim WhifHer is in The Argus says Sydney Tim Whiffler is in The Argus says Sydney Tim Whiffler is in
vigorous work for the Launceston Champion vigorous work for the Launceston Champion vigorous work for the Launceston Champion
Race. Mr. Tait's pair, Barb and Fireworks, Race. Mr. Tait's pair, Barb and Fireworks, Race. Mr. Tait's pair, Barb and Fireworks,
will, doubtless, oppose the Sydney Champion, will, doubtless, oppose the Sydney Champion, will, doubtless, oppose the Sydney Champion,
but, according to market prices, with all tho but, according to market prices, with all the but, according to market prices, with all the
odds against them. _ odds against them. odds against them. _
Ono morning this wook the watchman at the One morning this week the watchman at the One morning this week the watchman at the
Spencer-street goods sheds discovered that a bale Spencer-street goods sheds discovered that a bale Spencer-street goods sheds discovered that a bale
of wool in one of tho sheds had taken fire. It of wool in one of the sheds had taken fire. It of wool in one of the sheds had taken fire. It
was at once removed, and the fire quickly ex- was at once removed, and the fire quickly ex- was at once removed, and the fire quickly extinguished.
tinguished. It is said that a largo quantity of tinguished. It is said that a large quantity of It is said that a large quantity of
the wool has this season been packed in a damp the wool has this season been packed in a damp the wool has this season been packed in a damp
condition, and that the probability of spontane- condition, and that the probability of spontane- condition, and that the probability of spontaneous
ous combustion has been thereby greatly ous combustion has been thereby greatly combustion has been thereby greatly
increased. increased. increased.
Bishop Perry has iutimated his intention un- Bishop Perry has intimated his intention un- Bishop Perry has intimated his intention unhesitatingly
hesitatingly to put down oven the beginning of hesitatingly to put down even the beginning of to put down even the beginning of
anything resembling the ritualistic practices anything resembling the ritualistic practices anything resembling the ritualistic practices
wliieh provail in England. which prevail in England. which prevail in England.
Arrivals in Melbourne.-Jan. 30th, Ottawa, Arrivals in Melbourne.—Jan. 30th, Ottawa, Arrivals in Melbourne. Jan. 30th, Ottawa,
from Leith ; 31st, Helen, from Wynyard. De- from Leith ; 31st, Helen, from Wynyard. De- from Leith ; 31st, Helen, from Wynyard. De-
partures-Jan. 31st, Balmoral, schooner, for partures—Jan. 31st, Balmoral, schooner, for partures Jan. 31st, Balmoral, schooner, for
Hobart Town. Hobart Town. Hobart Town.
At auction, the Woodbine's cargo of sugars At auction, the Woodbine's cargo of sugars At auction, the Woodbine's cargo of sugars
was sold as follow« : - White crystals, £37 6s. to was sold as follows :—White crystals, £37 5s. to was sold as follows: - White crystals, £37 6s. to
£38 10s ; white conuters, £34 5s. to £38 Is. £38 10s ; white conuters, £34 5s. to £38 1s. £38 10s ; white counters, £34 5s. to £38 Is.
The Joint Stock Bank's report shows losses to The Joint Stock Bank's report shows losses to The Joint Stock Bank's report shows losses to
the extent of £100,000, whioh absorb tho outiro the extent of £100,000, which absorb the entire the extent of £100,000, which absorb the entire
reserve fund. Tho company has also written off reserve fund. The company has also written off reserve fund. The company has also written off
£1 from eaoh slnro. A dividend of 8 per cent £1 from eaoh share. A dividend of 8 per cent £1 from each share. A dividend of 8 per cent
has been declared. has been declared. has been declared.
The Armidale mail was robbed twico by The Armidale mail was robbed twice by The Armidale mail was robbed twice by
Thunderbolt during Tuesday night. Thunderbolt during Tuesday night. Thunderbolt during Tuesday night.
Tho Australian Steam Navigation Company The Australian Steam Navigation Company The Australian Steam Navigation Company
will pay no dividend this half year. will pay no dividend this half year. will pay no dividend this half year.
Tho half-yearly report of the Adelaide Bank The half-yearly report of the Adelaide Bank The half-yearly report of the Adelaide Bank
shows a not profit of £16,677, or nearly ten por shows a net profit of £16,677, or nearly ten per shows a net profit of £16,677, or nearly ten per
cent., on the paid-up capital. The directory cent., on the paid-up capital. The directory cent., on the paid-up capital. The directory
propose to pay a dividend of 6s. per share. propose to pay a dividend of 6s. per share. propose to pay a dividend of 6s. per share.
The corn market is quiet, without alteration The corn market is quiet, without alteration The corn market is quiet, without alteration
hi prioe, in price. in price,
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words39090.398.584.2
Searchability of unique words24392.297.973.7
Weighted Words92.698.072.7

Article ID 31974846, Family Notices, Family Notices, page 2 1868-02-01, The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), 54 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
MCDONALD.—On the 26th of January, at McDONALD.—On the 26th of January, at McDONALD-On the 26th of January, at
Newton, Mrs. A. McDonald, of a son. Newton, Mrs. A. McDonald, of a son. Newton, Mrs. A. McDonald, of a son.
OCHTOMAN—MACHON.—On the 30th of OCHTOMAN—MACHON.—On the 30th of OCHTOMAN—MACHON.—On the 30th of
January, by the Rev. J. G. HQlard, in the i January, by the Rev. J. G. Millard, in the January, by the Rev. J. G. Millard, in the
Wesleyan Chapel, Pine-street, Mr. Frederick Wesleyan Chapel, Pirie-street, Mr. Frederick Wesleyan Chapel, Pine-street, Mr. Frederick
Ochtoman, native of Germany, to Miss Lydia < Ochtoman, native of Germany, to Miss Lydia Ochtoman, native of Germany, to Miss Lydia <
Isabella Machon, youngest daughter of Mr. W. Isabella Machon, youngest daughter of Mr. W. Isabella Machon, youngest daughter of Mr. W.
Machon, ship builder, of Guernsey. Machon, ship builder, of Guernsey. Machon, ship builder, of Guernsey.
Identified overProof corrections MILLARD MARRIED
Identified overProof non-corrections /PIRIE/STREET|PIRIESTREET
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words4893.897.966.7
Searchability of unique words3390.997.066.7
Weighted Words90.796.461.5

Article ID 31976102, Family Notices, Family Notices, page 2 1868-03-12, The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), 94 words, 7 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
DEAN—PERRY.-Ou the 11th. March, at DEAN—PERRY.—On the 11th March, at DEAN—PERRY.-Ou the 11th. March, at
St. Matthew's, Kensington, by the Bev. E. A. St. Matthew's, Kensington, by the Rev. E. A. St. Matthew's, Kensington, by the Rev. E. A.
Jenkins, Henry Dean, of Lake Hope (Far Jenkins, Henry Dean, of Lake Hope (Far Jenkins, Henry Dean, of Lake Hope (Far
North), to Henrietta. Emily, third daughter of North), to Henrietta Emily, third daughter of North), to Henrietta Emily, third daughter of
C. A. Perry, of Kensington. C. A. Perry, of Kensington. C. A. Perry, of Kensington.
PACKER.—On the 29th February, at his PACKER.—On the 29th February, at his PACKER-On the 29th February, at his
own residence, HindmaVsh Island, after a Ion? own residence, Hindmarsh Island, after a long own residence, Hindmarsh Island, after a long
and painful illnes', Mr. Wm. Packer, aged 52 and painful illness, Mr. Wm. Packer, aged 52 and painful illness, Mr. Wm. Packer, aged 52
Deceased was an old colonist, having years. Deceased was an old colonist, having Deceased was an old colonist, having
arrived here in 1837. May he rest in | race. arrived here in 1837. May he rest in peace. arrived here in 1837. May he rest in race
BOSS!.—On the 10th March, at the Tele ROSSI.—On the 10th March, at the Tele- ROSSER-On the 10th March, at the Tele
Station, Auburn, Minnie, only daughter graph Station, Auburn, Minnie, only daughter Station, Auburn, Minnie, only daughter
of William and Julia Emma Bossi, aged seven of William and Julia Emma Rossi, aged seven of William and Julia Emma Rossi, aged seven
months. months. months.
Identified overProof non-corrections YEARS PEACE TELEGRAPH
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8687.294.254.5
Searchability of unique words6586.295.466.7
Weighted Words84.995.267.8

Article ID 31978880, Family Notices, Family Notices, page 2 1868-06-04, The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), 64 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
DOUGLAS,—On the 3rd June, at Lefevre'e DOUGLAS.—On the 3rd June, at Lefevre's DOUGLASS-On the 3rd June, at Lefevre's
Peninsula, Mrs. Bloomfield Douglas, of a son. Peninsula, Mrs. Bloomfield Douglas, of a son. Peninsula, Mrs. Bloomfield Douglas, of a son.
CROFT.—On the 3rd June, at William CROFT.—On the 3rd June, at William- CROFTON the 3rd June, at William
street, Kent Town, Mrs. J. W. B. Croft, of street, Kent Town, Mrs. J. W. B. Croft, of street, Kent Town, Mrs. J. W. B. Croft, of
a son. a son. a son.
HOWABD.—On the 25th May, at the HOWARD.—On the 25th May, at the COWARD-On the 25th May, at the
Wentworth Hotel, Weutworth, the wife of Mr. Wentworth Hotel, Wentworth, the wife of Mr. Wentworth Hotel, Wentworth, the wife of Mr.
E. W. Howard, of a daughter. E. W. Howard, of a daughter. E. W. Howard, of a daughter.
MtJMME.—On the Ist June, the wife of Mr. MUMME.—On the 1st June, the wife of Mr. MtJMME.—On the 1st June, the wife of Mr.
O. B. Mumme, of a son. C. E. Mumme, of a son. O. B. Mumme, of a son.
Identified overProof corrections LEFEVRES BIRTHS
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5390.690.60.0
Searchability of unique words2592.0100.0100.0
Weighted Words91.9100.0100.0

Article ID 31983878, Family Notices, Family Notices, page 2 1868-11-06, The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), 57 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
WICKSTEED.—On the sth November, at WICKSTEED.—On the 5th November, at WICKSTEED.—On the 5th November, at
; North Adelaide, Mr*. Frederic Wictarteed, of a North Adelaide, Mrs. Frederic Wicksteed, of a North Adelaide, Mrs. Frederic Wicksteed, of a
daughter. j daughter. daughter. j
BRANSON-JACOBS.—Oa Che 3rd Novem BRANSON—JACOBS.—On the 3rd Novem- BRANSON-JACOBS.—Oa Che 3rd November,
ber, at tbe North Bhine, by the Bey. B. L. ber, at the North Rhine, by the Rev. R. L. at the North Rhine, by the Rev. B. L.
Coward, Mr. Charles Branson, son of the late, Coward, Mr. Charles Branson, son of the late Coward, Mr. Charles Branson, son of the late,
Mr. Thomas Branson, to Emma, second daughter Mr. Thomas Branson, to Emma, second daughter Mr. Thomas Branson, to Emma, second daughter
of Mr. Joseph Jacobs, ailof the above place. ' of Mr. Joseph Jacobs, all of the above place. of Mr. Joseph Jacobs, allot the above place. '
Identified overProof corrections REV MRS RHINE MARRIED
Identified overProof non-corrections ALL
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5080.092.060.0
Searchability of unique words3183.996.880.0
Weighted Words86.497.682.5

Article ID 36698794, Article, MAIN LINE RAILWAY. To the Editor of the Launceston Examiner., page 3 1868-07-18, Launceston Examiner (Tas. : 1842 - 1899), 67 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
To thlo .Editor of the Launceston Examiner. To the Editor of the Launceston Examiner. To the Editor of the Launceston Examiner.
Sin,-Is it not advlisblo for the conotitu. Sir,—Is it not advisble for the constitu- Singles it not advisable for the concert.
onto o( tho Northern districts, to call meetinge ents of the Northern districts, to call meetings once of the Northern districts, to call meetings
to aocertain the views of their represeontatives to ascertain the views of their representatives to ascertain the views of their representatives
respecting the agitation now going on in tho respecting the agitation now going on in the respecting the agitation now going on in the
South, relative to the Main Lino ? I think no South, relative to the Main Line ? I think no South, relative to the Main Line ? I think no
time should bo lost in so doing, is Parliamont time should be lost in so doing, is Parliament time should be lost in so doing, is Parliament
will so soon meet: will so soon meet. will so soon meet:
July 17. July 17. July 17.
Identified overProof non-corrections SIR ADVISBLE CONSTITUENTS LOCOMOTIVE
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6376.292.166.7
Searchability of unique words4678.391.360.0
Weighted Words76.989.956.3

Article ID 66461351, Article, ACCIDENT TO A HORSE ON THE NORTHERN RAILWAY., page 2 1868-06-06, The Cornwall Chronicle (Launceston, Tas. : 1835 - 1880), 137 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
'A singular accident,' says the "A singular accident," says the 'A singular accident, says the
MaUland Mercary, ' occurred on the Maitland Mercury, "occurred on the Maitland Mercury, occurred on the
railway line on Sunday afternoon. A railway line on Sunday afternoon. A railway line on Sunday afternoon. A
horse belonging to Mr Donnelly, of horse belonging to Mr. Donnelly, of horse belonging to Mr Donnelly, of
Havenswood, was fastened up to the Ravenswood, was fastened up to the Ravenswood, was fastened up to the
fence adjoiniug the cottage at the rail fence adjoining the cottage at the rail- fence adjoining the cottage at the railway
way croesinir in Reirent-street. when way crossing in Regent-street, when crossing in Regent-street. when
the noise of on approaching up- train the noise of on approaching up-train the noise of on approaching up- train
frightened the animal, which broke the frightened the animal, which broke the frightened the animal, which broke the
bridle, and started off, full speed, along bridle, and started off, full speed, along bridle, and started off, full speed, along
the line ic front of the train. We need the line in front of the train. We need the line in front of the train. We need
scarcely sayjwhioh got the worst of the scarcely say which got the worst of the scarcely say which got the worst of the
race ; the driver of the engine blew the race ; the driver of the engine blew the race ; the driver of the engine blew the
whistle, but had not time to stop the whistle, but had not time to stop the whistle, but had not time to stop the
train before tho unfortunate animal train before the unfortunate animal train before the unfortunate animal
was knocked down and run over, bBing was knocked down and run over, being was knocked down and run over, bEing
literally cut up into mincemeat. The literally cut up into mincemeat. The literally cut up into mincemeat. The
saddle and bridle were likewise com saddle and bridle were likewise com- saddle and bridle were likewise completely
pletely destroyed. Fortunately no one pletely destroyed. Fortunately no one destroyed. Fortunately no one
in the train was hurt.' in the train was hurt." in the train was hurt.'
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words12990.7100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words8390.4100.0100.0
Weighted Words89.9100.0100.0

Article ID 87896611, Article, CONIGNEES OF GOODS BY RAILWAY. Tuesday, 16th June., page 2 1868-06-17, Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918), 64 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Tuesday. 16th June. Tuesday, 16th June. Tuesday. 16th June.
Gay, Foy, Kildea, Moorbead, Heatley, Benson and Gay, Foy, Kildea, Moorhead, Heatley, Benson and Gay, Foy, Kildea, Moorhead, Heatley, Benson and
Co, Busb, Casey, Jackson, Cooper, Kleeberger, Co, Bush, Casey, Jackson, Cooper, Kleeberger, Co, Bush, Casey, Jackson, Cooper, Kleeberger,
Nolan, Inglis, Bass, St Laurence. Manchester, Isaacs, Nolan, Inglis, Bass, St. Laurence, Manchester, Isaacs, Nolan, Inglis, Bass, St Laurence. Manchester, Isaacs,
Morrison, Drew and Conway, Fawns, Taylor, Hall, Morrison, Drew and Conway, Fawns, Taylor, Hall, Morrison, Drew and Conway, Fawns, Taylor, Hall,
Ross and Co, Pollock, D. Watson, Heffernan and Ross and Co, Pollock, D. Watson, Heffernan and Ross and Co, Pollock, D. Watson, Heffernan and
Crowley, Hall, Klemm, Loridan, Riedle, Hyams, Crowley, Hall, Klemm, Loridan, Riedle, Hyams, Crowley, Hall, Klemm, Loridan, Riedle, Hyams,
Moore Brothers, Kl<;mm, Hawksworth, Daridson, Moore Brothers, Klemm, Hawksworth, Davidson, Moore Brothers, Klemm, Hawksworth, Davidson,
Hen«htl.l, Holmes, Farelie, Robinson, M'CuIloch Henshall, Holmes, Farelie, Robinson, M'Culloch Henshall, Holmes, Farelie, Robinson, M'Culloch
(consignments), Knight, Loridan. (consignments), Knight, Loridan. (consignments), Knight, Loridan.
Identified overProof non-corrections GOOD CONSIGNEES
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6085.096.777.8
Searchability of unique words5384.996.275.0
Weighted Words85.496.173.5

Article ID 101480909, Article, MONDAY—MAY 25., page 2 1868-05-27, The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle (NSW : 1864 - 1881), 64 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
3loweri-MAY 25. MONDAY—MAY 25. Slower MAY 25.
Dlfore the pollce.megietrate,' . ! '! Before the police-magistrate. Before the pollce.megietrate,' . ! '!
VWilliam lenry Ilal' alIna W. Thomas Aldrich William Henry Hall, alias W. Thomas Aldrich William Henry Hall' alias W. Thomas Aldrich
charged with stealing booat the property of William charged with stealing boots the property of William charged with stealing boots the property of William
Te"ce, was remanded till Tuesday. y ', Teece, was remanded till Tuesday. Teece, was remanded till Tuesday. by
IMatthew Orocock hebarged. with larceny, was re Matthew Grocock charged with larceny, was re- Matthew Grocock charged. with larceny, was remanded
manded till to.morrow.` . L manded till to-morrow. till to-morrow . L
MlaryJane Siclilr charged with uateig obscone Mary Jane Sinclair charged with using obscene MlaryJane Sinclair charged with using obscene
langurage, was sent'to jail for one month in default language, was sent to jail for one month in default language, was sent to jail for one month in default
of paynlog a fine of fty ehillinges. of paying a fine of fifty shillings. of paying a fine of fly shillings.
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5655.491.180.0
Searchability of unique words4447.788.678.3
Weighted Words47.587.977.0

Article ID 104082981, Detailed lists, results, guides, RIVER GAUGE,, page 2 1868-10-21, Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter (NSW : 1868 - 1875), 113 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Showing the height of_water above the sum Showing the height of water above the sum- Showing the height of water above the sum
mer level at Wagga Wagga, daily (morning mer level at Wagga Wagga, daily (morning mer level at Wagga Wagga, daily (morning
and.evening) during the prrwont. month. and evening) during the present month. and evening) during the present. month.
.. .. .. .. Ft. In. .. .. .. Ft. In. .. .. .. .. Ft. In. .. .. .. Ft. In. .... .... Ft. In. .... Ft. In.
Oct. 1.. 8 1.. .. .. ..8 1 ' Oct. 1 .. 8 1 .. .. .. .. 8 1 Oct. 1.. 8 1.. .... 8 1 '
..8 1 7 9 Oct. 2 .. 8 1 .. .. .. .. 7 9 8 17 7 9
.. 7 8 7 9 . Oct. 3 .. 7 8 .. .. .. .. 7 9 7 7 8 7 9 7
7 9 7 7 Oct. 4 .. 7 9 .. .. .. .. 7 7 7 9 7 7
.. 7 3 7 0 Oct. 5 .. 7 3 .. .. .. .. 7 0 7 7 3 7 0
..' 0 9 0 7 Oct. 6 .. 6 9 .. .. .. .. 6 7 ..' 0 9.0 0 7
.. 0 8 7 '0 Oct. 7 .. 6 8 .. .. .. .. 7 0 0 0 8 7 '6
.. G 11 0 '1 Oct. 8 .. 6 11 .. .. .. .. 6 7 2. 6 11 0 1
0 3 CO Oct. 9 .. 6 3 .. .. .. .. 6 0 0 3 CO
-.. 5 10 5 7 Oct. 10 .. 5 10 .. .. .. .. 5 7 -.. 5-10 5 7
Oct. 11 .. 5 6 .. .. .. 5 4 Oct. 11 .. 5 6 .. .. .. 5 4 Oct. 12 5 5 6 5 5 4
Oct. 12 .. 5 2 .. .. .. .. 5 1 Oct. 12 .. 5 2 .. .. .. .. 5 1 Oct. 12 5 2 .... .... 5 1
Oct. 13 .. 5 0 .. .. .. .. 4 11 Oct. 13 .. 5 0 .. .. .. .. 4 11 Oct. 12. 5 0 .... 4-11
Oct. 14 .. 5 9 .. .. .. .. 6 0 Oct. 14 .. 5 9 .. .. .. .. 6 0 Oct. 14 5 9 .... .... 6 0
IS .. 0 10 7 6 Oct. 15 .. 6 10 .. .. .. .. 7 6 15 0 0 10 7 6
10 .. 7 9 ' 7 3 Oct. 16 .. 7 9 .. .. .. .. 7 3 10 7 7 9 7 3
17 .. .6 7 .. .. .. .. 0 3 Oct. 17 .. 6 7 .. .. .. .. 6 3 17. 6 7 .... .... 0 3
Oct. 18 .. 6 0 .. .. .. .. 6 0 Oct. 18 .. 6 0 .. .. .. .. 6 0 Oct. 18. 6 0 .... .... 6 0
Oct. 19 .. 6 1 .. .. .. .. 6 0 Oct. 19 .. 6 1 .. .. .. .. 6 0 Oct. 19. 6 1 .... .... 6 0
Oct. 20 .. 5 9 .. .. .. .. 5 6 Oct. 20 .. 5 9 .. .. .. .. 5 6 Oct. 20 5 9 .... .... 5 6
Identified overProof corrections WATER PRESENT AND OF
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words4864.675.029.4
Searchability of unique words2281.8100.0100.0
Weighted Words89.5100.0100.0

Article ID 104083205, Detailed lists, results, guides, RIVER GAUGE,, page 2 1868-11-28, Wagga Wagga Advertiser and Riverine Reporter (NSW : 1868 - 1875), 126 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Shewing the height of water above the sum Shewing the height of water above the sum- Shewing the height of water above the summer
mer level at Wagga "Wagga, daily (morning mer level at Wagga Wagga, daily (morning level at Wagga Wagga, daily (morning
and evening) during the present month. and evening) during the present month. and evening during the present month.
FL III. .. .. .. .. .. Ft. In. .. .. .. Ft. In. FL III.
Oct. 31 .. 3 a . Oct. 31 .. 3 3 .. .. .. 3 3 Oct. 31 3 a .
Nov. 1 .. 3 2 . Nov. 1 .. 3 2 .. .. .. 3 2 Nov. 1 3 3 2 .
" 2 .. S 2 . " 2 .. 3 2 .. .. .. 3 2 2 .. S 2 .
??? : " 3 .. 3 1 . " 3 .. 3 1 .. .. .. 3 1 ??? : 3 3 3 3 1 "
" 4 ..3.4 " 4 .. 3 4 .. .. .. 3 4 4 3.4
" E .. 3 6 . " 5 .. 3 6 .. .. .. 3 6 E 3 6 .
" 0 .. 3 0 " 6 .. 3 6 .. .. .. 3 6 0 0 3 3 0
" 7 .. 8 0 " 7 .. 3 5 .. .. .. 3 5 7 7 8 8 0
" 8 ..'3 . 1' " 8 .. 3 1 .. .. .. 3 0 8 8 it's . 1
" 0 .. 3 0 " 9 .. 3 0 .. .. .. 3 0 0 0 3 3 0
" 10 .. 2 11 " 10 .. 2 11 .. .. .. 2 11 " 10 2 11
11' " 11 .. 2 10 .. .. .. 2 10 11'
10 10
12 .. " 12 .. 2 9 .. .. .. 2 8 12 13
13 .. 2 V " 13 .. 2 7 .. .. .. 2 6 2 V
17 ..2 5. " 17 .. 2 5 .. .. .. 2 5 7 2 5.
21 .. 2 1 " 21 .. 2 1 .. .. .. 2 1 21. 2 1
22 .. 2 1 " 22 .. 2 1 .. .. .. 2 1 22, 2 1
23 .. 2 1 " 23 .. 2 1 .. .. .. 2 2 22. 2 2
24 .. 2 U " 24 .. 2 6 .. .. .. 2 8 24. 2 U
25 .. 2'5 " 25 .. 2 5 .. .. .. 2 4 25 .. 25
20 2 3 " 20 .. 2 3 .. .. .. 2 1 20 2 3
27 .. 2 0 " 27 .. 2 0 .. .. .. 2 0 22. 2 0
Ft. In. Ft. In.
Identified overProof corrections RIVER
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words3090.093.333.3
Searchability of unique words2395.7100.0100.0
Weighted Words95.4100.0100.0

Article ID 110362172, Article, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Adelaide, 9 p.m., page 3 1868-10-03, The Wallaroo Times and Mining Journal (Port Wallaroo, SA : 1865 - 1881), 106 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
(fbom our own coebespondent.) (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) (From our own correspondent.)
Adelaide, 9 p.m. Adelaide, 9 p.m. Adelaide, 9 p.m.
Several more tenders have been received by Several more tenders have been received by Several more tenders have been received by
the Government for the Port Augusta Bailway. the Government for the Port Augusta Railway. the Government for the Port Augusta Railway.
Red. rust has appeared amongst some wild Red rust has appeared amongst some wild Red. rust has appeared amongst some wild
oats on the South 3load. oats on the South Road. oats on the South load.
(From the Adelaide Papers.) (From the Adelaide Papers.) (From the Adelaide Papers.)
Melbourne, September 29. Melbourne, September 29. Melbourne, September 29. |
| The Panama mail is not expected till the The Panama mail is not expected till the The Panama mail is not expected till the
8th October. 8th October. 8th October.
The Alhambra brings fuller but no later The Alhambra brings fuller but no later The Alhambra brings fuller but no later
dates from the soat of war. The Maories had dates from the seat of war. The Maories had dates from the seat of war. The Maories had
lost a few men. Ours were regularly surrounded, lost a few men. Ours were regularly surrounded, lost a few men. Ours were regularly surrounded,
and shot down. and shot down. and shot down.
The Britomart has brought 900 tons of The Britomart has brought 900 tons of The Britomart has brought 900 tons of
•Califomian wheat. Californian wheat. Californian wheat.
The markets are quiet. The markets are quiet. The markets are quiet.
Two hundred tons of-flour have been sold at Two hundred tons of flour have been sold at Two hundred tons of flour have been sold at
.-auction at £14 19s. auction at £14 19s. auction at £14 19s.
Identified overProof non-corrections ROAD
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9793.899.083.3
Searchability of unique words7893.698.780.0
Weighted Words93.498.982.6

Accumulated stats for 14 articles from year 1868

accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words163786.496.574.5
Searchability of unique words104188.897.476.8
Weighted Words89.897.676.0