NLA Trial index

NLA Trial Articles from 1937

  1. Accuracy of OCR and overProof is measured in comparison with the human corrections. We know human corrections in this sample are incomplete, and themselves contain errors, but they are the best we could find automatically from the NLA newspapers corpus, tagged as completely corrected then further filtered to those with at least 3 corrections, at least 40% of lines corrected and lowest third percentage of non-dictionary words.
  2. Accuracy is measured by a separate process from that used to colour words in this output: the colouring process is heuristic, and not completely accurate.
  3. Colour legend:
    Text - OCR text corrected by human and/or overProof
    Text - human and/or overProof corrections
    Text - discrepencies between human and/or overProof
    Text - human corrections not applied by overProof
  4. Identified overProof corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words changed by overProof which ALSO match human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list.
  5. Identified overProof non-corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words in the overProof output which DO NOT MATCH human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list. Words marked as [**VANDALISED] are those which have been changed by overProof but not by the human correction; as before, a missed human correction will be (incorrectly) classified as vandalisation by overProof.
  6. Searchability of unique words refers to the distinct words in an article, and how many are present before and after correction. It is measure of how many of the words within an article could be used to find the article using a search engine.
  7. Weighted Words refers to a calculation in which common words count for little (a fraction of a word) and unusual words count for more, in proportion to the log of the inverse of their frequency in the corpus. It may be an indicator of how well distinctive words in an article can be searched before and after correction.

Article ID 11048777, Article, A GRACEFUL SINGER Miss Somerset's Recital, page 10 1937-03-12, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 157 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Miss Somerset's Reeilal Miss Somerset's Recital Miss Somerset's Recital
The discreet musicianship of Miss Violet The discreet musicianship of Miss Violet The discreet musicianship of Miss Violet
Somerset was well In evidence last night Somerset was well in evidence last night Somerset was well In evidence last night
at the Assembly Hall when the contralto at the Assembly Hall when the contralto at the Assembly Hall when the contralto
gave pleasuie to a large audience In gave pleasure to a large audience in gave pleasure to a large audience In
her selection of songs by Schubert, her selection of songs by Schubert, her selection of songs by Schubert,
Brahms, Debussy, Dupaic, Lully, and by Brahms, Debussy, Duparc, Lully, and by Brahms, Debussy, Duparc, Lully, and by
several representative British composers, several representative British composers. several representative British composers,
Miss Somerset displayed her usual good Miss Somerset displayed her usual good Miss Somerset displayed her usual good
taste Neither in tone-colour nor in taste Neither in tone-colour nor in taste Neither in the colour nor in
emotional style did she reveal an extended emotional style did she reveal an extended emotional style did she reveal an extended
compass but within self-imposed limita- compass but within self-imposed limita- compass but within self-imposed limita-
tions lier scale of artistic values was tions her scale of artistic values was tions her scale of artistic values was
accurate and carefully maintained Too accurate and carefully maintained. Too accurate and carefully maintained Too
sincere and studious a singer to obtrude sincere and studious a singer to obtrude sincere and studious a singer to obtrude
her personality, she lendeicd to each com- her personality, she rendered to each com- her personality, she rendered to each composer
poser affectionate and faithful service poser affectionate and faithful service. affectionate and faithful service
Debussy's ' Les Cloches " the introductory Debussy's "Les Cloches," the introductory Debussy's ' Les Cloches " the introductory
plnases of Snint-Sacnss Le Lever de la phrases of Saint-Saens's "Le Lever de la phases of Saint-Saens's Le Lever de la
Lune," and Granville Banlocks 'Invoca- Lune," and Granville Bantock's "Invoca- Lune, and Granville Bantock's Invocation
tion to the Nile' weie interpreted with tion to the Nile," were interpreted with to the Nile' were interpreted with
such self-effacing aitlstiy as evoked from such self-effacing artistry as evoked from such self-effacing artistry as evoked from
the leccptive listen« a quickened appic the reccptive listener a quickened appre- the receptive listens a quickened appreciation
clation of fine music ciation of fine music. of fine music
Tactfully played accompaniments weic Tactfully played accompaniments were Tactfully played accompaniments were
supplied by Mr William Bun eli supplied by Mr. William Burrell. supplied by Mr William Bun eli
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words14689.096.668.7
Searchability of unique words11687.995.764.3
Weighted Words87.095.162.4

Article ID 11058319, Article, Rowing Victorian Crew Shows Good Form, page 11 1937-04-21, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 179 words, 113 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Rowing j Rowing Rowing j
Victorian Crew Shows Good Victorian Crew Shows Good Victorian Crew Shows Good
Form Form Form
ADELAIDE, Tuesdav - Wind) conditions tuuscd ADELAIDE, Tuesday.—Windy conditions caused ADELAIDE, Tuesday - Wind) conditions caused
trouble at Murray Bridge to da) when Kins s Cup trouble at Murray Bridge to day when Kings Cup trouble at Murray Bridge to day) when King's Cup
trews trained The West Australians and tito crews trained. The West Australians and the crews trained The West Australians and the
Queenslander lind breakages and ruell returned to Queenslanders had breakages and each returned to Queenslanders had breakages and ruell returned to
the boathouse with «even men onl) rowing JJ the boathouse with seven men only rowing. H. the boathouse with seven men only rowing JJ
N\tllis (NSW) emergenc) wnv in No 3 seat as Willis (N.S.W.) emergency was in No. 3 seat as Nellis (NSW) emergency) way in No 3 seat as
b I Grace ivas Bullering from a Might attick S. F. Grace was suffering from a slight attack b I Grace was suffering from a slight attack
ti tom-tlUtls However he Is expeclcd to train1 of tonsillitis. However, he is expected to train of tonsillitis However he is expected to train
to morrow to-morrow. to morrow
lue Mctmlans vowed over about Rix miles on The Victorians rowed over about six miles on The Mctmlans vowed over about six miles on
(he lower courst A V Scott who was a mein the lower course. A. V. Scott who was a mem- the lower course A V Scott who was a member
btr of the original AIP crew which won the ber of the original A.I.F crew which won the of the original AIF crew which won the
King a Cup at tho Henton* on Thames Peace re King's Cup at the Henley on Thames Peace re- King a Cup at the Hendon on Thames Peace regard
gal tit accompanied the \lctorlau coach O Ander gatta, accompanied the Victorian coach, G. Ander- it accompanied the Victorian coach O. Anderson
ton Tlio work of the Victorian crew confuted ton. The work of the Victorian crew consisted The work of the Victorian crew composed
mulnlj of short bursts rating about 30 and stead) mainly of short bursts rating about 36 and steady mainly of short bursts rating about 30 and steady)
work striking at 30 The crew finished at the work striking at 30. The crew finished at the work striking at 30 The crew finished at the
buathouse Mr Ik In t, 38 rho slide work was ven boathouse striking 28. The slide work was very boathouse Mr Ik inst 38 The slide work was very
rleady with good catch the boat running well on steady with good catch, the boat running well on steady with good catch the boat running well on
the lower ratings A \ Scott considers that the lower ratings. A. V. Scott considers that the lower ratings A A Scott considers that
Uctorla will be difficult to del mi Victoria will be difficult to defeat. Victoria will be difficult to deal in
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words14868.991.271.7
Searchability of unique words10268.690.268.7
Weighted Words67.788.865.3

Article ID 11059922, Article, LEGS ALMOST SEVERED Level-crossing Crash, page 10 1937-04-27, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 219 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Level-crossing Crash I Level-crossing Crash level-crossing Crash I
While on leave from the Royal Aus- While on leave from the Royal Aus- While on leave from the Royal Australian
tralian Air Force, Bernard R. Mcdlyn, tralian Air Force, Bernard R. Medlyn, Air Force, Bernard R. Medlyn,
aged 24 years, of Point Nepean road, Bon- aged 24 years, of Point Nepean road, Bon- aged 24 years, of Point Nepean road, Bonbeach
beach, was shockingly Injured in a level beach, was shockingly injured in a level was shockingly injured in a level
crossing accident at Fleet street, Newport, crossing accident at Fleet street, Newport, crossing accident at Fleet street, Newport,
last night. Miss Pearl Matthews, aged I last night. Miss Pearl Matthews, aged last night. Miss Pearl Matthews, aged I
20 j'eors, of Woodbine grovo, Chelsea, his i 20 years, of Woodbine grove, Chelsea, his 20 years, of Woodbine grove, Chelsea, his i
fiancee, was with him and was slightly fiancee, was with him and was slightly fiancee, was with him and was slightly
Injured. injured. injured.
Medlj'n was driving Miss Matthews in Medlyn was driving Miss Matthews in Medlj'n was driving Miss Matthews in
the sidecar of his motor-cycle when, at the sidecar of his motor-cycle when, at the sidecar of his motor-cycle when, at
the Fleet street level crossing, the cycle the Fleet street level crossing, the cycle the Fleet street level crossing, the cycle
was struck and wrecked by a shunting was struck and wrecked by a shunting was struck and wrecked by a shunting
goods engine. Mcdlyn's legs were almost! goods engine. Medlyn's legs were almost goods engine. Mcdlyn's legs were almost
severed. severed. severed.
The sidecar, with Misa Matthews The sidecar, with Miss Matthews The sidecar, with Miss Matthews
trapped in It, was crushed beneath the trapped in it, was crushed beneath the trapped in It, was crushed beneath the
engine. Railway employees and others engine. Railway employees and others engine. Railway employees and others
worked desperately to release it, but Miss worked desperately to release it, but Miss worked desperately to release it, but Miss
Matthews could not bo lifted out for five Matthews could not be lifted out for five Matthews could not be lifted out for five
minutes. She and Mcdlyn were given first minutes. She and Medlyn were given first minutes. She and Medlyn were given first
aid by a doctor before being taken to aid by a doctor before being taken to aid by a doctor before being taken to
Prince Henry's Hospital, where Mcdlyn Prince Henry's Hospital, where Medlyn Prince Henry's Hospital, where Medlyn
was admitted in a critical condition and was admitted in a critical condition and was admitted in a critical condition and
Miss Matthews was admitted with a frac- Miss Matthews was admitted with a frac- Miss Matthews was admitted with a fractured
tured knee and shock. Mcdlyn's legs may tured knee and shock. Medlyn's legs may knee and shock. Mcdlyn's legs may
have to be amputated. have to be amputated. have to be amputated.
Another level crossing occident occurred i Another level crossing accident occurred Another level crossing accident occurred i
at Merlynston about the same time. The at Merlynston about the same time. The at Merlynston about the same time. The
7.53 p.m. passenger train to Fawkner j 7.53 p.m. passenger train to Fawkner 7.53 p.m. passenger train to Fawkner struck
struck a motor-car on a crossing near j struck a motor-car on a crossing near a motor-car on a crossing near j
Fawkner, but it was travelling slowly, and j Fawkner, but it was travelling slowly, and Fawkner, but it was travelling slowly, and the
the occupants of the car were not Injured. the occupants of the car were not injured. occupants of the car were not injured.
Identified overProof corrections MEDLYN GROVE
Identified overProof non-corrections MEDLYNS
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words19694.498.572.7
Searchability of unique words11797.499.166.7
Weighted Words95.298.567.7

Article ID 11061883, Article, Level Crossing Crash, page 13 1937-05-05, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 66 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
i Level Crossing Crash Level Crossing Crash i Level Crossing Crash
JERILDERIE (N.S.W.), Tuesday. - A JERILDERIE (N.S.W.), Tuesday.—A JERILDERIE (N.S.W.), Tuesday. - A
motor-train travelling rrom Narrandera to motor-train travelling from Narrandera to motor-train travelling from Narrandera to
Tocumwal crashed into the rear or a Tocumwal crashed into the rear of a Tocumwal crashed into the rear of a
motor-van al a level crossing, about hair motor-van at a level crossing, about half motor-van at a level crossing, about half
a mile east or Jerilderie. The van was a mile east of Jerilderie. The van was a mile east or Jerilderie. The van was
driven by Arthur Edward Barton, an em- driven by Arthur Edward Barton, an driven by Arthur Edward Barton, an employee
ployee of Gilbert and Barker, ol Mel- employee of Gilbert and Barker, of of Gilbert and Barker, of Melbourne.
bourne. Barton suffered shock and abra- Melbourne. Barton suffered shock and Barton suffered shock and abrasions,
sions, and was taken to the Jerilderie Hos- abrasions, and was taken to the Jerilderie and was taken to the Jerilderie Hospital,
pital, j Hospital. j
Identified overProof corrections HALF AT FROM
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5488.998.183.3
Searchability of unique words4092.5100.0100.0
Weighted Words95.9100.0100.0

Article ID 11089103, Article, DEATH OF MR. C. H. PARKIN Football Official Formerly Leading Player, page 11 1937-07-07, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 257 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
[ Football Official Football Official [ Football Official
Formerly Leading Player Formerly Leading Player Formerly Leading Player
The ti easurer of the Victorian Footbnll ! The treasurer of the Victorian Football The to measurer of the Victorian Football !
League (Mr. Christophe! Henry Parkin) League (Mr. Christopher Henry Parkin) League (Mr. Christopher Henry Parkin)
died last night in a private hospital after died last night in a private hospital after died last night in a private hospital after
an illness of several weeks. He was aged an illness of several weeks. He was aged an illness of several weeks. He was aged
58 years 58 years. 58 years
One of the best-known plajcis in Mel- One of the best-known players in Mel- One of the best-known players in Melbourne
bourne early in the century, Mr. Parkin bourne early in the century, Mr. Parkin early in the century, Mr. Parkin
gave great service to the Melbourne Foot- gave great service to the Melbourne Foot- gave great service to the Melbourne Football
ball Club on the half-back line, in the ball Club on the half-back line, in the Club on the half-back line, in the
same teams in which the piesent presi- same teams in which the present presi- same teams in which the present president
dent of live League (Dr. W. C Mcclel- dent of the League (Dr. W. C McClel- of live League (Dr. W. C McClelland
land) played. He was in the piemleishlp land) played. He was in the premiership played. He was in the premiership
team in 1000. Mr. Parkin began his team in 1900. Mr. Parkin began his team in 1000. Mr. Parkin began his
career as a footballer with the Geelong career as a footballer with the Geelong career as a footballer with the Geelong
club. club. club.
Boin at Kingston (V), he was a son of Born at Kingston (V.), he was a son of Born at Kingston (V), he was a son of
Uie late Mr. and Mrs John Parkin, of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Parkin, of the late Mr. and Mrs John Parkin, of
that district At the time of lils death that district. At the time of his death that district At the time of his death
he was manager of the Bourke street he was manager of the Bourke street he was manager of the Bourke street
east branch of the Stnte Savings Bank east branch of the State Savings Bank. east branch of the State Savings Bank
A bachelor, he is survived by two sisters A bachelor, he is survived by two sisters A bachelor, he is survived by two sisters
(Mesdames W. R Allen and r S Wil- (Mesdames W. R. Allen and F. S. Wil- (Mesdames W. R Allen and F S Williamson
liamson) and one brother (Majoi John liamson) and one brother (Major John and one brother (Major John
Parkin). The late Mr. Parkin, M L A foi Parkin). The late Mr. Parkin, M.L.A. for Parkin). The late Mr. Parkin, M L A for
Cieswlck, wns another brother Creswick, was another brother. Creswick, was another brother
Mr. Parkin has been one of the Mel- Mr. Parkin has been one of the Mel- Mr. Parkin has been one of the Melbourne
bourne delegates to the Victoilnn Toot bourne delegates to the Victorian Foot- delegates to the Victorian Football
ball League for more than 10 years His ball League for more than 10 years. His League for more than 10 years His
knowledge of football and finance made knowledge of football and finance made knowledge of football and finance made
him extremely useful and he had him extremely useful and he had him extremely useful and he had
been treasurer for sevcial years Ile been treasurer for several years. He been treasurer for several years. He
was extremely well liked by officials and was extremely well liked by officials and was extremely well liked by officials and
plas eis, and was warmly congratulated players, and was warmly congratulated plans es, and was warmly congratulated
last senson for lils woik as managet of j last season for his work as manager of last season for his work as manager of
the Victorian team that plajed in Ade- ' the Victorian team that played in Ade- the Victorian team that played in Ade- '
laide._ laide. laide
Identified overProof non-corrections ADELAIDE
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words22187.898.285.2
Searchability of unique words11489.599.191.7
Weighted Words90.099.494.1

Article ID 11098106, Article, Train Extension to Belgrave, page 7 1937-07-28, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 57 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Train Extension to Belgrave Train Extension to Belgrave Train Extension to Belgrave
LILYDALE, Tuesday -Seeking the LILYDALE, Tuesday.— Seeking the LILYDALE, Tuesday Seeking the
right to vote on the question whether the right to vote on the question whether the right to vote on the question whether the
electrified broad gauge Une should be electrified broad gauge line should be electrified broad gauge line should be
extended from reintrcc Gully to Belgrave, extended from Ferntree Gully to Belgrave, extended from Ferntree Gully to Belgrave,
a deputation of residents from Monbulk, a deputation of residents from Monbulk, a deputation of residents from Monbulk,
Silvan, ond Olinda waited on the Lilydale Silvan, and Olinda waited on the Lilydale Silvan, and Olinda waited on the Lilydale
Council yesterdaj If satisfactory finan- Council yesterday. If satisfactory financial Council yesterday If satisfactory financial
cial arrangements can be made a referen- arrangements can be made a referendum arrangements can be made a referen-
will be held. will be held. will be held.
Identified overProof corrections YESTERDAY FERNTREE AND LINE
Identified overProof non-corrections REFERENDUM
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5390.698.180.0
Searchability of unique words4288.197.680.0
Weighted Words89.596.970.5

Article ID 11098180, Article, 8th Light Horse Regiment, page 18 1937-07-28, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 93 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
8lh Light Horse Regiment | 8th Light Horse Regiment 8th Light Horse Regiment a
ALBURY (NSW)--The 8th Light Horso negl ALBURY (N.S.W.).—The 8th Light Horse Regi- ALBURY (NSW) The 8th Light Horse Regt
ment (2nd Cmnlry Division) held It» annual shoot ment (2nd Cavalry Division) held its annual shoot ment (2nd Cavalry Division) held its annual shoot
on tho Albur} range Rutherglen had a tuirro* on the Albury range. Rutherglen had a narrow on the Albury range Rutherglen had a narrow
\ictory o\er Yarrawonga, nlnnlmr by 47 pointa to victory over Yarrawonga, winning by 47 points to victory over Yarrawonga, winning by 47 points to
463n, ulth Benalla, 40 points, third Détails -~ 46⅜, with Benalla, 46 points, third. Details.— 453, with Benalla, 40 points, third Details -~
ncnalla. 304, average 46, A Squadron, Coroona, Benalla. 364, average 46 ; A Squadron, Corryong, Benalla. 304, average 46 A Squadron, Coroona,
3110, m erogo 42, Tallangatta 2G8 overage 41 1) 380, average 42; Tallangatta 268, average 41; B 3110, m Geroge 42, Tallangatta 268 average 41 1)
Squadron Wangaratta, 202 meragc 41, Rutherglen, Squadron, Wangaratta, 292, average 41; Rutherglen, Squadron Wangaratta, 202 average 41, Rutherglen,
413 n\erage 47, Wodonga 21\ average 34 c 453, average 47; Wodonga 275, average 34 ; C. 413 average 47, Wodonga 21 average 34 c
Squadron Yarrawonga, 373, average 40. Wah- Squadron, Yarrawonga, 373, average 46; Wah- Squadron Yarrawonga, 373, average 40. Wahgunyah.
gunyah. 350 ax erogo 39, Wangamong. 307 average gunyah, 359, average 39; Wangamong, 307, average 350a Geroge 39, Wangamong. 307 average
44 Battlo Practico-Benalla, 1, Tallangatta, 2 44. Battle Practice—Benalla, 1; Tallangatta, 2. 44 Battle Practice Benalla, 1, Tallangatta, 2
Identified overProof non-corrections CORRYONG
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5862.193.181.8
Searchability of unique words3770.397.390.9
Weighted Words76.797.388.3

Article ID 11116070, Article, TWO FERRIES COLLIDE Sydney Harbour PASSENGERS' ESCAPE, page 12 1937-08-11, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 219 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Sydney Harbour Sydney Harbour. Sydney Harbour
SYDNEY, Tuesday.-The ferry I SYDNEY, Tuesday.— The ferry SYDNEY, Tuesday.-The ferry I
steamers Kiamala and Kosciusko steamers Kiamala and Kosciusko steamers Kiamala and Kosciusko
collided head on at Circular Quay collided head on at Circular Quay collided head on at Circular Quay
to-night. The Kiamala was con- to-night. The Kiamala was con- to-night. The Kiamala was considerably
siderably damaged. siderably damaged. damaged.
Passengers on the for) les saw that a col- Passengers on the ferries saw that a col- Passengers on the for) les saw that a collision
lision was imminent and escaped to lision was imminent and escaped to was imminent and escaped to
sheltered parts of the vessels, but there sheltered parts of the vessels, but there sheltered parts of the vessels, but there
were many nairow escapes and some con- were many narrow escapes and some con- were many narrow escapes and some confusion.
fusion. fusion.
The Kiamala, in charge of Captain Salt, The Kiamala, in charge of Captain Salt, The Kiamala, in charge of Captain Salt,
left No. 8 jetty. Circulai Quay, a few left No. 8 jetty, Circular Quay, a few left No. 3 jetty. Circular Quay, a few
minutes after 6 pm. for Lane Cove. On minutes after 6 p.m. for Lane Cove. On minutes after 6 pm for Lane Cove. On
the ferry weie about 150 passengers, who the ferry were about 150 passengers, who the ferry were about 150 passengers, who
were returning from work to their homes were returning from work to their homes. were returning from work to their homes.
The Kosciusko (Captain Roper) had The Kosciusko (Captain Roper) had The Kosciusko (Captain Roper had
very few passengers on boaid. It was on very few passengers on board. It was on very few passengers on board. It was on
Its way from Neutral Bay to No 7 jetty, its way from Neutral Bay to No. 7 jetty, its way from Neutral Bay to No 7 jetty,
Circular Quay. Circular Quay. Circular Quay.
The collisloin occurred tlnee minutes The collision occurred thee minutes The collision occurred three minutes
after the Kiamala had cast off near No. 4 after the Kiamala had cast off near No. 4 after the Kiamala had cast off near No. 4
Wharf, West Circular Quay. The two Wharf, West Circular Quay. The two Wharf, West Circular Quay. The two
ferries appeared to come directly toward ferries appeared to come directly toward ferries appeared to come directly toward
each other, and the captains endeavoured each other, and the captains endeavoured each other, and the captains endeavoured
to avoid a crash to avoid a crash. to avoid a crash
People sitting outside in the front of the People sitting outside in the front of the People sitting outside in the front of the
Kiamala saw the bows of the Kosciusko Kiamala saw the bows of the Kosciusko Kiamala saw the bows of the Kosciusko
approaching them, and then towering over approaching them, and then towering over approaching them, and then towering over
them. There was a rush for safety, and them. There was a rush for safety, and them. There was a rush for safety, and
some people escaped just m time. Wood some people escaped just in time. Wood some people escaped just in time. Wood
splintered and fragments were thrown splintered and fragments were thrown splintered and fragments were thrown
along tlie deck, and shattcied glass fell in along the deck, and shattered glass fell in along the deck, and shattered glass fell in
showers showers. showers
The bows of the Kosciusko over-rode The bows of the Kosciusko over-rode The bows of the Kosciusko over-rode
those of the Kiamala those of the Kiamala. those of the Kiamala
Identified overProof corrections BOARD SHATTERED NARROW
Identified overProof non-corrections THEE
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words20195.099.080.0
Searchability of unique words11496.599.175.0
Weighted Words96.499.173.8

Article ID 11970873, Article, BOOKS FOR ESSENDON SCHOOLS, page 16 1937-02-19, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 90 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Toward the end of last \ear a deputation Toward the end of last year a deputation Toward the end of last year a deputation
from the head teachers of Essendon district from the head teachers of Essendon district from the head teachers of Essendon district
State schools asked the Essendon Council lo State schools asked the Essendon Council to State schools asked the Essendon Council to
publish a booklet on chics for distribution publish a booklet on civics for distribution publish a booklet on chiefs for distribution
among the schools in the municipality A total among the schools in the municipality. A total among the schools in the municipality A total
of 1200 copies will be published and these of 1,200 copies will be published, and these of 1200 copies will be published and these
will form the nucleus of a library in each will form the nucleus of a library in each will form the nucleus of a library in each
school school. school
The establishment of a central children's The establishment of a central children's The establishment of a central children's
librarj in Essendon wa& discussed bv the library in Essendon was discussed by the library in Essendon was discussed by the
teachers this weok and it was reported that teachers this week and it was reported that teachers this week and it was reported that
the matter was still being considered bv the the matter was still being considered by the the matter was still being considered by the
council ^_ council. council as
Identified overProof corrections YEAR BY TO WEEK
Identified overProof non-corrections CIVICS
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8390.498.887.5
Searchability of unique words5490.798.180.0
Weighted Words93.497.663.1

Article ID 17308115, Article, COBAR RAILWAY REVENUE. COBAR, Wednesday., page 9 1937-01-07, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 56 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
COBAR. Wednesday. COBAR, Wednesday. COBAR. Wednesday.
The revenue for the Cobar Rolwny Station The revenue for the Cobar Railway Station The revenue for the Cobar Railway Station
for the six months to December 31 was for the six months to December 31 was for the six months to December 31 was
£21,103. The tonnage was ll.GGSl, and the £21,109. The tonnage was 11,669, and the £21,103. The tonnage was BIGGS, and the
bEles of wool 11,239. These figures show an bales of wool 11,239. These figures show an bales of wool 11,239. These figures show an
Increase over the corresponding half-year of increase over the corresponding half-year of increase over the corresponding half-year of
1035 in revenue cf £3422, of tonnage 1145, 1935 in revenue cf £3422, of tonnage 1145, 1935 in revenue of £3422, of tonnage 1145,
and of bales of wool 191. and of bales of wool 191. and of bales of wool 191.
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections CF [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words4795.797.950.0
Searchability of unique words27100.096.3-270.4
Weighted Words100.095.5-69.3

Article ID 17389124, Article, SUMMARY. OVERSEA NEWS. Warfare in China., page 1 1937-08-26, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 210 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Warfar* In China. Warfare in China. Warfare In China.
Fierce fighting i«¡ takinp place in worin Fierce fighting is taking place in North Fierce fighting is; taking place in North
China from the Peiping mea to Kalgan, the China from the Peiping area to Kalgan, the China from the Peiping area to Kalgan, the
eateway to innei Mongolia At lease one gateway to Inner Mongolia. At least one gateway to Inner Mongolia At lease one
Chinese Central Government division Is en- Chinese Central Government division is en- Chinese Central Government division is engaged
gaged in this area. gaged in this area. in this area.
The Chinese Ate offeilng stionp resistance The Chinese are offering strong resistance The Chinese are offering strong resistance
in thH aiea The Japanese claims to have in this area. The Japanese claims to have in this area The Japanese claims to have
occupied the Nankow Pass and lo have won a occupied the Nankow Pass and to have won a occupied the Nankow Pass and to have won a
decisive victory at Kalgan are denied. decisive victory at Kalgan are denied. decisive victory at Kalgan are denied. Arrested. Australian Arrested. Arrested.
The "Daiiv Herald" .say* »hat Black Shhfcs The "Daily Herald" says that Black Shirts The "Daily Herald" says that Black Shirts
«nested a 'young Australian, Mi. Howard arrested a young Australian, Mr. Howard arrested a young Australian, Mr. Howard
Daniel in Sicily, and subjected him to such Daniel, in Sicily, and subjected him to such Daniel in Sicily, and subjected him to such
Indignities that he intends to complain to indignities that he intends to complain to indignities that he intends to complain to
the British Poicisn Office the British Foreign Office. the British Foreign Office
Thrilling in Spain. Fighting in Spain. Thrilling in Spain.
Tile Spanish lebeh aie hotlv piesslng San- The Spanish rebels are hotly pressing San- The Spanish rebels are hotly pressing Santander
tander on the noithein coast of Spain, and, tander, on the northern coast of Spain, and, on the northern coast of Spain, and,
»Ithouzh they have captured ihe only lifeline although they have captured the only lifeline although they have captured the only lifeline
or escape a fllsht from the city has begun of escape, a flight from the city has begun. or escape a flight from the city has begun
Meanwhile it ii repotted that the Catalonian Meanwhile it is reported that the Catalonian Meanwhile it is reported that the Catalonian
»rmv in a nsw offensive, has cut the icbel army, in a new offensive, has cut the rebel army in a new offensive, has cut the rebel
romniunirattoni with Saraaossa «nd Huesca, communications with Saragossa and Huesca, romniunirattoni with Saragossa and Huesca,
has broken thiouRh the lebet lines at othet has broken through the rebel lines at other has broken through the rebel lines at other
places, and has surrounded the enemy In the places, and has surrounded the enemy in the places, and has surrounded the enemy in the
Quinto sector Quinto sector. Quarto sector
I Alter!» Banki. Alberta Banks. I Alters Banks.
Mi C. H Caí lisle president of the Dominion Mr. C. H. Carlisle, president of the Dominion Mr C. H Carlisle president of the Dominion
Bant haï recommended that all banka should Bank, has recommended that all banks should Bank has recommended that all banks should
withdraw from the province of Alberta, if a withdraw from the province of Alberta, if a withdraw from the province of Alberta, if a
debt, moratorium measure is pasted by the debt moratorium measure is passed by the debt, moratorium measure is passed by the
I «gislature_ Legislature. Legislature
Identified overProof non-corrections LEAST COMMUNICATIONS QUINTO [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words19873.296.586.8
Searchability of unique words12875.097.790.6
Weighted Words74.197.389.8

Article ID 17409953, Article, CONSCRIPTION. TO THE EDITOR OF THE HERALD., page 12 1937-10-22, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 53 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Sir,-Is not Labour's solidarity a, form of Sir,— Is not Labour's solidarity a form of Sir-As not Labour's solidarity a form of
"conscription," backed not by legislation but "conscription," backed not by legislation but conscription," backed not by legislation but
, by force of "Basher Gangs"? Labour'« "Peace" by force of "Basher Gangs" ? Labour's "Peace" by force of "Basher Gang"? Labour's "Peace"
, is reflected in the "calm", of an Easter con- is reflected in the "calm" of an Easter con- , is reflected in the calm, of an Easter conference.
ference. ference.
I I am, etc., I am, etc., I am, etc.,
I 25 Treatts Road, 25 Treatts Road, I 25 Treatts Road,
Lindfield, October 21. Lindfield, October 21. Lindfield, October 21.
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections GANGS [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words4397.795.3-100.0
Searchability of unique words33100.097.0-203.0
Weighted Words100.096.3-69.3

Article ID 25423933, Detailed lists, results, guides, BROADCASTING STATIONS: Programmes For Today 7ZL HOBART—500 Metres, page 2 1937-08-30, The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), 729 words, 9 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Early Morning Session.-G.30: Weather, Early Morning Session. 6.30 : Weather, Early Morning Session. 6.30: Weather,
shipping, music. 6.40: Marketa. 6.46: "The shipping, music. 6.40 : Markets. 6.45 : "The shipping, music. 640: Markets. 645: "The
Mercury" news. G.50: News, music. 8. "The Mercury" news. 6.50 : News, music. 8. "The Mercury" news. 650: News, music. 8 "The
Mercury" news. 8.5: British official wire- Mercury" news. 8.5 : British official wire- Mercury" news. 85: British official wireless,
less, music. 9 : Close. less, music. 9 : Close. music. 9 : Close.
Moarnlng and Midday Session.-10.30 : Morning and Midday Session. 10.30 : Morning and Midday Session 10.30 :
Sen-Ice. conducted by Rev. T. K. Pitt 10.45: Service, conducted by Rev. T. K. Pitt. 10.45: Service. conducted by Rev. T. K. Pitt 10.45:
Music, ll: Women's session, "The Dance," Miss Music, 11 : Women's session, "The Dance," Miss Music, 11: Women's session, "The Dance," Miss
Celia Maning. 11.10: Music, Question Box. 11.20: Celia Maning. 11.10: Music, Question Box. 11.20 : Celia Maning. 11.10: Music, Question Box. 11.20:
"Thc New Education Applied to the Life of "The New Education Applied to the Life of "The New Education Applied to the Life of
Women," Mrs. Boyd. ll.Jfl: Music. 11.40. Women," Mrs. Boyd. 11.30 : Music. 11.40. Women," Mrs. Boyd. left: Music. 11.40.
Story by "Willena." 11.60: Music. 12.20: Story by "Willena." 11.50 : Music. 12.20: Story by "William." 11.60: Music. 12.20:
Corn report. Stock Exchange. 12.33: Music. Corn report. Stock Exchange. 12.33: Music. Corn report. Stock Exchange. 12.33: Music.
12.86: "Thc Mercury," news. 12.40: Stock Ex- 12.35 : "The Mercury," news. 12.40 : Stock Ex- 12.86: "The Mercury," news. 12.40: Stock Exchange.
change. 12.46: "At Home and Abroad," "The change. 12.45 : "At Home and Abroad," "The 12.46: "At Home and Abroad," "The
Watchman." 1: Weather, music. 1.55. Stock Watchman." 1 : Weather, music. 1.55. Stock Watchman." 1: Weather, music. 1.55. Stock
Exchange. 2: Close. , Exchange. 2: Close. Exchange. 2: Close. ,
Afternoon Session.-3: Weather, music. 4.30: Afternoon Session. 3 : Weather, music. 4.30 : Afternoon Session: Weather, music. 4.30:
Close. Close. Close.
Evening Session-6.20: Tiny tots' session. Evening Session. 6.20 : Tiny tots' session. Evening Session 6.20: Tiny tots' session.
B.80: Serial, "Coral Island." 6.40: Young 5.30 : Serial, "Coral Island." 6.40 : Young B.80: Serial, "Coral Island." 6.40: Young
people's session. 6: Music.' 6.46: "Library people's session. 6 : Music. 6.45 : "Library people's session. 6: Music.' 6.46: Library
Notes," W. E. . Fuller. 7: "Psycho- Notes," W. E. Fuller. 7 : "Psycho- Notes," W. E. . Fuller. 7: Psycho-
logist and Child Welfare," Dr. Susan Isaacs. logist and Child Welfare," Dr. Susan Isaacs. logist and Child Welfare," Dr. Susan Isaacs.
7.20: Music. 7.25 : National news. 7.30: "The 7.20 : Music. 7.25 : National news. 7.30 : "The 7.20: Music. 7.25 : National news. 7.30: "The
Mercury" news, marketa, stock. 7.40: From Mercury" news, markets, stock. 7.40 : From Mercury" news, markets, stock. 7.40: From
thc Cafe Noir. 8: "As Ye Sow"-"Big John the Cafe Noir. 8: "As Ye Sow" "Big John the Cafe Noir. 8: "As Ye Sow"-"Big John
Intervenes." 8.80: Music. 8.40: "The News Intervenes." 8.30: Music. 8.40 : "The News Intervenes." 8.80: Music. 8.40: "The News
Behind tho News," "The Watchman." 9: Behind the News," "The Watchman." 9 : Behind the News," "The Watchman." 9:
"Dance Again," with Al. Hammett and the "Dance Again," with Al. Hammett and the "Dance Again, with Al. Hammett and the
National Dance Orchestra. 9.25. "Emma and National Dance Orchestra. 9.25. "Emma and National Dance Orchestra. 9.25. Emma and
"Erbert" 9.35: Al, Hammett and dance or- 'Erbert" 9.35 : Al. Hammett and dance or- "Robert" 9.35: Al, Hammett and dance orchestra.
chestra. 10: Tasmanian Stoudio Orchestra, chestra. 10 : Tasmanian Studio Orchestra, 10: Tasmanian Studio Orchestra,
conducted by Clive Douglas. 10.36: Music. conducted by Clive Douglas. 10.36 : Music. conducted by Clive Douglas. 10.36: Music.
10.40: Vocal recital, ll: Meditation music. 10.40 : Vocal recital, 11 : Meditation music. 10.40: Vocal recital, ll: Meditation music.
11.15: Radionations. 11.20: "Tho Mercury" 11.15 : Radionations. 11.20 : "The Mercury" 11.15: Radionations. 11.20: "The Mercury"
news. 11.80: Close. news. 11.30: Close. news. 11.80: Close.
TNT REGIONAL-423 Metres 7NT REGIONAL 423 Metres TNT REGIONAL 423 Metres
Early Morning Session.-6.30: See 7ZL. 6.45: Early Morning Session. 6.30: See 7ZL. 6.45: Early Morning Session. 6.30: See 7ZL. 6.45:
News. 6.60: See 7ZL. 8: News. 8.5: See News. 6.50: See 7ZL. 8: News. 8.5: See News. 6.60: See 7ZL. 8: News. 8.5: See
7ZL. 9: Close. 7ZL. 9: Close. 7ZL. 9: Close.
Morning and Midday Session.-10.30: Morning and Midday Session. 10.30: Morning and Midday Session. 10.30:
See 7ZL. 12.36: Newe. 12.45: See "ZL. 2: See 7ZL. 12.35: News. 12.45: See ZL. 2: See 7ZL. 12.36: News. 12.45: See "ZL. 2:
Close. Close. Close.
' Afternoon Session.-5:20: See 7ZL. 7.30: Afternoon Session. 5:20: See 7ZL. 7.30: ' Afternoon Session. 5:20: See 7ZL. 7.30:
News. 7.40: See 7ZL. 11.20: News. 11.30: News. 7.40: See 7ZL. 11.20: News. 11.30: News. 7.40: See 7ZL. 11.20: News. 11.30:
Close. Close. Close.
7HT HOBART-278 Metres 7HT HOBART 278 Metres 7NT HOBART-278 Metres
,7: "Thc Early Bird." 7.45r"Tho Mercury'.' 7: "The Early Bird." 7.45: "The Mercury" 7: "The Early Bird." 7.45 Tho Mercury'.'
news. 7.60: Music. 9: Women's session. news. 7.50: Music. 9: Women's session. news. 752: Music. 9: Women's session.
10.30: Close. Noon: Music, 1.16: "The Mer- 10.30: Close. Noon: Music, 1.16: "The Mer- 10.30: Close. Noon: Music, 1.16: "The Mercury"
cury" news. 1.20: ' Music. ' 2: "Wc'Women," cury" news. 1.20: Music. 2: "We Women," news. 1.20: ' Music. 2 "We Women,
conducted . by Pat Stephënsen. 2.16: "Pct'a conducted by Pat Stephensen. 2.15: "Pet's conducted by Pat Stephenson. 2.16: "Pct'a
Parade." 3 : Close. 6.30 : Sunshiners' Sing- Parade." 3 : Close. 5.30 : Sunshiners' Sing- Parade." 3 : Close. 6.30 : Sunshiners' Sing-
song. 6 : Uninterrupted music. 6.80 : Sporting song. 6 : Uninterrupted music. 6.30 : Sporting song. 6 : Uninterrupted music. 6.80 : Sporting
Besslon, conducted by E. W. Berwick. 6.40 : session, conducted by E. W. Berwick. 6.40 : Session, conducted by E. W. Berwick. 6.40 Music
Music. 6.46: "The Troubadour." 6.60: Music. Music. 6.45: "The Troubadour." 6.50: Music. 6.46: "The Troubadour." 6.60: Music.
7: "Dad a.:d Dave." 7115: "It Happened in 7: "Dad and Dave." 7.15: "It Happened in 7: "Dad and Dave." 7115: "It Happened in
Australia." 7.26: "Racing Round the World." Australia." 7.25: "Racing Round the World." Australia." 7.26: Racing Round the World."
7.36: .Variety music. 8: "Inspector Scott of 7.35: Variety music. 8: "Inspector Scott of 7.36: Variety music. 8: "Inspector Scott of
Scotland Yard." 8.10: Musical variety. 8.80: Scotland Yard." 8.10: Musical variety. 8.30: Scotland Yard." 8.10: Musical variety. 8.80:
"Chandu the Magician." 8.48: Musical Pot- "Chandu the Magician." 8.45: Musical Pot- "Chanda the Magician." 8.48: Musical Potpourri
pourri. 10: "The Mercury" news. 10.5: pourri. 10: "The Mercury" news. 10.5: 10: "The Mercury" news. 10.5:
Dancing, ll: Close.,* Dancing. 11: Close. Dancing, 11: Close's
' 7HO nOBART-349 Metres. 7HO HOBART 349 Metres. 7HO HOBART 349 Metres.
8: "The Mercury" news. 8.6:, Music. D: 8: "The Mercury" news. 8.6: Music. 9: 8 "The Mercury" news. 85:, Music. 9:
Close. 10.30: Housewives' session. ll: Close. 10.30: Housewives' session. 11: Close. 10.30: Housewives' session. ll:
" 'Tween You and Mc at Morning Tea." " 12.15 : " 'Tween You and Me at Morning Tea." 12.15: " 'Tween You and Meat Morning Tea." " 12.15 :
"The Mercury" news. 12.20: Music. 2: Close.. "The Mercury" news. 12.20: Music. 2: Close. "The Mercury" news. 12.20: Music. 3: Close..
3: Matinee session. 3.20: Rebroadcasting from 3: Matinee session. 3.20: Rebroadcasting from 3: Matinee session. 3.20: Re broadcasting from
London-"The England I Find." 3.85: Music. London "The England I Find." 3.35: Music. London The England I Find." 3.85: Music.
4.4B: The B.B.C. presents the A.B.C. Letter 4.45: The B.B.C. presents the A.B.C. Letter 445: The B.B.C. presents the A.B.C. Letter
"T." 6.15: Music. 5.30: Children's Corner, "T." 5.15: Music. 5.30: Children's Corner, "T." 6.15: Music. 5.30: Children's Corner,
Uncle David. 6.45: Uncle Hermie and Egburt. Uncle David. 6.45: Uncle Hermie and Egburt. Uncle David. 6.45: Uncle Hermie and Egbert.
6: Birthdays, letters, etc. 6.30: J. Jones' rac- 6: Birthdays, letters, etc. 6.30: J. Jones' rac- 6: Birthdays, letters, etc. 6.30: J. Jones' rac-
ing talk. 6.36: li. Housman, greyhound notes. ing talk. 6.36: B. Housman, greyhound notes. ing talk. 6.36: li. Housman, greyhound notes.
6.67: Theatre programme. 7.20: "The In 6.57: Theatre programme. 7.20: "The In- 6.67: Theatre programme. 7.20: "The In
Lnws." 7:30: "Captain Cartarct." 7.40: Race Laws." 7:30: "Captain Cartaret." 7.40: Race Lows." 7:30: Captain Carteret." 7.40: Race
Specials from Sydney. 8: "Magnificent Heri- Specials from Sydney. 8: "Magnificent Heri- Specials from Sydney. 8: "Magnificent Heritage
tage." 8.40: "Hit ot the Week." 8.45: "A tage." 8.40: "Hit of the Week." 8.45: "A 8.40: Hitler the Week." 8.45: "A
Claim for Justice." 9: "Happiness Session." Claim for Justice." 9: "Happiness Session." Claim for Justice." 9: Happiness Session."
9.16: "Cavalcade of Kings." 9.30: "One 9.15: "Cavalcade of Kings." 9.30: "One 9.16: "Cavalcade of Kings." 9.30: "One
Man's Family." 10: "The Mercury" news; Man's Family." 10: "The Mercury" news; Man's Family." 10 "The Mercury" news;
10.5: Dance progrnmmc. ll: Close. 10.5: Dance programme. 11: Close. 10.5: Dance programme. ll: Close.
3LO MELBOURNE-390 Metres 3LO MELBOURNE 390 Metres 3LO MELBOURNE 90 Metres
6: Music. 7.40: From thc Cafe Noir. 3: 6: Music. 7.40: From the Cafe Noir. 8: 6: Music. 7.40: From the Cafe Nov. 3:
"As Ye. Sow." S.40: "Thc New« Behind the "As Ye Sow." 8.40: "The News Behind the "As Ye. Sow." 8.40: "The News Behind the
News," "Thc: Watchman.". >9: "Dance Again." News," "The Watchman." 9: "Dance Again." News," "The: Watchman.". 9: "Dance Again."
0.26: "Emma and "Erbcrt." 9.35: "Comedy 9.25: "Emma and 'Erbert." 9.35: "Comedy 0.26: Emma and "Ernest." 9.35: "Comedy
and , Rhythm." 10. "Memories," Frederic and Rhythm." 10. "Memories," Frederic and Rhythm." 10. Memories," Frederic
Collier (baritone). Browning Mummery (tenor), Collier (baritone). Browning Mummery (tenor), Collier (baritone). Browning Mummery (tenor),
and. string ensemble. 10.45: Oversea rebroad- and string ensemble. 10.45: Oversea rebroad- and. string ensemble. 10.45: Oversea rebroadcast
cast.' ll: Music. 11.15: "itadionatlons," Gen- cast. 11: Music. 11.15: "Radionations," Gen- ll: Music. 11.15: "itadionatlons," Geneva.
eva. 11.20: News. 11.30: Close. eva. 11.20: News. 11.30: Close. 11.20: News. 11.30: Close.
3AR MELBOURNE-470 Metres. 3AR MELBOURNE 470 Metres. 3AR MELBOURNE 470 Metres.
6.16: Countryman's session. 6.45: Sporting. 6.15: Countryman's session. 6.45: Sporting. 6.16: Countryman's session. 6.45: Sporting.
7: National talk, "The Psychologist and Child 7: National talk, "The Psychologist and Child 7: National talk, "The Psychologist and Child
Welfare," Dr. Susan Isaacs. 7.25. National Welfare," Dr. Susan Isaacs. 7.25. National Welfare," Dr. Susan Isaacs. 7.25. National
news. 7.35: "Links With the Past." S: Vlo news. 7.35: "Links With the Past." 8: Vio- news. 7.35: "Links With the Past." 8: Vlo
llnccllo recital, Edmund Kurtz. 8.40: Senia lincello recital, Edmund Kurtz. 8.40: Senia Lancelle recital, Edmund Kurtz. 8.40: Sonia
ChostlakofT (tenor). 9: International celebrities. Chostiakoff (tenor). 9: International celebrities. Chostiakoff (tenor). 9: International celebrities.
10.15: News. 10.30: Close. 10.15: News. 10.30: Close. 10.15: News. 10.30: Close.
2FC SYDNEY-492 Metres 2FC SYDNEY 492 Metres 2FC SYDNEY 492 Metres
6: Music. 7.40: Seo 3LO. 8.S0: "Future 6: Music. 7.40: See 3LO. 8.30: "Future 6: Music. 7.40: Seo 3LO. 8.30: Future
visiting celebrity artists." S.40: See 3LO. U.2Q: visiting celebrity artists." 8.40: See 3LO. 11.20: visiting celebrity artists." 8.40: See 3LO. 9.20:
Weather, newB. 11.30: Close. Weather, news. 11.30: Close. Weather, news. 11.30: Close.
2BL SYDNEY-405 Metres 2BL SYDNEY 405 Metres 2BL SYDNEY-405 Metres
6: French lesson. 0.16: Weather, Stock 6: French lesson. 6.16: Weather, Stock 6: French lesson. 0.16: Weather, Stock
Exchange, markets. 6.45 : Militia session. 6.55 : Exchange, markets. 6.45 : Militia session. 6.55 : Exchange, markets. 6.45 : Militia session. 6.55 :
Sporting. 7: National talk. 7.26: National Sporting. 7: National talk. 7.26: National Sporting. 7: National talk. 7.26: National
news. 8: National Military Band. 0.20: news. 8: National Military Band. 9.20: news. 8: National Military Band. 0.20:
Modern contemporary . composers. 9.45: Modern contemporary composers. 9.45: Modern contemporary . composers. 9.45:
"Musical Giants of Yesteryear." 10.20: New«, "Musical Giants of Yesteryear." 10.20: News, "Musical Grants of Yesteryear." 10.20: News,
weather. 10.30: CIOBC. weather. 10.30: Close. weather. 10.30: close.
4QG BRISBANE-375 Metres 4QG BRISBANE 375 Metres 4QG BRISBANE 375 Metres
6.45: Sporting. '7: National talk. 7.25: 6.45: Sporting. 7: National talk. 7.25: 6.45: Sporting. '7: National talk. 7.25:
National news. 7.40: See 3LO. 10.6: Bris- National news. 7.40: See 3LO. 10.5: Bris- National news. 7.40: See 3LO. 10.6: Brisbane
bane Apollo Club. 10.30: Music. 11.15: Sec bane Apollo Club. 10.30: Music. 11.15: See Apollo Club. 10.30: Music. 11.15: Sec
8LO. ,11.20: Weather, news. 11.30: Close. 3LO. 11.20: Weather, news. 11.30: Close. 810. 11.20: Weather, news. 11.30: Close.
6.80: See 8LO. 9.30: Weather. 9.40: 6.30: See 3LO. 9.30: Weather. 9.40: 6.80: See 3LO. 9.30: Weather. 9.40:
Dorothy Dampier (soubrette). 10.30: Music. Dorothy Dampier (soubrette). 10.30: Music. Dorothy Dampier (soubrette). 10.30: Music.
11.20: News. 11.30: Close. 11.20: News. 11.30: Close. 11.20: News. 11.30: Close.
Identified overProof corrections WE CHOSTIAKOFF SERVICE STUDIO
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words49692.195.238.5
Searchability of unique words22595.693.3-50.0
Weighted Words96.594.2-65.6

Article ID 47936011, Article, FAVORABLE AIR ACCIDENT STATISTICS, page 7 1937-04-03, Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), 63 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
SYDNEY, Saturday.^-Stating that SYDNEY, Saturday.—Stating that SYDNEY, Saturday. Stating that
air accident statistics'in Australia air accident statistics in Australia air accident statistics in Australia
compared favorably with other coun- compared favorably with other coun- compared favorably with other countries,
tries, the Acting Minister, for De- tries, the Acting Minister for De- the Acting Minister, for Defence
fence (Mr. Thorny) stated that in fence (Mr. Thorby) stated that in (Mr. Thorny) stated that in
1936 the mileage per passenger 1936 the mileage per passenger 1936 the mileage per passenger
fatality in Australia was 1,087,000 fatality in Australia was 1,087,000 fatality in Australia was 1,087,000
compared with 957,802 in the United compared with 957,802 in the United compared with 957,802 in the United
St.Ntes. He said that in ll years States. He said that in 11 years States. He said that in 14 years
only , 18 persons had., been killed on only 18 persons had been killed on only , 18 persons had been killed on
Australian subsidised servions. | Australian subsidised services. Australian subsidised services. |
Identified overProof corrections STATES SERVICES
Identified overProof non-corrections THORBY
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5691.198.280.0
Searchability of unique words4292.997.666.7
Weighted Words92.196.960.4

Article ID 52143751, Article, PADDLE STEAMER SOLD TO CARRY FIREWOOD MELBOURNE, Friday., page 8 1937-06-12, Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), 87 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
MI t13OURllNE, Friday. MELBOURNE, Friday. MI t13OURllNE, Friday.
.The paddle steamer Ulonga, which The paddle steamer Ulonga, which The paddle steamer Ulonga, which
wits the last of the cargo, vesel.sI was the last of the cargo vessels was the last of the cargo, vessels
Itrlft(ing on the Upper IMtlrlay anct trading on the Upper Murray and treating on the Upper Murray and
a?trrlulblidgee rivers, and iwhici' wea Murrumbidgee rivers, and which was a?trrlulblidgee rivers, and which was
a .relic of a once flour'shing trade a relic of a once flourishing trade a relic of a once flourishing trade
of.'river transport, has been sold to of river transport, has been sold to of river transport, has been sold to
c'ptain H1. Reed, of lenmltrk, S.A. Captain R. Reed, of Renmark, S.A. Captain H. Reed, of Renmark, S.A.
The Ulonga will leave Echllca for, The Ulonga will leave Echuca for The Ulonga will leave Echuca for,
iteumlarlc ilnltediiately, to. be,used for Renmark immediately, to be used for Stenmark ilnltediiately, to, be, used for
the cartage of firewood. She ' was the cartage of firewood. She was the cartage of firewood. She was
ihril. at Eich?rta In 1910, during the built at Echuca in 1910, during the born. at Echunga In 1916, during the
hdigslht of the woo! trade, for ['er height of the wool trade, for Per- hdigslht of the wool trade, for ['er
Indwan, W\rilgit, and Co. mewan, Wright and Co. Indian, Wright, and Co.
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8070.088.862.5
Searchability of unique words5364.286.863.2
Weighted Words60.286.064.8

Article ID 55005715, Article, GANGER INJURED., page 6 1937-10-19, Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), 83 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
A ganger, J. A, S. Seib, of Rannes, A ganger, J. A. S. Seib, of Rannes, A ganger, J. A S. Seib, of Rannes,
met with a serious accident on Saturday met with a serious accident on Saturday met with a serious accident on Saturday
afternoon 'hen he vas returning to the afternoon when he was returning to the afternoon when he was returning to the
main camp in company with other main camp in company with other main camp in company with other
members of the gang. It it understood members of the gang. It it understood members of the gang. It it understood
that thc motor on which they were that the motor on which they were that the motor on which they were
travelling struck an iguana and became travelling struck an iguana and became travelling struck an iguana and became
derailed. Seib, who sustained a frac- derailed. Seib, who sustained a frac- derailed. Seib, who sustained a fractured
tured skull, was taken to Mt Morgan tured skull, was taken to Mt Morgan skull, was taken to Mt Morgan
by ambulance bearer«. Although his by ambulance bearer. Although his by ambulance bearers. Although his
J condition was serious he is reported to condition was serious he is reported to J condition was serious he is reported to
I be out of immediate danger. be out of immediate danger. I be out of immediate danger.
Identified overProof corrections WHEN
Identified overProof non-corrections BEARER [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words7394.598.675.0
Searchability of unique words5898.398.30.0
Weighted Words99.197.5-193.6

Article ID 63015599, Article, 13th LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT., page 3 1937-01-11, Gippsland Times (Vic. : 1861 - 1954), 874 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The following is a brief history of The following is a brief history of The following is a brief history of
the 13th. Light Horse Regiment known the 13th Light Horse Regiment known the 10th. Light Horse Regiment known
as Gippsland Light Horse, of which, as Gippsland Light Horse, of which, as Gippsland Light Horse, of which,
incidentally, the late Governor of Vic incidentally, the late Governor of Vic- incidentally, the late Governor of Victoria,
toria, Lord Somers, is Hon.-Colonel. toria, Lord Somers, is Hon-Colonel. Lord Somers, is Hon. Colonel.
This regiment had its beginning in This regiment had its beginning in This regiment had its beginning in
the days of the Victorian Mounted the days of the Victorian Mounted the days of the Victorian Mounted
Rifles. In raising this well remembered Rifles. In raising this well remembered Rifles. In raising this well remembered
old unit, the late Colonel Tom Price old unit, the late Colonel Tom Price old unit, the late Colonel Tom Price
showed a preference for country dis showed a preference for country dis- showed a preference for country districts,
tricts, for it was there that he knew tricts, for it was there that he knew for it was there that he knew
he could obtain the right types of men: he could obtain the right types of men he could obtain the right types of men:
and horses. The old Colonel was al and horses. The old Colonel was al- and horses. The old Colonel was always
ways somewhat disdainful of the town ways somewhat disdainful of the town somewhat disdainful of the town
dweller as a mounted rifleman. This1 dweller as a mounted rifleman. This dweller as a mounted rifleman. This
prejudice was soon well known, and prejudice was soon well known, and prejudice was soon well known, and
many a recruit, who . perhaps had a many a recruit, who perhaps had a many a recruit, who perhaps had a
quarter-acre allotment as a run for quarter-acre allotment as a run for quarter-acre allotment as a run for
his horse, described himself as a "far his horse, described himself as a "far- his horse, described himself as a farmer
mer." Sometimes the Colonel, in his mer." Sometimes the Colonel, in his Sometimes the Colonel, in his
gruff voice would ask: "What is the gruff voice would ask: "What is the gruff voice would ask: "What is the
size of your farm?" much to the em size of your farm?" much to the em- size of your farm?" much to the embarrassment
barrassment of the would-be recruit. barrassment of the would-be recruit. of the would-be recruit.
It is not surprising, therefore, that It is not surprising, therefore, that It is not surprising, therefore, that
Gippsland was selected as a likely re Gippsland was selected as a likely re- Gippsland was selected as a likely recruiting
cruiting ground. Two of the original cruiting ground. Two of the original ground. Two of the original
nine companies were formed in that' nine companies were formed in that nine companies were formed in that
district. "C" Companp had its head district. "C" Company had its head district. "C" Company had its head
quarters at Heyfield and "D" Company quarters at Heyfield and "D" Company quarters at Heyfield and "D" Company
its headquarters at Drouin. Of thei its headquarters at Drouin. Of the its headquarters at Drouin. Of the
detachments then formed Sale, Moe' detachments then formed Sale, Moe detachments then formed Sale, Moe'
and Trafalgar have carried on, and at and Trafalgar have carried on, and at and Trafalgar have carried on, and at
the present time are training centres the present time are training centres the present time are training centres
of the 13th. Light Horse Regimen of the 13th Light Horse Regiment. of the 13th. Light Horse Regiment
This is eloquent testimony indeed, of This is eloquent testimony indeed, of This is eloquent testimony indeed, of
how well the foundations were laid how well the foundations were laid how well the foundations were laid
more than 50 years ago. 'When the Fed more than 50 years ago. When the Fed- more than 50 years ago. When the Federal
ei-al authorities took control on July eral authorities took control on July authorities took control on July
1st., 1903, the 10th. Light Horse Regi 1st 1903, the 10th Light Horse Regi- 1st., 1903, the 10th Light Horse Regiment
ment was formed from the various de ment was formed from the various de- was formed from the various detachments
tachments of Victorian Mounted Riffles tachments of Victorian Mounted Rifles of Victorian Mounted Rifles
in the Gippsland district, together with in the Gippsland district, together with in the Gippsland district, together with
a few adjacent units of volunteer in a few adjacent units of volunteer in- a few adjacent units of volunteer in
fantry known as' "Victorian Rangers." fantry known as "Victorian Rangers." fantry known as Victorian Rangers."
The Regiment had some distinguished The Regiment had some distinguished The Regiment had some distinguished
Commanding Officers. The first was Commanding Officers. The first was Commanding Officers. The first was
Major (afterwards Lt. Col.) W. Borth Major (afterwards Lt. Col.) W. Borth- Major (afterwards Lt. Col.) W. Borthwick,
wick, who had held a commission In wick, who had held a commission in who had held a commission in
the V.L.R. since 1886. Col. Borthwick the V.M.R. since 1886. Col. Borthwick the V.L.R. since 1886. Col. Borthwick
was succeeded by Major A. Lloyd who was succeeded by Major A. Lloyd who was succeeded by Major A. Lloyd who
has been in business in Bairnsdale for has been in business in Bairnsdale for has been in business in Bairnsdale for
many years. He was followed by Lt. many years. He was followed by Lt.- many years. He was followed by Lt.
Col. G. V. Stephen V.D., who lives Col. G. V. Stephen V.D., who lives Col. G. V. Stephen V.D., who lives
near Croydon, and who recalls with near Croydon, and who recalls with near Croydon, and who recalls with
pride his association with that fine pride his association with that fine pride his association with that fine
regiment, of which he was the C.O. for regiment, of which he was the C.O. for regiment, of which he was the C.O. for
some years, and until the next re some years, and until the next re- some years, and until the next re
organisation of the A.1MF. took place organisation of the A.M.F. took place organisation of the AMF. took place
on the introduction of universal train on the introduction of universal train- on the introduction of universal train-
ing in 1911. Incidentally Col. Stephen ing in 1911. Incidentally Col. Stephen ing in 1911. Incidentally Col. Stephen
commanded the 5th. A.LIH. Brigade, commanded the 5th. A.L.H. Brigade, commanded the 5th. ALH. Brigade,
and at the outbreak of the Great Whr and at the outbreak of the Great War and at the outbreak of the Great War
he went overseas in charge of a troop he went overseas in charge of a troop he went overseas in charge of a troop
transport. His successor was the late transport. His successor was the late transport. His successor was the late
Col. C. S. Ogilvie, who was shire sec Col. C. S. Ogilvie, who was shire sec- Col. C. S. Ogilvie, who was shire secretary
retary of Warragul for many years. retary of Warragul for many years. of Warragul for many years.
To revert to the history of the regi To revert to the history of the regi- To revert to the history of the regiment,
ment, under the new,' organisatibn, ment, under the new organisation, under the new, organisation,
known as the Kitchener Scheme the known as the Kitchener Scheme the known as the Kitchener Scheme the
regiment was numbered the 18th, anl regiment was numbered the 18th, and regiment was numbered the 18th, and
adupted the territorial designation of adapted the territorial designation adopted the territorial designation of
Gippsland Lght Horse, which it still of Gippsland Light Horse, which it Gippsland Light Horse, which it still
retains. still retains. retains.
The Regiment had its counterpart in The Regiment had its counterpart in The Regiment had its counterpart in
.hie A..i.F.-nicknamed "The Devil's the A.I.F.-nicknamed "The Devil's the A..i.F.-nicknamed "The Devil's
Own"-no aspersion on its gallant Own"--no aspersion on its gallant Owners aspersion on its gallant
members. The 13th. A.L.H. left MIel members. The 13th. A.L.H. left Mel- members. The 13th. A.L.H. left Melbourne
bourne in the "Persic" in 1915. It was bourne in the "Persic" in 1915. It was in the "Persic" in 1915. It was
,,.smounted in Egypt and sent to Gal dismounted in Egypt and sent to Gal- dismounted in Egypt and sent to Gallipoli
lipoli to join the other Light Horse lipoli to join the other Light Horse to join the other Light Horse
Regiments there. Its record there and Regiments there. Its record there and Regiments there. Its record there and
later, on the battlefields of France and later, on the battlefields of France and later, on the battlefields of France and
Flanders), truly exemplifies the regi Flanders, truly exemplifies the regi- Flanders), truly exemplifies the regimental
mental motto "eoyal until Death." mental motto "Loyal until Death." motto "royal until Death."
The present day unit has inherited The present day unit has inherited The present day unit has inherited
the battle honors "South Africa, 1899 the battle honors "South Africa, 1899 the battle honors South Africa, 1899
7~'2" from the old V.M.R. and from 1902" from the old V.M.R. and from 772" from the old V.M.R. and from
the 13th. Light Horse, A.I.F., the fol the 13th Light Horse, A.I.F., the fol- the 13th Light Horse, A.I.F., the fol
lowing-Somme 1916-18; Poziers, Bau lowing—Somme 1916-18 ; Poziers, Bau- lowing-Somme 1916-18; Poziers, Bau
paume, 1917; Arras, 1917; Ypres 1917; paume, 1917 ; Arras, 1917 ; Ypres 1917 ; prime, 1917; Arras, 1917; Ypres 1917;
Amiens 1918; Albert 1918; France and Amiens 1918 ; Albert 1918 ; France and Amiens 1918; Albert 1918; France and
Flanders, 1916-18; Gallipoli 1915; Flanders, 1916-18 ; Gallipoli 1915 ; Flanders, 1916-18; Gallipoli 1915;
Egypt, 1915-16. Egypt, 1915-16. Egypt, 1915-16.
Many of the Light Horsemen of to Many of the Light Horsemen of to Many of the Light Horsemen of to
day were unborn when their predeces day were unborn when their predeces- day were unborn when their predecessors
sors were making the traditions which sors were making the traditions which were making the traditions which
they now guard so jealously. Those they now guard so jealously. Those they now guard so jealously. Those
who are serving in the regiment to-day who are serving in the regiment to-day who are serving in the regiment to-day
feel that it is encumbent on them, to feel that it is encumbent on them, to feel that it is encumbent on them, to
maintain and uphold the traditions maintain and uphold the traditions maintain and uphold the traditions
which have been handed down to them. which have been handed down to them. which have been handed down to them.
And nobly they are fulfilling their ob And nobly they are fulfilling their ob- And nobly they are fulfilling their obligations.
ligations. One can be sure of seeing ligations. One can be sure of seeing One can be sure of seeing
the Gippslanders in the forefront of the Gippslanders in the forefront of the Gippslanders in the forefront of
whatever cavalry activities are taking whatever cavalry activities are taking whatever cavalry activities are taking
place. In recent years the regiment has place. In recent years the regiment has place. In recent years the regiment has
been particularly successful in cavalryI been particularly successful in cavalry been particularly successful in cavalry
competitions having won some veryf competitions having won some very competitions having won some very
line trophies, including the Huttonj line trophies, including the Hutton fine trophies, including the Hutton
Shield four times and the Forster CupC Shield four times and the Forster Cup Shield four times and the Forster Cup
twice. The Hutton Shield is a perpetu twice. The Hutton Shield is a perpetu- twice. The Hutton Shield is a perpetual
al trophy awarded each year to the al trophy awarded each year to the trophy awarded each year to the
most efficient cavalry troop in Vic most efficient cavalry troop in Vic- most efficient cavalry troop in Victoria,
toria, South Australia, Western Aus toria, South Australia, Western Aus- South Australia, Western Australia
tralia and Tasmania. This valuable tralia and Tasmania. This valuable and Tasmania. This valuable
trophy was won by the Stratford Troop trophy was won by the Stratford Troop trophy was won by the Stratford Troop
four years in succession (1929-30-31 four years in succession (1929-30-31 four years in succession (1929-30-31
32). That you will appreciate this feat 32). That you will appreciate this feat 32). That you will appreciate this feat
it may be added no other regiment has it may be added no other regiment has it may be added no other regiment has
won this trophy more than once. Then won this trophy more than once. Then won this trophy more than once. Then
there is the Forster Cup for the most there is the Forster Cup for the most there is the Forster Cup for the most
efficient M.G. troop in the same four efficient M.G. troop in the same four efficient M.G. troop in the same four
States. It has been won by the Moe States. It has been won by the Moe States. It has been won by the Moe
troop twice. In this regard also the troop twice. In this regard also the troop twice. In this regard also the
13th. Light Horse is unique. 13th Light Horse is unique. 13th Light Horse is unique.
With the recent expansion of Light With the recent expansion of Light With the recent expansion of Light
Horse Regiments the 13th. has extend Horse Regiments the 13th has extend- Horse Regiments the 13th. has extended
ed eastwards to include Bruthen and ed eastwards to include Bruthen and eastwards to include Bruthen and
Orbost. This new blood added to the Orbost. This new blood added to the Orbost. This new blood added to the
very virile older centres ensures that very virile older centres ensures that very virile older centres ensures that
the regiment will continue to flourish the regiment will continue to flourish the regiment will continue to flourish
under the capable command of Lt. Co, under the capable command of Lt. Col. under the capable command of Lt. Co,
G. S. Telfer, M.C.. G. S. Telfer, M.C. G. S. Telfer, M.C..
?eV are indeed proud of these men We are indeed proud of these men we are indeed proud of these men
who are making so valuable a contri-, who are making so valuable a contri- who are making so valuable a contribution
bution to the defence of our Empire, bution to the defence of our Empire. to the defence of our Empire,
Deposits in Australian Savings Deposits in Australian Savings Deposits in Australian Savings
Banks 'at November 30 last' were Banks at November 30 last were Banks at November 30 last' were
£225,826,000-the highest since1 Sep £225,826,000—the highest since 1 Sep- £225,826,000-the highest since September
tember 1929, when the record bt tember 1929, when the record of 1929, when the record by
£225,968,000 was rePched, £225,968,000 was reached. £225,968,000 was reached,
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words77696.498.764.3
Searchability of unique words36297.298.650.0
Weighted Words97.798.849.9

Article ID 70639370, Article, SOCIAL and PERSONAL WEDDING BELLS MURRAY—WINTER. ROCKHAMPTON. May 27., page 24 1937-06-03, The Central Queensland Herald (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1930 - 1956), 59 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
^yy^^^^^^^^^^yyyy^y^^^qp^p^^^^^^^^^i^^^^^p^^^pyqyy^^^p^y^^^y^'y^^^^yyyyyyy^y^y^^y yy-q^r-ry^^-y^rqFqrNr ¥*»»y^¥»^»^yf w »-»w-'y|»yvy'-»^»'»y^l#|-Ty y^jpj^jyjp SOCIAL and PERSONAL. ^yy^^^^^^^^^^yyyy^y^^^qp^p^^^^^^^^^i^^^^^p^^^pyqyy^^^p^y^^^y^'y^^^^yyyyyyy^y^y^^y yy-q^r-ry^^-y^rqFqrNr ¥*»»y^¥»^»^yf w »-»w-'y|»yvy'-»^»'»y^l#|-Ty y^jpj^jyjp
'The marriage of Mrs Lily May Winter The marriage of Mrs. Lily May Winter The marriage of Mrs Lily May Winter
to Mr Albert Thomas Murray, of Roek to Mr. Albert Thomas Murray, of Rock- to Mr Albert Thomas Murray, of Rockhampton,
hampton, was quietly celebrated at the hampton, was quietly celebrated at the was quietly celebrated at the
Campbell Methodist Church, yesterday Campbell Methodist Church, yesterday. Campbell Methodist Church, yesterday.
The Rev. E. J. Taylor was the officiating The Rev. E. J. Taylor was the officiating The Rev.. E. J. Taylor was the officiating
clergyman. After the ceremony the bride clergyman. After the ceremony the bride clergyman. After the ceremony the bride
and bridegroom left for a tour by car. and bridegroom left for a tour by car. and bridegroom left for a tour by car.
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections PERSONAL SOCIAL
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5188.294.150.0
Searchability of unique words3994.994.90.0
Weighted Words94.994.90.0

Article ID 72481347, Detailed lists, results, guides, EASTERN RACING V.R.C. MEETING STUDIO WINS ROYAL HANDICAP Melbourne, June 3., page 5 1937-06-05, Geraldton Guardian and Express (WA : 1929 - 1947), 460 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Melbourne, June 5. Melbourne, June 5. Melbourne, June 5.
The following are the results of the The following are the results of the The following are the results of the
events at the meeting of the Victorian events at the meeting of the Victorian events at the meeting of the Victorian
Racing Club this afternoon : Racing Club this afternoon :— Racing Club this afternoon : 3
Seven furlongs Seven furlongs Seven furlongs
First Division I First Division First Division I
Damalis, 7.7 ? 1 Damalis, 7.7 .. .. .. .. .. 1 Damalis, 7.7 1
Gladness, 7.2 ? 2 Gladness, 7.2 .. .. .. .. .. 2 Gladness, 7.2 2
Fearnought, 8.5 ? 3 Fearnought, 8.5 .. .. .. .. 3 Fearnought, 8.5 3
Other starters: Carloca 0.0, Great Other starters: Carloca 9.0, Great Other starters: Carioca 0.0, Great
Eastern 8.11, Affinity 8.3. Cleopatra Eastern 8.11, Affinity 8.3, Cleopatra Eastern 8.11, Affinity 8.3. Cleopatra
7.13, Barham, Avenger 7.5, Prairie 7.13, Barham 7.6, Avenger 7.5, Prairie 7.13, Barham 7ft, Avenger 7.5, Prairie
Moon 7.5, Governor 7.3r Notable 7.3. Moon 7.5, Governor 7.3, Notable 7.3, Moon 7.5, Governor 7.3 Notable 7.3.
Alhambra 7.2. Alhambra 7.2 Alhambra 7.2.
Betting : 7 to 2 against the winner. Betting : 7 to 2 against the winner. Betting : 7 to 2 against the winner.
Dividends: 11/C, 35/-, 14/-. Dividends : 11/6, 35/-, 14/-. Dividends: 116, 358-, 146-.
Two miles Two miles Two miles
Pooley Bridge, 12.12 .... 1 Pooley Bridge, 12.12 .. .. 1 Pooley Bridge, 12.12 1
Bridge of Mar, 10.8 ? 2 Bridge of Mar, 10.8 .. .. .. 2 Bridge of Mar, 10.8 2
King Siris, 9.3 ? 3 King Siris, 9.3 .. .. .. .. .. 3 King Sires, 9.3 3
Other starters: Davantous §.13, Sea Other starters : Davanthus 9.13, Sea Other starters: Davantous 233, Sea
Scout 9.11. Restford 9.9, Devonbrook Scout 9.11, Restford 9.9, Devonbrook Scout 9.11. Restford 9.9, Devonbrook
0.9, Strobus 9.6, Knocktemple 9-5, St. 9.9, Strobus 9.6, Knocktemple 9.5, St. 0.9, Strobus 9.6, Knocktemple 9-5, St.
Magnus 9.3, Volant 0.3, Musical David Magnus 9.3, Volant 9.3, Musical David Magnus 9.3, Volant 0.3, Musical David
9.0, King's Game 9.0, Fordamain 9.0. 9.0, King's Game 9.0, Fordamain 9.0. 9.0, King's Game 9.0, Fordamain 9.0.
Betting: 10 to 1 against the winner. Betting : 10 to 1 against the winner. Betting: 10 to 1 against the winner.
- Dividends: W-J, »/-3, 46/-. ; Dividends : 16/6, 9/6, 46/-. - Dividends: W J, 6-3, 46-. ;
Seven furlongs Seven furlongs Seven furlongs
Second Division Second Division Second Division
Royal Order, 7.7 ? 1 Royal Order, 7.7 .. .. .. .. 1 Royal Order, 7.7 1
Pageant, 8.2 ? .2 Pageant, 8.2 .. .. .. .. .. 2 Pageant, 8.2 ? 2
AVinoobra, 9.0 ? 3 } Winoobra, 9.0 .. .. .. .. 3 AVinoobra, 9.0 3 y
Other starters : Tentonis 8.7, Son of } Other starters : Teutonis 8.7, Son of Other starters : Tentonis 8.7, Son of }
Aurous 8.5, Miss Devlin 7.9, Pangolin { Aurous 8.5, Miss Devlin 7.9, Pangolin Aureus 8.5, Miss Devlin 7.9, Pangolin {
7.0, Our Boy 7.5, Sachem 7.5, Laiglon j 7.6, Our Boy 7.5, Sachem 7.5, Laiglon 7.0, Our Boy 7.5, Sachem 7.5, Langton j
73, Ortelle's Star 73, Barsac 7.2. Tro- j 7.3, Ortelle's Star 7.3, Barsac 7.2, Tro- 73, Ortelle's Star 73, Barsac 7.2. Tro- j
zene 7.0. i zene 7.0. zone 7.0. i
Bettine: 12 to 1 against the winner, j Betting : 12 to 1 against the winner. Betting: 12 to 1 against the winner, j
Dividends: 41/-. W-, 10/-. Dividends : 41/-, 9/-, 10/-. Dividends: 417-. W-, 10/-.
About two miles and half a furlong About two miles and half a furlong About two miles and half a furlong
Elegance, 10.7 ? 1 Elegance, 10.7 .. .. .. .. .. 1 Elegance, 10.7 1
Santa Casa, 11.13 ? 2 Santa Casa, 11.13 .. .. .. 2 Santa Casa, 11.13 2
Wakerife, 10.11 ? 3 Wakerife, 10.11 .. .. .. .. 3 Wakerife, 10.11 3
Other starters : Tezpur 11.4. El Dam- j Other starters : Tezpur 11.4, El Dam- Other starters : Tezpur 11.4. El Dam- j
aroyal 10.7, Philax 10.5, Character aroyal 10.7, Philax 10.5, Character royal 10.7, Philax 10.5, Character
10.2, Montargis 9.11, Cape Lilock 9.10, 10.2, Montargis 9.11, Cape Lilock 9.10, 10.2, Montargis 9.11, Cape Lilock 9.10,
Keunamon 9.6, Reliaboam 9.6, Dilpurra Kennamon 9.6, Rehaboam 9.6, Dilpurra Keunamon 9.6, Reliaboam 9.6, Dilpurra
9.5. Tongalla 9.0, David's Legacy 9.0. 9.5, Tongalla 9.0, David's Legacy 9.0. 9.5. Tongalla 9.0, David's Legacy 9.0.
Betting: 7 to 1 against the winner. Betting : 7 to 1 against the winner. Betting: 7 to 1 against the winner.
Dividends: 14/-, 9/-, 15/-. Dividends : 14/-, 9/-, 15/-. Dividends: 14s-, 9d-, 15s-.
Six furlongs Six furlongs Six furlongs
Studio, 9.3 ? 1 j Studio, 9.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 Studio, 9.3 1 j
Hostile, S.10 ? . . 2 Hostile, 8.10 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Hostile, 810 ? . . 2
Regular Bachelor, 9.12 ... 3 Regular Bachelor, 9.12 . .. 3 Regular Bachelor, 9.12 ... 3
Other starters: Ogwell 02, Belle Sil Other starters : Ogwell 9.2, Belle Sil- Other starters: Ogwell 02, Belle, Silhouette
houette 7.13. NamaUTa 7.12, Kanuri houette 7.13, Namakia 7.12, Kanuri 7.13. NamaUTa 7.12, Kamiri
7.12, Fire' 'King 7.3, Great Feast 7.0. 7.12, Fire King 7.3, Great Feast 7.0. 7.12, Fire' 'King 7.3, Great Feast 7.0.
Betting: 4 to 1 against the winner Betting : 4 to 1 against the winner. Betting: 4 to 1 against the winner
Dividends: 8/6,. 11/-, 12/-. Dividends : 8/6, 11/-, 12/-. Dividends: 8/6,. 117-, 12s-.
One nule and a quarter One mile and a quarter One mile and a quarter
Windmar. 7.8 ? 1 Windmar, 7.8 .. .. .. .. .. 1 Windmar. 7.8 1
Upoko- Ariti, -8.12 ? 2 Upoko Ariti, 8.12 .. .. .. 2 Upoko- Anita, -8.12 2
Sailmaker. 7-3 ? : - 3 Sailmaker, 7.3 .. .. .. .. 3 Sailmaker. 7-3 ? : - 3
Other starters : Art 8.9. Lord Car Other starters: Art 8.9, Lord Car- Other starters : Art 8.9. Lord Carrington
rington 8.3, Royal Armour 7.12, Irving rington 8.3, Royal Armour 7.12, Irving 8.3, Royal Armour 7.12, Irving
7.10, Nissa 7.10, Rebel Queen 7.7, Tres 7.10, Nissa 7.10, Rebel Queen 7.7, Tres- 7.10, Nissa 7.10, Rebel Queen 7.7, Tres
anton 7.7, Orford 7.5, Ardashir 7.5. anton 7.7, Orford 7.5, Ardashir 7.5, anton 7.7, Orford 7.5, Ardashir 7.5.
Brilliant Sun 7J3, Plectrum 1.2, The Brilliant Sun 7.3, Plectrum 7.2, The Brilliant Sun 793, Plectrum 1.2, The
Wind 6.12. Wind 6.12. Wind 6.12.
Betting: 10 to 1 against the winner. Betting : 10 to 1 against the winner. Betting: 10 to 1 against the winner.
Dividends: 19/6, 10/-, W-. Dividends : 19/6, 10/-, 48/-. Dividends: 19/6, 105-, W-.
i ??? ' One mile One mile i ??? ' One mile
Snliman, 7.11 ? 1 , Suliman, 7.11 .. .. .. .. .. 1 Suliman, 7.11 1 ,
Humorist, 7.11 ? 7. 2 Humorist, 7.11 .. .. .. .. 2 Humorist, 7.11 7 2
Golden Glow. 8.4 ? 3 Golden Glow, 8.4 .. .. .. 3 Golden Glow. 8.4 3
Other starters: Gold Streak 9.0, Other starters : Gold Streak 9.0, Other starters: Gold Streak 9.0,
^Lord Jesington 8.9, Silver Edge 8.7, Lord Jevington 8.9, Silver Edge 8.7, Lord Kensington 8.9, Silver Edge 8.7,
Arabian Knight 8.6, Lady Mauve 7.13, Arabian Knight 8.6, Lady Mauve 7.13, Arabian Knight 8.6, Lady Mauve 7.13,
Old Days 7.13, Pintail 7.5, Gay Broc Old Days 7.13, Pintail 7.5, Gay Broc- Old Days 7.13, Pintail 7.5, Gay Bros
ade 7.0, Idle Man 7.0, The K.C. 7.0. ade 7.0, Idle Man 7.0, The K.C. 7.0. ade 7.0, Idle Man 7.0, The K.C. 7.0.
Betting: 12 to 1 against the winner. Betting : 12 to 1 against the winner. Betting: 12 to 1 against the winner.
Dividends: 20/6, 10/C 19/6. Dividends : 20/6, 10/6, 19/6. Dividends: 20/6, 10/6 19/6.
Identified overProof corrections WELTER SULIMAN ROTHSAY
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words25594.593.3-21.4
Searchability of unique words17293.690.1-54.5
Weighted Words93.490.3-46.7

Article ID 81901664, Article, NEW STAMP ISSUE, page 2 1937-05-05, Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954), 178 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Next Monday the Post Office will re-<*> Next Monday the Post Office will re- Next Monday the Post Office will release
lease for sale new penny and twopenny lease for sale new penny and twopenny for sale new penny and twopenny
postage stamps. On the twopenny postage stamps. On the twopenny postage stamps. On the twopenny
stamp the bust of King George VI. will stamp the bust of King George VI. will stamp the bust of King George VI. will
appear, and tho other will portray the appear, and the other will portray the appear, and the other will portray the
Qucon*. An innovation in tho form of Queen. An innovation in the form of Queen's. An innovation in the form of
"first day covers" is being introduced "first day covers" is being introduced first day covers" is being introduced
with this issue. These covers are en with this issue. These covers are en- with this issue. These covers are envelopes
velopes of ordinary size, and will bear velopes of ordinary size, and will bear of ordinary size, and will bear
an official imprint, on tho lofWiand' an official imprint, on the left-hand an official imprint, on the lofWiand'
side. Both stamps will" bo affixed side. Both stamps will be affixed side. Both stamps will" be affixed
to the covers. The price will be 3Ad to the covers. The price will be 3½d to the covers. The price will be 3d
per envelope. If additional stamps are per envelope. If additional stamps are per envelope. If additional stamps are
desired the envelopes, the charge desired the envelopes, the charge desired the envelopes, the charge
will bo tho face value of the stamps, will be the face value of the stamps, will be the face value of the stamps,
plus a halfpenny. The envelopes will plus a halfpenny. The envelopes will plus a halfpenny. The envelopes will
be offered for sale at post-offices on be offered for sale at post-offices on be offered for sale at post-offices on
May 10, and will need to bo posted May 10, and will need to be posted May 10, and will need to be posted
sufficiently early on that date if date sufficiently early on that date if date- sufficiently early on that date if date
stamping on the day of issue is desired. stamping on the day of issue is desired. stamping on the day of issue is desired.
Provided the necessary remittances are Provided the necessary remittances are Provided the necessary remittances are
received at tho General Post Office be received at the General Post Office be- received at the General Post Office be
fore May 10, tho department will ar fore May 10, the department will ar- fore May 20, the department will ar-
range for. -'first day covers" to be range for "first day covers" to be range for. first day covers" to be
posted to tho applicants,on tho day on posted to the applicants on the day on posted to the applicants, on the day on
which, the now stamps are issued. which the new stamps are issued. which, the new stamps are issued.
Identified overProof corrections RELEASE APPLICANTS
Identified overProof non-corrections QUEEN /LEFT/HAND|LEFTHAND
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words17190.198.888.2
Searchability of unique words8695.397.750.0
Weighted Words95.497.750.0

Article ID 87298662, Article, 54 OZ. FROM 1½ CWT. OF DIRT Brothers' Rich Find At Dunn's Eight Mile, page 1 1937-10-27, Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1950), 77 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
? Brothers' Rich Find A{ Brothers' Rich Find At ? Brothers' Rich Find A
Dunn's Eight Mile Dunn's Eight Mile Dunn's Eight Mile
After about a week's loaming all After about a week's loaming at After about a week's learning all
Dunn's Eight Mile, between Kintores Dunn's Eight Mile, between Kintore Dunn's Eight Mile, between Kintore
and Carbine, last week, two prospec-i and Carbine, last week, two prospec- and Carbine, last week, two Prospectors,
tors, Eric and Harold Newman, dis tors, Eric and Harold Newman, dis- Eric and Harold Newman, discovered
covered a contact which yielded 54 covered a contact which yielded 54 a contact which yielded 54
oz. for 1^ cwt. of dirt. oz. for cwt. of dirt. oz. for 12 cwt. of dirt.
The discovery was made at a? The discovery was made at a The discovery was made at a
depth. of between 7 ft. and 20 ft., depth of between 7 ft. and 20 ft., depth. of between 7 ft. and 20 ft.,
and the dirt was treated by (Ber and the dirt was treated by Ber- and the dirt was treated by (Berdan
dan pan at J. Crawford's battery at* dan pan at J. Crawford's battery at pan at J. Crawford's battery at
Carbine. Carbine. Carbine.
Identified overProof corrections PROSPECTORS KINTORE
Identified overProof non-corrections LOAMING [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6390.593.733.3
Searchability of unique words4495.597.750.0
Weighted Words94.797.350.0

Article ID 96124208, Article, END OF FOOTBALL THIS WEEK Semaphore Central to Meet Pirie Side Brady to Receive Medal on Monday, page 3 1937-10-07, Recorder (Port Pirie, SA : 1919 - 1954), 371 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
i Semaphore Central to Semaphore Central to v Semaphore Central to
! Meet Pirie Side Meet Pirie Side ! Meet Pirie Side
Brady to Receive Brady to Receive Brady to Receive
Medal on Monday Medal on Monday Medal on Monday
At the conclusion of an unusually At the conclusion of an unusually At the conclusion of an unusually
long season Pirie footballers will put long season Pirie footballers will put long season Pirie footballers will put
uway their guernseys after next week away their guernseys after next week- away their guernseys after next week
end—live weeks after (tie premiership end— five weeks after the premiership endive weeks after (the premiership
came \*as played. game was played. came was played.
Two visiting teams will journey hero Two visiting teams will journey here Two visiting teams will journey here
on Saturday, on£ to flay a match on Saturday, one to play a match on Saturday, one to play a match
againsi a Pirie side and another merely against a Pirie side and another merely against a Pirie side and another merely
on a pleasure jaunt. on a pleasure jaunt. on a pleasure jaunt.
.Semaphore Gen Ira!, which has a Semaphore Central, which has a Semaphore Gen Ira!, which has a
line record in Amateur League, is ex line record in Amateur League, is ex- fine record in Amateur League, is expected
pected to send a-strong team. Solomon pected to send a strong team. Solomon- to send a strong team. Solomon town
town A and B grade players will he town A and B grade players will be A and B grade players will he
a'hsent a; Peterborough, where they absent at Peterborough, where they absent a; Peterborough, where they
will meet a combined team, and the will meet a combined team, and the will meet a combined team, and the
side to meet the city combination will side to meet the city combination will side to meet the city combination will
be an unusual one in that, it will not be an unusual one in that it will not be an unusual one in that, it will not
include any of the blue and whites. . include any of the blue and whites. include any of the blue and whites. The
The association selectors have in The association selectors have in- association selectors have in
who will receive "The Recorder" || who will receive "The Recorder" who will receive "The Recorder"
Medal on Monday night. || Medal on Monday night. Medal on Monday night.
eluded iiie names ol' several younger cluded the names of several younger eluded the names of several younger
players in the list ol' 26 to train for players in the list of 26 to train for players in the list of 26 to train for
Use lueal match, unri it seems likely the local match, and it seems likely Use local match, and it seems likely
that some of them will be given a that some of them will be given a that some of them will be given a
run. The move is a wise one at this run. The move is a wise one at this run. The move is a wise one at this
stage of the season, stage of the season, stage of the season,
I'rueeeds of the match will gu h> Proceeds of the match will go to Proceeds of the match will go by
the Mayoress' Relief Fuml. and asso-. the Mayoress' Relief Fund, and asso- the Mayoress' Relief Fund. and asso-.
| eiation ollicials lire hopeful thai it will ciation officials are hopeful that it will | station officials are hopeful that it will
be well supported l»y the public. be well supported by the public. be well supported by the public.
South Adelaide i! piayers will also South Adelaide B players will also South Adelaide i! players will also
be here at the week-end. but will not be here at the week-end, but will not be here at the week-end. but will not
participate in a match. participate in a match. participate in a match.
Lilcc the Ceutral team which visited Like the Central team which visited Like the Central team which visited
hero a week earlier, members of the here a week earlier, members of the here a week earlier, members of the
Centennial party, when they departed Centennial party, when they departed Centennial party, when they departed
fur Broken Iliil on Monday, could not for Broken Hill on Monday, could not for Broken Hill on Monday, could not
say enough for the hospitality they say enough for the hospitality they say enough for the hospitality they
had received at the" hands of St. had received at the hands of St. had received at the" hands of St.
Maris Club. Their friendly feelings Mark's Club. Their friendly feelings Marks Club. Their friendly feelings
were heartily reeiprucated by St. were heartily reciprocated by St. were heartily reciprocated by St.
Mark's members, who gained a high Mark's members, who gained a high Mark's members, who gained a high
impression oi" (he visitor's as good impression of the visitor's as good impression of" (the visitor's as good
sportsmen. sportsmen. sportsmen.
Although the season wilt end on Although the season will end on Although the season will end on
Saturday players, efiieial.-s and sup Saturday players, officials, and sup- Saturday players, officials and supporters
porters will still have an opportunity porters will still have an opportunity will still have an opportunity
to mingle at the usual social functions. to mingle at the usual social functions. to mingle at the usual social functions.
St. Mark's Club has arranged an at St. Mark's Club has arranged an at- St. Mark's Club has arranged an attractive
tractive programme for its presenta tractive programme for its presenta- programme for its presentation
tion victory ball, which will be held tion victory ball, which will be held victory ball, which will be held
on Monday night. At that function club on Monday night. At that function club on Monday night. At that function club
and association trophies will lie pre and association trophies will lie pre- and association trophies will be presented.
sented. and J. W. Brady (St. Mark's sented, and J. W. Brady (St. Mark's and J. W. Brady (St. Mark's
captain; will receive ";The "Recorder" captain) will receive "The "Recorder" captain; will receive "The "Recorder"
Medal Medal. Medal
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words33787.896.470.7
Searchability of unique words18190.696.764.7
Weighted Words91.297.065.5

Article ID 126498816, Article, LEVEL CROSSING SMASH SINGLETON, Thursday., page 5 1937-12-16, The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), 53 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
SINGLETON. Thursday. SINGLETON, Thursday. SINGLETON. Thursday.
Mr. E, T. ? Saltier, of Ravoimworth, Mr. E. T. Sattler, of Ravensworth, Mr. E T. ? Sattler, of Ravensworth,
was crossing tho Ravonsworth lovol was crossing the Ravensworth level was crossing the Ravensworth level
crossing last night whon tho lorry, was crossing last night when the lorry was crossing last night when the lorry, was
struok by a goods train .and smashed struck by a goods train and smashed struck by a goods train and smashed
to pieces. Mr, Battler esoaped sorlous to pieces. Mr. Sattler escaped serious to pieces. Mr, Battler escaped serious
Injuries and was treated by railway of injuries and was treated by railway of- injuries and was treated by railway of
ficials, Singleton Ambulanoe convoyed ficials. Singleton Ambulance conveyed ficials, Singleton Ambulance conveyed
him , to, .hospital, ? him to hospital. him to, hospital, ?
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words4671.797.892.3
Searchability of unique words3372.7100.0100.0
Weighted Words68.3100.0100.0

Article ID 126509743, Article, MAN KILLED Level Crossing Smash BRISBANE, Saturday., page 8 1937-09-04, The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), 77 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Level Crossing SmasK Level Crossing Smash Level Crossing Smash
BniSBANB, Saturday,, BRISBANE, Saturday. BRISBANE, Saturday,
Charlos Barton, an inspector of tlia Charles Barton, an inspector of the Charles Barton, an inspector of the
State Qovornmont Insuranco Office, State Government Insurance Office, State Government Insurance Office,
was killed, and two womon woro in was killed, and two women were in- was killed, and two women were in
jurod In a lovol-nrosHlng Binash, nt jured in a level-crossing smash, at need In a level-crossing smash, at
tho Wonglopong lovol orosslng on tho the Wonglepong level crossing on the the Wonglepong level crossing on the
ftrlRhnno-Gnnungrn rond, Brisbane-Canungra road. ftrlRhnno-Gnnungrn road,
Tho Injured woro Mrs, Borgln, whoso The injured were Mrs. Bergin, whose The injured were Mrs, Bergin, whose
oollurbono and a flhouldor-blado woro collarbone and a shoulder-blade were collarbone and a shoulder blade were
fraoturod, nnd Mrs, Unloy, of Bur fractured, and Mrs. Linley, of Bur- fractured, and Mrs, Riley, of Burwood,
wood, Sydney, who suffnrod a proh wood, Sydney, who suffered a prob- Sydney, who suffered a probable
nhlu frncluro of tlio polvla, and inlor* able fracture of the pelvis, and inter- fracture of the pelvis, and inform
rnn-1 -In-Jui'lofl, i ' ''? ' ?'??''' nal injuries. runs -In-Jui'lofl, i ' ''? ' ?'??'''
Identified overProof non-corrections INTERNAL INJURIES LINLEY CANUNGRA
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6443.890.683.3
Searchability of unique words4647.891.383.3
Weighted Words40.689.281.8

Article ID 126511476, Article, ENSURING SAFETY Warwick Farm Crossing, page 8 1937-08-14, The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), 122 words, 8 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Warwick Farm Crossing Warwick Farm Crossing Warwick Farm Crossing
Motor mioi'H will' havo to 'suffer, do Motor users will have to suffer, de- Motor mioi'H will have to suffer, do
luy nnd iiiconvonlonco nt tho railway lay and inconvenience at the railway lay and inconvenience at the railway
lovol crossing at Warwick Farm, on level crossing at Warwick Farm, on level crossing at Warwick Farm, on
Iho llumo Highway, for anothor four the Hume Highway, for another four the Hume Highway, for another four
months, porhnps longor, atntos tho months, perhaps longer, states the months, perhaps longer, states the
N.It.M.A, touring dopnrtmont, N.R.M.A. touring department. NIEMAN, touring department,
Work on n deviation nnd an over Work on a deviation and an over- Work on a deviation and an over
bond biidgo wns stnrtod somo months head bridge was started some months head bridge was started some months
ngo nnd tho approach embankments ago and the approach embankments ago and the approach embankments
havo boon built, Reinforcing material have been built. Reinforcing material have been built, Reinforcing material
for tlio concroto retaining wnlls is for the concrete retaining walls is for the concrete retaining walls is
now bolng plncod In position. Whon now being placed in position. When now being placed in position. When
thin work Is flnlshod tho ntool over this work is finished the steel over- this work is finished the wool over
biidgo will lie constructed nnd the ap bridge will be constructed and the ap- bridge will be constructed and the approaches
proaches surfaced. proaches surfaced. surfaced.
Tho oponlng of tills dovlnllon will The opening of the deviation will The opening of this deviation will
moan tho end of n lovol crossing which mean the end of a level crossing which mean the end of a level crossing which
has tnkon n toll of llfo and onusod has taken a toll of life and caused has taken a toll of life and caused
ondlons dolnys at busy trafllo porlodB, endless delays at busy traffic periods, endless delays at busy traffic period,
fftyg tho asBOplaUoii, ' , says the association. says the asBOplaUoii, ' ,
Identified overProof non-corrections DELAY PERIODS STEEL USERS ASSOCIATION
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words11148.694.689.5
Searchability of unique words8150.693.887.5
Weighted Words50.592.885.5

Article ID 126520015, Article, Sub-station Accident ELECTRICIAN BURNED SYDNEY, Monday., page 4 1937-11-29, The Maitland Daily Mercury (NSW : 1894 - 1939), 114 words, 9 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Sub-station Accident Sub-station Accident Sub-station Accident
SYDNEY, Monday. SYDNEY, Monday. SYDNEY, Monday.
Raymond Hopple, 87,, electrician, of Raymond Hepple, 37, electrician, of Raymond Hepple, 37,, electrician, of
Plne-stroot, Auburn, rocolvod severe Pine-street, Auburn, received severe Pirie-street, Auburn, received severe
burns when bo accidentally touched burns when he accidentally touched burns when he accidentally touched
apparatus carrying 15QQ volts of elec apparatus carrying 1500 volts of elec- apparatus carrying 1500 volts of electricity
tricity in a railway oloctiiual suh-sta tricity in a railway electrical sub-sta- in a railway electrical sub-sta
Unit, near Gordon. ? . . . tion, near Gordon. Unit, near Gordon. ? . . .
Hopplo was working on n rootlflor, Hepple was working on a rectifier, Hepple was working on a rectifier,
which, for aafoly, In onolosod in n wire which, for safety, is enclosed in a wire which, for safety, In enclosed in a wire
cage. Othor workmon board a report,' cage. Other workmen heard a report, cage Other workmen board a report,'
naw n brilliant ilnsh, and then Raw saw a brilliant flash, and then saw saw a brilliant flash, and then Raw
Hopplo stnggor out of tho cage, Tho Hepple stagger out of the cage. The Hopplo stagger out of the cage, The
shock had nppiirontly thrown him shock had apparently thrown him shock had apparently thrown him
clonr, clear. clear,
It wan found that Hopplo had re It was found that Hepple had re- It was found that Hopplo had received
celvod terrible burns to tho rlgbl ceived terrible burns to the right terrible burns to the ring
hand nnd nrm, Oontrnl District Ant hand and arm. Central District Am- and the arm, Central District And
hulnnco officer* applied first, nld, nnil bulance officers applied first aid, and humane officers applied first, aid, and
then took him to thu Honiaby . DIb' then took him to the Hornsby Dis- then took him to the Home by DIb'
trlct Hospital, trict Hospital. trlct Hospital,
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9861.288.871.1
Searchability of unique words7665.890.873.1
Weighted Words61.890.575.2

Article ID 134992047, Article, JURORS' LIST REVISED, page 11 1937-12-02, Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), 58 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Tile jurors' list for tile district of The jurors' list for the district of Tile jurors'' list for the district of
h lintl d wos rerive"rl t on .nuanl sit Maitland was received on annual sit- h find d was revived tion nual sit
tion .at tlh'Weot 3foitland Coortlhouse tion at the West Maitland Courthouse tion at the West Maitland Court-house
yosterdlny: morning. ,lnecrs. R. L. Pen yesterday morning. Messrs. R. L. Pen- yesterday: morning. lovers. R. L. Pender.
der. C. W. Geuge, and E. A. J. Noble der. C. W. Genge, and E. A. J. Noble C. W. Genge, and E. A. J. Noble
orccpind the liench. A list of 438 names occupied the bench. A list of 438 names occupied the bench. A list of 438 names
w tl rceived, and 17 jurors were struckl was received, and 17 jurors were struck w tl received, and 17 jurors were struck
off. the roll off the roll. off. the roll
Identified overProof non-corrections ANNUAL MESSRS ON [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words4459.184.161.1
Searchability of unique words3161.390.375.0
Weighted Words58.593.083.2

Article ID 139305275, Article, OBITUARY MR. J. S. FURZE, page 1 1937-11-23, The Tumut and Adelong Times (NSW : 1864 - 1867; 1899 - 1950), 210 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
mr:. j. s. furze MR. J. S. FURZE mr:. j. s. furze
?Mr. Joseph Stirling Furze, who Mr. Joseph Stirling Furze, who Mr. Joseph Stirling Furze, who
met his death in- such tragic- circum met his death in such tragic circum- met his death in such tragic- circumstances
stances on Thursday evening - last stances on Thursday evening last on Thursday evening - last
at Tumbarumba, was a native of at Tumbarumba, was a native of at Tumbarumba, was a native of
Hawkosburn (Vic. ) . !He came to Hawkesburn (Vic.). He came to Hawksburn (Vic. ) . He came to
N.S.W. in 1913 and almost immedi N.S.W. in 1913 and almost immedi- N.S.W. in 1913 and almost immediately
ately entered the railway service. ately entered the railway service. entered the railway service.
At the time of his death lie was At the time of his death he was At the time of his death he was
tationed '.at Tumibarumbj, having stationed at Tumbarumba, having stationed 'at Tumbarumba, having
Bisen there .just:, over' !l'8 months, been there just over 18 months, risen there just:, over' 1198 months,
prior to which he spent three anda prior to which he spent three and a- prior to which he spent three and a
half- years, ttt ;Wagga, where his wife half years, at Wagga, where his wife half- years, at Wagga, where his wife
and family are still , residing. He and family are still residing. He and family are still , residing. He
\yus the eldest- son of the- late ' Mr . was the eldest son of the late Mr. was the eldest son of the late Mr and
and Mrs. J; ,G.. Furze, . of HaAvkes and Mrs. J. G. Furze, of Hawkes- Mrs. J. G.. Furze, . of HaAvkes
?burn'rCVi'c.or.i-At- tlidlagerrof;:23-years' burn (Vic.). At the age of 23 years ?burn'rCVi'c.or.i-At- tlidlagerrof;:23-years'
he was married at Grenfell to ,:Miss he was married at Grenfell to Miss he was married at Grenfell to Miss
Beatrice Pryce, the eldest daughter Beatrice Pryce, the eldest daughter Beatrice Pryce, the eldest daughter
of Mr.: and Mrs: 'David Pryce, ': of of Mr. and Mrs. David Pryce, of of Mr. and Mrs. David Pryce, ': of
Talybout-on-Usk,, Wales. Mr'. Furze, Talybout-on-Usk, Wales. Mr. Furze, Talybout-on-Usk,, Wales. Mr'. Furze,
is survived by his wife, -one daughter is survived by his wife, one daughter is survived by his wife, one daughter
(Betty) and two sons., (Jack and (Betty) and two sons (Jack and (Betty) and two sons. (Jack and
Ronald) . In addition !to being an Ronald). In addition to being an Ronald In addition to being an
efficient and popular: officer of the efficient and popular officer of the efficient and popular: officer of the
railway staff, :Mr,. Furze was a mem railway staff, Mr. Furze was a mem- railway staff, Mr,. Furze was a member
ber of the Tumbarumba Masonic ber of the Tumbarumba Masonic of the Tumbarumba Masonic
Lodge No. 553, and also of the M.U. Lodge No. 553, and also of the M.U. Lodge No. 553, and also of the M.U.I.O.O.F.
I.O.O.F. He -vas'a member of the I.O.O.F. He was a member of the He -was a member of the
8th Light Horse, Orange. The fune 8th Light Horse, Orange. The fune- 8th Light Horse, Orange. The funeral
ral took place iu Wagga; oil Saturday ral took place in Wagga on Saturday took place in Wagga; on Saturday
afternoon, moving fro;ii St. And afternoon, moving from St. And- afternoon, moving from St. Andrew's
rew's Presbyterian Church for the rew's Presbyterian Church for the Presbyterian Church for the
Wagga Cemetery at 2 o'clock. Wagga Cemetery at 2 o'clock. Wagga Cemetery at 2 o'clock.
Identified overProof corrections STATIONED FROM
Identified overProof non-corrections BEEN HAWKESBURN A AGE
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words18989.995.252.6
Searchability of unique words10994.596.333.3
Weighted Words94.695.923.6

Article ID 139961295, Article, LIGHT HORSE., page 2 1937-08-26, Cootamundra Herald (NSW : 1877 - 1954), 184 words, 8 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The next parade of the Light. Horse The next parade of the Light Horse The next parade of the Light Horse
will be held this week-end, commenc will be held this week-end, commenc- will be held this week-end, commencing
ing with an; N.C.O. class, on Friday ing with an N.C.O. class, on Friday with an; N.C.O. class, on Friday
evening, at 7.30, a dismounted parade evening, at 7.30, a dismounted parade evening, at 7.30, a dismounted parade
at 2 on Saturday afternoon, and a dis at 2 on Saturday afternoon, and a dis- at 2 on Saturday afternoon, and a dis-
mounted parade- on . Sunday,, com-, mounted parade on Sunday, com- mounted parade- on Sunday, commenclng
menclng at 10 . a.m., when . It. .is. pro mencing at 10 a.m., when it is pro- at 10 . a.m., when It. is. proposed
posed to fire the annual Hotchklss gun posed to fire the annual Hotchklss gun to fire the annual Hotchkiss gun
course. course. course.
Lieut. Dent has' received bdvicc that Lieut. Dent has received advice that Lieut. Dent has' received advice that
Cootamundra has' been selected as the Cootamundra has been selected as the Cootamundra has' been selected as the
site for No. -1 Section Machine Guns; site for No. 1 Section Machine Guns ; site for No. -2 Section Machine Guns;
and the local troop will shortly, be is and the local troop will shortly be is- and the local troop will shortly, be is
sued with Vickers machine- guns, In sued with Vickers machine guns, In sued with Vickers machine- guns, In
addition to their' present weapons of addition to their present weapons of addition to their present weapons of
the rifle and the sword, thus making the rifle and the sword, thus making the rifle and the sword, thus making
the work to be performed even more the work to be performed even more the work to be performed even more
interesting and varied- than it is at interesting and varied than it is at interesting and varied, than it is at
present... present. present...
It is probable thai. No. 2 Section Ma It is probable that No. 2 Section Ma- It is probable that. No. 2 Section Machine
chine Guns will be raised in the chine Guns will be raised in the Guns will be raised in the
Stockinblngal district shortly.. Stockinbingal district shortly. Stockinbingal district shortly..
The troop at present Is only one un The troop at present is only one un- The troop at present is only one under
der strength; and intending , recruits der strength; and intending recruits strength; and intending , recruits
should make application early, by should make application early, by should make application early by
either writing. or 'phoning Lieut. Dent, either writing. or 'phoning Lieut. Dent, either writing. or phoning Lieut. Dent,
or attending one of the above, parade, or attending one of the above parade, or attending one of the above, parade,
when they can get- full particulars olj when they can get full particulars of when they can get- full particulars of
attendances required, rates of -pay, etcJ attendances required, rates of pay, etc. attendances required, rates of pay, etc
Identified overProof corrections STOCKINBINGAL ADVICE ETC
Identified overProof non-corrections HOTCHKLSS [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words16495.198.875.0
Searchability of unique words10297.199.066.7
Weighted Words97.298.857.3

Article ID 140094584, Article, RAILWAY PILFERING., page 12 1937-07-31, Molong Express and Western District Advertiser (NSW : 1887 - 1954), 164 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
On arrival at - Molong on Monday On arrival at Molong on Monday On arrival at - Molong on Monday
morning a truck, containing mixed morning a truck, containing mixed morning a truck, containing mixed
merchandise was found to have ? been merchandise was found to have been merchandise was found to have been
ransacked, many cartons and cases ransacked, many cartons and cases ransacked, many cartons and cases
having been slashed and opened, and having been slashed and opened, and having been slashed and opened, and
their contents scattered about the their contents scattered about the their contents scattered about the
floor. There was a large consignment floor. There was a large consignment floor. There was a large consignment
of tobacco in the van, but, contrary of tobacco in the van, but, contrary of tobacco in the van, but, contrary
to the usual custom, it was packed., in to the usual custom, it was packed in to the usual custom, it was packed., in
cases instead of cartons, and if- the cases instead of cartons, and if the cases instead of cartons, and if the
fragrant weed was the object of their fragrant weed was the object of their fragrant weed was the object of their
search, they were unlucky to have search, they were unlucky to have search, they were unlucky to have
missed a very valuable haiil, report missed a very valuable haul, report- missed a very valuable haul, reported
ed to be worth about £200/ ' Owing ed to be worth about £200. Owing to be worth about £200/ Owing to
to the number of packages broached, to the number of packages broached, the number of packages broached,
it was difficult to ' obtain an idea of it was difficult to obtain an idea of it was difficult to obtain an idea of
what goods had been taken but after what goods had been taken but after what goods had been taken but after
communicating with the various: con? communicating with the various con- communicating with the various consignees,
signees, the police ascertained , th%t. signees, the police ascertained that the police ascertained that
only two pair of shoes were missing, only two pair of shoes were missing, only two pair of shoes were missing,
the sizes of which, added to the fact the sizes of which, added to the fact the sizes of which, added to the fact
that the truck was two days in the that the truck was two days in the that the truck was two days in the
Orange ygrds, may \ prove valuable Orange yards, may prove valuable Orange yards, may prove valuable
clues in the' search for the t'hie£ clues in the search for the thief. clues in the search for the thief
======== ======== ========
Identified overProof corrections YARDS HAUL THIEF
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words14997.3100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words9796.9100.0100.0
Weighted Words96.1100.0100.0

Article ID 143404857, Article, LIGHT HORSE, page 2 1937-10-04, Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954), 76 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Ofri the 9th and 10th of next On the 9th and 10th of next On the 9th and 10th of next
month a parade of the Wellington month a parade of the Wellington month a parade of the Wellington
Light Horse Troop will be held, Light Horse Troop will be held, Light Horse Troop will be held,
when Col'onel Barton. Commanding when Colonel Barton, Commanding when Colonel Barton. Commanding
Officer, and Major Walker, Squad Officer, and Major Walker, Squad- Officer, and Major Walker, Squadron
ron Commpnder. will make an in ron Commander, will make an in- Commander. will make an in
spection. In view of the unsetiled spection. In view of the unsettled spection. In view of the unsettled
state of the world ai d the need fer state of the world and the need for state of the world and the need for
the constant training of a reserve the constant training of a reserve the constant training of a reserve
force; Lieutenant CaiVinbell urges force, Lieutenant Campbell urges force; Lieutenant CaiVinbell urges
that as many as possible make a that as many as possible make a that as many as possible make a
genuine endeavour to be present'-at genuine endeavour to be present at genuine endeavour to be present at
tliis parade, . this parade. this parade, .
Identified overProof corrections FOR ATTHIS COMMANDER ON UNSETTLED
Identified overProof non-corrections CAMPBELL
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6789.698.585.7
Searchability of unique words4987.898.083.3
Weighted Words88.197.780.4

Article ID 143409167, Article, Mainly About People, page 5 1937-03-01, Wellington Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954), 897 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Mainly About People Mainly About People Mainly About People
The 'Fi2v. W. iE. K. Burkett, Rector The Rev. W. E. K. Burkett, Rector The 'Frey. W. E. K. Burkett, Rector
of St. MUtthias' Church of England, of St. Matthias' Church of England, of St. Matthias' Church of England,
Denman, has received advice from Denman, has received advice from Denman, has received advice from
the Bishop of his appointment to the Bishop of his appointment to the Bishop of his appointment to
the parish of Morpeth. Mr. Burfcitt the parish of Morpeth. Mr. Burkitt the parish of Morpeth. Mr. Burkitt
takes over his new parish on. April takes over his new parish on April takes over his new parish on April
jl. 1. 24.
of Neutral Bay. , * * * of Neutral Bay. I
I ? At the Lithgow Hospital Mr. At the Lithgow Hospital Mr. ? At the Lithgow Hospital Mr.
Stephen John Hannan, aged -12, Stephen John Hannan, aged 42, Stephen John Hannan, aged -12,
died, and thereby the town has lost died, and thereby the town has lost died, and thereby the town has lost
|'a -Wol-thy citizen and the Catholic a worthy citizen and the Catholic a -worthy citizen and the Catholic
iChui'ch a staunch worker. He was Church a staunch worker. He was Church a staunch worker. He was
a keen follower of football, and be a keen follower of football, and be- a keen follower of football, and be
fore the war was a prominent mem fore the war was a prominent mem- fore the war was a prominent member
'ber of the Railway Cllib. He saw. ber of the Railway Club. He saw of the Railway Club. He saw
active service in France with the | active service in France with the active service in France with the
17th Battal'on, A.I.F., and was a 17th Battalion, A.I.F., and was a 17th Battalion, AIF., and was a
member of the ILithgow sub-branch member of the Lithgow sub-branch member of the Lithgow sub-branch
of the R.'S.SjI.'L.A. of the R.S.S.I.L.A. of the R."S.S.I.L.A.
est sympathy of the whole district. * * * est sympathy of the whole district.
, At 'Dubbo District 'Hospital, At Dubbo District Hospital, At 'Dubbo District Hospital,
Thomas iHarold Hansen, 13mbnths Thomas Harold Hansen, 13-months- Thomas Harold Hansen, 12months
old child of Mr. and Mrs. T. H.. old child of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. old child of Mr. and Mrs. T. H..
Hansen, died as the result of a burn Hansen, died as the result of a burn- Hansen, died as the result of a burning
ing accident, which occurred about ing accident, which occurred about accident, which occurred about
a month ago. ' ' ' ' ' a month ago. a month ago. ' ' ' ' '
Of much interest to the Scottish Of much interest to the Scottish Of much interest to the Scottish
community of'thfe West was the an community of the West was the an- community of the West was the announcement
nouncement of the engagement of nouncement of the engagement of of the engagement of
(Nessie, oldest daughter of Mr, and Nessie, oldest daughter of Mr. and (Nessie, eldest daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. C. B. McKean, of .Lord's Place, Mrs. C. B. McKean, of Lord's Place, Mrs. C. B. McKean, of Lord's Place,
Grange, and laite of Greenock, Scot Orange, and late of Greenock, Scot- Grange, and late of Greenock, Scotland,
land, and James, youngest son 'of land, and James, youngest son of and James, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs; [Robert Fergu'sson, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fergusson, of Mr. and Mrs. [Robert Ferguson, of
Allehby iRoacl, 'Orange) and late, of Allenby Road, Orange, and late of Allenby Road, 'Orange) and late of
Glasgow, Scotland. The scene of Glasgow, Scotland. The scene of Glasgow, Scotland. The scene of
this announcement was the Mem'or this announcement was the Memor- this announcement was the Mem'or
iiil llall, where friends to the num ial Hall, where friends to the num- hill Hall, where friends to the number
ber of -TOO .were congregated to c'el'e-. ber of 100 were congregated to cele- of -TOO were congregated to cede-.
lir'ate the ,21st toirthdniy of; Miss brate the 21st birthday of Miss curate the 21st birthday of; Miss
McKean. McKean. McKean.
? ' * . ? ?'?-»?., ?!: ' ? ' * . ? ?'?-»?., ?!: '
:? :??.???? ?;-? * 1 * * * :? :??.???? * 1
? ': ''Only .-ten months ago 'a ; happy Only ten months ago a happy ? ': ''Only seven months ago a happy
bVitle, Mrs. Viola, May McGuigan, bride, Mrs. Viola May McGuigan, bride, Mrs. Viola, May McGuigan,
25, wife of Mr. Lawrence 'McGuigan, 25, wife of Mr. Lawrence McGuigan, 25, wife of Mr. Lawrence McGuigan,
of Young, died at 'the Sacred Heart of Young, died at the Sacred Heart of Young, died at the Sacred Heart
Hospital, after an ' operation, and Hospital, after an operation, and Hospital, after an operation, and
passed 'away before her relatives passed away before her relatives passed away before her relatives
succeeded in reaching the beclside. succeeded in reaching the bedside. succeeded in reaching the bedside.
She Was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W lliiiin .Spring, of 'JIilIview,' Bri'b William Spring, of "Hillview," Brib- W that in Spring, of 'JIilIview,' Bri'b
b'aree. ... baree. baree. ...
..-? * * ???;?' *.? ' ... '??:;-? I * * * ..-? 4 4 4??;?' 4.? ' ... '??:;-? At
, At a smoke social tendered Mr.'l At a smoke social tendered Mr. a smoke social tendered Mr
Tom Christian, patron of the Bath^ Tom Christian, patron of the Bath- Tom Christian, patron of the Baths
u'rst Trotting ICIub, 'there was an at-j urst Trotting Club, there was an at- First Trotting Club, there was an attendance
tendance of about '40, representing, tendance of about 40, representing of about '40, representing,
the Trotting iCIub and other citizens. the Trotting CIub and other citizens. the Trotting Club and other citizens.
Mr. 'Christian is shortly to leave on Mr. Christian is shortly to leave on Mr. Christian is shortly to leave on
a world tour, during which he will a world tour, during which he will a world tour, during which he will
visit the coronation. visit the coronation. visit the coronation.
* * ?? * ' : * * * * * ?? * ' :
stat'on, on the Mudgee-Cassilis road.. The engagement is announced of station, on the Mudgee Cassilis road..
Miss Muriel ILocke, younger daugh Miss Muriel Locke, younger daugh- Miss Muriel ILocke, younger daugh-
t^r 'of the late Mr. -and Mrs. ,T. C.j ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. C. tour of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. C
Liocke, of Lo'ckleigh, Brewongle, to: Locke, of Lockleigh, Brewongle, to Locke, of Lo'ckleigh, Brewongle, to:
Mr. Charles James tllennessy, of| Mr. Charles James Hennessy, of Mr. Charles James Hennessy, of
Strathfield. second son of the late Strathfield, second son of the late Strathfield. second son of the late
Mr. P. J. Hen'ne'ssy and Mrs. Hen Mr. P. J. Hennessy and Mrs. Hen- Mr. P. J. Hennessy and Mrs. Hennessy-',
riess-', of Roseville. ; 1 nessy, of Roseville. of Roseville. ; 1
? ?? * ? ? ?? * * * * ? ?? * ? ? ?? *
the engagement is announced of The engagement is announced of the engagement is announced of
Miss Anne 'Rideout, of the nursing Miss Anne Rideout, of the nursing Miss Anne Rideout, of the nursing
staff of 'the .Dubbo .Hospital, to Al staff of the Dubbo Hospital, to Al- staff of the Dubbo Hospital, to Allan,
lan, ttvin son 'of Mr. and Mrs. A. lan, twin son of Mr. and Mrs. A. twin son of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Potter, of :Dub:bo. Potter, of Dubbo. Potter, of Dubbo.
* ' '* * . / '? * * * * ' '* The engagement
' The engagement is 'announced of The engagement is announced of is announced of
Miss, Naii Leslie, only daughter of Miss Nan Leslie, only daughter of Miss, Nan Leslie, only daughter of
Mr. ant! Mrs. T. P. Desl'e, of Gam Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Leslie, of Gam- Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Leslie, of Gam
boolii-Caboh'ne, Molong,' to Mr.-i boola-Cabonne, Molong, to Mr. boolii-Caboh'ne, Molong,' to Mr
Claude McDonald, youngest son of Claude McDonald, youngest son of Claude McDonald, youngest son of
the late Mr. A. J. McDonald and the late Mr. A. J. McDonald and the late Mr. A. J. McDonald and
Mrs. L. H. MciDonald, formerly of Mrs. L. H. McDonald, formerly of Mrs. L. H. McDonald, formerly of
Amaroo. Amaroo. Amaroo.
* * ' ' * '??' * * * * * ' ' * '??'
There passed away, suddenly, at There passed away, suddenly, at There passed away, suddenly, at
his home, Union Street, ' Meadow- : his home, Union Street, Meadow- his home, Union Street, Meadow- :
bank, an old identity of the Boren-j bank, an old identity of the Boren- bank, an old identity of the Borung
ore district, in the person ? of Mr. | ore district, in the person of Mr. one district, in the person of Mr. |
EtHvard iSchmich. D.eceased, who- Edward Schmich. Deceased, who EtHvard Schmich. Deceased, who
was a son of:. the late Mr. and Mrs. was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Valentine Sc'hmich, was born at Bor Valentine Schmich, was born at Bor- Valentine Schmich, was born at Bor
enor'e 71 years ago, and after a enore 71 years ago, and after a more 71 years ago, and after a
number of years of' rural activities number of years of rural activities number of years of' rural activities
in Borenore and Molong d'stricts, in Borenore and Molong districts, in Borenore and Molong districts,
went with his wife and family to re went with his wife and family to re- went with his wife and family to reside
side in the metropolitan area. side in the metropolitan area. in the metropolitan area.
* * ? * * * * * The
The marriage pi Victoria Adel The marriage of Victoria Adel- marriage of Victoria Adelaide,
aide, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. aide, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Burge, of Narromine, with Ernest, Burge, of Narromine, with Ernest, Burge, of Narromine, with Ernest,
only son 'of Mr. and Mrs. J. Haley, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Haley, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Haley,
* + '* of Third Avenue South, Narromine, 4 4 '3
of Th'rd Avenue South,. Narromine; took place at the Presbyterian of Third Avenue South,. Narromine;
took place 'at .the : 'Presbyterian Church, Dubbo. took place at the : Presbyterian
The 'death occurred at a Mudgee The death occurred at a Mudgee The death occurred at a Mudgee
hospital of Miss Jean Marks at the hospital of Miss Jean Marks at the hospital of Miss Jean Marks at the
age'of 34. The late Miss Marks was age of 34. The late Miss Marks was age of 34. The late Miss Marks was
the daughter- of. Mrs. and the .'ate the daughter of Mrs. and the late the daughter of Mrs. and the late
Church, Dubbo. % . Mr. E. C. Marks, her father having Church, Dubbo. % Mr.
Miv E. C. Marks, her father having been the manager of "Bobadeen" E. C. Marks, her father having
been the manager . - 'of . 'Bobadeen' station, on the Mudgee-Cassilis road. been the manager of 'Bobadeen'
.'The engagement is .announced of The engagement is announced of The engagement is announced of
The engagement is announced of Elizabeth Mary, younger daughter of The engagement is announced of
Elizabeth Mary, younger daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. W. Eames, of Elizabeth Mary, younger daughter of
Eastwood, Rylstone, to, George .Eric,, Eastwood, Rylstone, to, George Eric, Eastwood, Rylstone, to, George Eric,,
; Mr. .and the late Mrs. W. Eames, ;,of only son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason, ; Mr. and the late Mrs. W. Eames, of
only son of. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason, of Neutral Bay. only son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason,
* » ' » I * * * 2 2 ' I I
I ? .'.?:. r. . ?' ?'??.-? ?? .?.!:??.?-.? Joan, younger daughter of Mr. and I ? .'.?:. r. . ?' ?'??.-? ?? .?.!:??.?-.?
Joan, younger daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. C. Knight, of Mudgee, has an- Joan, younger daughter of Mr. and.
Mrs. C. Knight, of Mudgee, : has ail- i nounced her engagement to Mr. Mrs. C. Knight, of Mudgee, : has all- nounced
nounced her engagement to , ?Mr., Aubrey Griffin, a well-known Mud- her engagement to Mr.,
Aubrey Griffin,- .-??a well-known Mud gee resident. Aubrey Griffin,- area well-known Mudgee
gee resident, , . - By the death of Mrs. W. Osborne, resident, , . -
| By the death of Mrs. W. Osborne, the Mudgee district has lost a lady | By the death of Mrs. W. Osborne,
of the sturdy pioneering-type. - She of the sturdy pioneering type. She of the sturdy pioneering type. - She
the Mudgee district has : lost a J.ady. faced the many trials and tribula- the Mudgee district has lost a lady.
faced the many trials and; tribula tions of the bush with wonderful faced the many trials and; tribulations
tions of the . bush ? with; .Avonderful courage, and old residents of the of the . bush ? with; wonderful
courage; and old. residents , of - . a the, j Yarrabin district, where she lived courage; and old residents of - . a they
Yarrabin- , d strict, .where she . lived j for so many years, have many stir- Yarrabin- , district where she lived j
for so many years, : have- many; stir- 1 ring stories s to tell of her unselfish- for so many years, have- many; stir- bring
ring stories s to tell of lifr, unselfish- j ness and goodness of heart. To the stories is to tell of life, unselfish- j
bereaved ones .will go out the deep bereaved ones will go out the deep- bereaved ones will go out the deep
tips? !i nrl n-nnrlness nt' heart. To the I est sympathy of the whole district. tips? i nil naturalness at' heart. To the
* * * * * * * * *
* * * Miss Joan Miller, daughter of Mr. * * *
and Rfrs. Fred Miller, 'of Mudgee, has and Mrs. Fred Miller, of Mudgee, has and Mrs. Fred Miller, of Mudgee, has
Miss Joan Miller, daugh'ter ' o'f :Mr. announced her engagement to Mr. Miss Joan Miller, daughter ' of Mr.
announced ii'er 'engagement- to Mr. Garnet Strike, son of the late E. announced her engagement to Mr.
Garnet 'Strike, son of the ? late' E. Strike, and Mrs. Strike, of Mudgee. Garnet Strike, son of the late' E.
Strike, and Mrs. Strike, o'f Mudgee. i ======== Strike, and Mrs. Strike, of Mudgee. i
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words69090.195.857.4
Searchability of unique words29787.293.650.0
Weighted Words88.194.150.4

Article ID 143594564, Article, RIVERINA HORSE 21st LIGHT HORSE REGIMENT, page 6 1937-08-19, Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954), 253 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
.? Riverina is at. last toi havg lt$-0,wh! Riverina is at last to have its own .? Riverina is at last to have lt$-0,wh!
Light Horso Regimpnt. The ^ist.Llght Light Horse Regiment. The 21st Light Light Horse Regiment. The gist Light
Horse Regiment, knowij, fes the 'River- Horse Regiment, known as the "River- Horse Regiment, known, as the Riverina
ina Horse,' is at present Jn cotirs? ;0f - ina Horse," is at present in course of Horse,' is at present in course of -
formation throughout the district. formation throughout the district. formation throughout the district.
The .headquarters of the . regiment . will The headquarters of the regiment will The headquarters of the regiment . will
opeh at Wagga during the «rst open at Wagga during the first open at Wagga during the first
?week of September. - - ? week of September. week of September. 2 - - ?
... .The commanding officer «of the regl- 1 The commanding officer of the regi- ... The commanding officer of the regl- 1
meat is , Lieutenant-CbloWel , G. , F. meat is Lieutenant-Colonel G. F. meat is Lieutenant-Colonel G F
Wootten, D.S.O., of West Wyalong; and Wootten, D.S.O., of West Wyalong; and Wootten, D.S.O., of West Wyalong; and
the, adjutant, Captain A. E. li. Morgan, the adjutant, Captain A. E. L. Morgan, the adjutant, Captain A. E. li. Morgan,
'Australian Staff ' Corps, who will be Australian Staff Corps, who will be Australian Staff ' Corps, who will be
stationed at Wagga. stationed at Wagga. stationed at Wagga.
.. Although approval f or^the rfornaatiqn Although approval for the formation Although approval of or the formation
?W. this regiment only giVen 'pii' of this regiment was only given on SW. this regiment only given 'on'
Juiy l, already, .seven oi iSie eleven July 1, already seven of the eleven July l, already, seven or iSie eleven
troops which foMn.'tfie regiment have troops which form the regiment have troops which foMn.'tfie regiment have
Jjeen raised and. are,. at -full .strength. been raised and are at full strength. been raised and. are, at full strength.
,The. troops already, formed with their! The troops already formed with their The. troops already, formed with their
troop-leaders are as follows:— troop-leaders are as follows:— troop leaders are as follows
'Cootainundra trotip 'led by Lieuten Cootamundra troop led by Lieuten- 'Cootamundra group 'led by Lieutenant
ant J. Dent. / - ant J. Dent. J. Dent. A -
Gundagai troop led by Lieutenant Gundagai troop led by Lieutenant Gundagai Troop led by Lieutenant
Gv, TSUiott. ? ' ' , G. Elliot. G, Elliott. ' ' ,
^Tarcutta troop, led by Lieutenant J. Tarcutta troop, led by Lieutenant J. Tarcutta troop, led by Lieutenant J.
n. AiacKay. H. Mackay. H. MacKay.
Holbrook troop led by Lieutenant W. i Holbrook troop led by Lieutenant W. Holbrook troop led by Lieutenant W. O
O. 'Morlarty. . ' O. Moriarty. 'Moriarty. . '
Urana troop led 'by Lieutenant J. B. Urana troop led by Lieutenant J. B. Urana troop led by Lieutenant J. B.
McBean. McBean. McBean.
Narandera troop led by Lieutenant Narandera troop led by Lieutenant Narandera troop led by Lieutenant
E. S. Cameron. E. S. Cameron. E. S. Cameron.
XJr'ifiath tfoop led hy Xleutenant F. Griffith troop led by Lieutenant F. XJr'ifiath troops led by Lieutenant F.
O..Beyerley»v..-..---. ?? G. Beverley. O..Beyerley»v..-..---. ??
It is hoped during the nexfc jnonth to It is hoped during the next month to It is hoped during the next month to
form the rSmalriing foiir trtKips, and form the remaining four troops, and form the remaining four trips, and
TOB 'tollowlng ' centres lmVe 'been sug the following centres have been sug- JOB 'following ' centres have been suggested
gested : Culcairn, Darlington Point, gested : Culcairn, Darlington Point, : Culcairn, Darlington Point,
Tumbarumba.and stpcWARtogaL ? ? j Tumbarumba and Stockinbingal. Tumbarumba. and stpcWARtogaL ? ? j
Marcb 24 to 29 of next year, wheti\ March 24 to 29 of next year, when March 24 to 29 of next year, when
jWtega, ,wUlJhave4ts,;^t-qiJp6rtunity I Wagga will have its first opportunity jWtega, ,wUlJhave4ts,;^t-qiJp6rtunity I
of welcomthg its oWn re^mient. { - j of welcoming its own regiment. of welcoming its own regiment. { - j
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words20470.688.260.0
Searchability of unique words10975.292.770.4
Weighted Words78.593.770.7

Article ID 145864033, Article, Wistow Triangle, page 1 1937-04-08, The Mount Barker Courier and Onkaparinga and Gumeracha Advertiser (SA : 1880 - 1954), 57 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Wistow Triangle Wistow Triangle Wistow Triangle
Wistpw "willing workers" as Wistow "willing workers" as- Wistow willing workers" assembled
sembled in force on Saturday last, the" sembled in force on Saturday last, the in force on Saturday last, the"
object being the crazy -.paving of the object being the crazy paving of the object being the crazy paving of the
triangle. The .paving stones were triangle. The paving stones were triangle. The paving stones were
given by Mr. G. (Blight, and the lorries given by Mr. G. Blight, and the lorries given by Mr. G. (Blight, and the lorries
by the Army Boys' Home, Messrs. G. by the Army Boys' Home, Messrs. G. by the Army Boys' Home, Messrs. G.
Blight and J. Patterson. A good Blight and J. Patterson. A good Blight and J. Patterson. A good
start was made on the job and another start was made on the job and another start was made on the job and another
working bee arranged. working bee arranged. working bee arranged.
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5298.1100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words38100.0100.0100.0
Weighted Words100.0100.00.0

Article ID 152309337, Article, RAIN GUAGE STOLEN, page 2 1937-08-13, North-Eastern Advertiser (Scottsdale, Tas. : 1909 - 1954), 110 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The interference with, and des The interference with, and des- The interference with, and destruction
trucllon vt, private propeny occurs truction of, private property occurs of, private property occurs
from time to time at Pioneer. When from time to time at Pioneer. When from time to time at Pioneer. When
it was desired to measure the rain- it was desired to measure the rain- it was desired to measure the rainfall
fall on Wednesday morning It was fall on Wednesday morning it was on Wednesday morning It was
discovered that the tunnel of the discovered that the funnel of the discovered that the tunnel of the
rain gauge Lad been stolen. As this rain gauge had been stolen. As this rain gauge had been stolen. As this
rain gause Is considered au Import rain gauge is considered an import- rain gauge is considered an Import
aut asset tr Pioneer and the sur ant asset to Pioneer and the sur- aut asset to Pioneer and the surrounding
rounding district on account of min. j rounding district on account of min- district on account of min. j
IJJS operations, the siealiug of Hie ing operations, the stealing of the IJJS operations, the stealing of the
funnel (tbo right type of which can-! funnel (the right type of which can- funnel (the right type of which can!
uot be obtained here) lias been re-i not be obtained here) has been re- not be obtained here has been reported
ported to the Police. ' I ported to the Police. to the Police. ' I
I'crsona) ' Personal I'crsona) '
Nurse Jl. Steel, ot the Scottsdale Nurse M. Steel, of the Scottsdale Nurse Jl. Steel, of the Scottsdale
Memorial HospiUl, Is spending r Memorial Hospital, is spending a Memorial Hospital, is spending r
week's holiday with her parents, Mr. week's holiday with her parents, Mr. week's holiday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. K. Steel, Pioneer and Mrs. R. F. Steel, Pioneer. and Mrs. H. K. Steel, Pioneer
Identified overProof non-corrections GUAGE PERSONAL IMPORTANT MINING
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words10278.494.172.7
Searchability of unique words6880.994.169.2
Weighted Words81.192.861.8

Article ID 160343179, Article, DEISEL ENGINED 'PLANE INTEREST AT DARWIN DARWIN, Monday., page 5 1937-03-16, National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954), 85 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
DARWIN. Monday. DARWIN, Monday. DARWIN. Monday.
After having been delayed at Kc« After having been delayed at Koe- After having been delayed at Key
pang for several days owing to Md pang for several days owing to bad pang for several days owing to Md
Weather, the deisel engined ir.onc Weather, the diesel engined mono- Weather, the diesel engined irons
Plane of German design .reached Dar Plane of German design reached Dar- Plane of German design reached Darwin
win to-day. win to-day. to-day.
Interest in the machine is such ttiai Interest in the machine is such that interest in the machine is such that
the chief aircraft inspector (Mr. T. the chief aircraft inspector (Mr. T. the chief aircraft inspector (Mr. T.
E. Johnscn) flew specially to Darwin E. Johnson) flew specially to Darwin E. Johnson) flew specially to Darwin
to examine it. It Is owned by Heir to examine it. It is owned by Herr to examine it. It is owned by Herr
H. Bolnsscn, German wool merchant H. Beinssen, German wool merchant H. Bolnsscn, German wool merchant
in Sydney, who purchased It for about in Sydney, who purchased it for about in Sydney, who purchased it for about
£26,000 worth of wool shipments. Ho £26,000 worth of wool shipments. He £26,000 worth of wool shipments. He
intends to sell it in Australia. intends to sell it in Australia. intends to sell it in Australia.
Identified overProof corrections HE THAT HERR JOHNSON DIESEL
Identified overProof non-corrections KOEPANG BEINSSEN MONO BAD
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words7987.394.960.0
Searchability of unique words5683.992.955.6
Weighted Words82.191.351.4

Article ID 160349804, Article, GERMAN 'PLANE Arrival in Melbourne MELBOURNE, Tuesday., page 5 1937-04-28, National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954), 68 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
German' tlane GERMAN 'PLANE German' plane
Arrival in Melbourne Arrival in Melbourne Arrival in Melbourne
The German Junkers 'plane reach The German Junkers 'plane reach- The German Junkers 'plane reached
ed Melbourne this afternoon, after a ed Melbourne this afternoon, after a Melbourne this afternoon, after a
no:i-stop flight from Charleville. non-stop flight from Charleville. non-stop flight from Charleville.
The 'plane is the first Delsel en The 'plane is the first Diesel en- The 'plane is the first Delsel en
rlr.ed machine ssen In Australia. It gined machine seen in Australia. It fired machine seen in Australia. It
will remain here about a week -efcre will remain here about a week before will remain here about a week -before
visiting other cities. visiting other cities. visiting other cities.
The machine was imported from The machine was imported from The machine was imported from
Gsrmany under the Barter agres Germany under the Barter agree- Germany under the barter agreement
ment between Mr. H. Beinssen. woo. ment between Mr. H. Beinssen, wool- between Mr. H. Beinssen. wool.
broker. of Sjidney, and German broker. of Sydney, and German broker. of Sydney, and German
agents . agents. agents.
Identified overProof non-corrections ENGINED DIESEL
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6083.396.780.0
Searchability of unique words4780.995.777.8
Weighted Words77.395.479.7

Article ID 160350514, Article, DEISEL TRAINS MANUFACTURING DELAYS SYDNEY, Thursday., page 2 1937-02-12, National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954), 88 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
SYDNEY, Thursday. SYDNEY, Thursday. SYDNEY, Thursday.
The Department of Railways stat The Department of Railways stat- The Department of Railways stated
ed to-day that overseas manufactur ed to-day that overseas manufactur- to-day that overseas manufactur-
ing delays interfered with plans to ing delays interfered with plans to ing delays interfered with plans to
place air-conditioned Deisel-engined place air-conditioned Deisel-engined place air-conditioned Diesel-engined
trains on country railway lines in trains on country railway lines in trains on country railway lines in
New South Wales. New South Wales. New South Wales.
The carriages, trailers and power The carriages, trailers and power The carriages, trailers and power
vans have bees completed, but only vans have been completed, but only vans have been completed, but only
tw: of the ten Deisel motors ordered two of the ten Deisel motors ordered two of the ten Diesel motors ordered
from Belfast have arrived. The de from Belfast have arrived. The de- from Belfast have arrived. The delivery
livery is already twelve months over livery is already twelve months over- is already twelve months over
due. due. due.
It is hoper to make preliminary It is hoped to make preliminary It is hoped to make preliminary
runs next month, but the services runs next month, but the services runs next month, but the services
car not be inaugurated until the rest cannot be inaugurated until the rest can not be inaugurated until the rest
of the motors arrive. of the motors arrive. of the motors arrive.
Identified overProof corrections TWO BEEN HOPED
Identified overProof non-corrections DEISEL [**VANDALISED] CANNOT
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8494.095.220.0
Searchability of unique words6693.997.050.0
Weighted Words95.494.5-20.7

Article ID 162245579, Article, Railway Tunnel, page 8 1937-08-12, Mudgee Guardian and North-Western Representative (NSW : 1890 - 1954), 70 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Railway Tunnel Railway Tunnel Railway Tunnel
the tnnnel. The first drive in connection the tunnel.
The first drive in connection with the construction of a tun- The first drive in connection
with the construction of a tun- nel (near Wollar) on the with the construction of a tunnel
nel (near Wollar) on the Sandy Hollow-Gulgong-Mary- (near Wollar) on the
Sandy Hollow-Gulgong-Mary- vale railway line took place Sandy Hollow-Gulgong-Mary-
vale railway line took place last Monday. vale railway line took place
last Monday. Good quality coal was found last Monday.
Good quality coal was found in a shaft which was sunk Good quality coal was found
in a shaft which was sunk down about 84 feet in connec- in a shaft which was sunk
down about 84 feet. in connec- tion with the construction of down about 84 feet. in connection
tion with the construction of the tunnel. with the construction of
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words4797.9100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words35100.0100.0100.0
Weighted Words100.0100.00.0

Article ID 169451508, Article, POSTAGE ON LETTERS., page 11 1937-10-16, Daily Mercury (Mackay, Qld. : 1906 - 1954), 136 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
There must be a 2d. postage stamp There must be a 2d. postage stamp There must be a 2d. postage stamp
on letters sent to mo for the Corner. on letters sent to me for the Corner. on letters sent to me for the Corner.
It does not do to leave the envelope It does not do to leave the envelope It does not do to leave the envelope
unsealed and put a penny stamp on. unsealed and put a penny stamp on. unsealed and put a penny stamp on.
Tne reason is a post omcc regulation The reason is a post office regulation The reason is a post once regulation
whloh says that if a letter starts off: which says that if a letter starts off : which says that if a letter starts off:
"Dear . . . and ends "yours faith "Dear . . . ." and ends "yours faith- "Dear . and ends "Yours faithfully
fully . . . /'or something of the kind fully . . . ." or something of the kind . . . or something of the kind
there must be a 2d. stamp. Thus our there must be a 2d. stamp. Thus our there must be a 2d. stamp. Thus our
letters do not go as cheaply as straight- letters do not go as cheaply as straight- letters do not go as cheaply as straight-
out news could. By the way. there is out news could. By the way, there is out news could. By the way, there is
no need to put a stamp on if you can no need to put a stamp on if you can no need to put a stamp on if you can
get someone to deliver the letter. It get someone to deliver the letter. It get someone to deliver the letter. It
doesn't matter to me whether the doesn't matter to me whether the doesn't matter to me whether the
letter comes over the counter, whether letter comes over the counter, whether letter comes over the counter, whether
it Is left in the letter box on the -Mer it is left in the letter box on the 'Mer- it is left in the letter box on the Mercury
cury' side door or how it comes. cury' side door or how it comes. side door or how it comes.
Identified overProof corrections WHICH
Identified overProof non-corrections OFFICE
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words11896.699.275.0
Searchability of unique words7397.398.650.0
Weighted Words98.599.031.4

Article ID 211820121, Article, Railmen’s Demand, page 1 1937-05-11, The Workers' Weekly (Sydney, NSW : 1923 - 1939), 51 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Railmen's Demand Railmen's Demand Railmen's Demand
BRISBANE.—At a mass meeting BRISBANE.—At a mass meeting BRISBANE-By a mass meeting
on Sunday, railmen decided that all on Sunday, railmen decided that all on Sunday, railmen decided that all
who are required to work on coronation who are required to work on coro- who are required to work on coronation
day should be paid at the nation day should be paid at the day should be paid at the
rate of double time. In the event of rate of double time. In the event of rate of double time. In the event of
the request being refused by the the request being refused by the the request being refused by the
government, the meeting recommended government, the meeting recom- government, the meeting recommended
a cessation of work on that mended a cessation of work on that a cessation of work on that
day . day. day .
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words49100.098.0-104.1
Searchability of unique words36100.0100.0100.0
Weighted Words100.0100.00.0

Article ID 236462333, Article, Easy For Leaders GOODYEAR, METTERS AT HOME, page 3 1937-05-29, The Labor Daily (Sydney, NSW : 1924 - 1938), 211 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Easy For Leaders Easy For Leaders Easy For Leaders
(By "PIVOT.") (By "PIVOT.") (By "PIVOT.")
rnHE two leading State League Soc- THE two leading State League Soc- THE two leading State League Soc-
A cor teams havo engagements In cer teams have engagements in A cor teams have engagements in
Sydney this afternoon. Goodyear Sydney this afternoon. Goodyear Sydney this afternoon. Goodyear
niavii Wnratnh nt Lldcombe. and plays Waratah at Lidcombe, and played Waratah at Lidcombe. and
Mcttcrs will be at home to Ccssnock Metters will be at home to Cessnock Metters will be at home to Cessnock
at Arlington oval. at Arlington Oval. at Arlington oval.
The locals look certain of Improv The locals look certain of improv- The locals look certain of improving
ing their record In each case. ing their record in each case. their record in each case.
Ccssnock's only win this season Cessnock's only win this season Cessnock's only win this season
was at West Wallscnd's expense. The was at West Wallsend's expense. The was at West Wallsend's expense. The
loss of centre-forward R. Johns to loss of centre-forward R. Johns to loss of centre-forward R. Johns to
Goodyear has been a blow to Aber- Goodyear has been a blow to Aber- Goodyear has been a blow to Aber-
dara dara dare
If Bryant. Davidson and Osborne If Bryant, Davidson and Osborne If Bryant. Davidson and Osborne
do their usual clever stunts and pro do their usual clever stunts and pro- do their usual clever stunts and provide
vide Crowhurst, On- and Co. with' a vide Crowhurst, Orr and Co. with a Crowhurst, On- and Co. with' a
goodly share of tne ball, Mcttcrs can goodly share of the ball, Metters can goodly share of the ball, Metters can
be expected to pile up a typically be expected to pile up a typically be expected to pile up a typically
big score. big score. big score.
Johns has displaced Daley as cen Johns has displaced Daley as cen- Johns has displaced Daley as centre-forward
tre-forward for Goodyear, and. with tre-forward for Goodyear, and, with for Goodyear, and. with
Tcccc, Kcor, Loncrgan and Pcrris Teece, Kear, Lonergan and Perris Tcccc, Kcor, Lonergan and Paris
completing the forward line, should completing the forward line, should completing the forward line, should
have plenty of goal-scoring oppor have plenty of goal-scoring oppor- have plenty of goal-scoring opportunities.
tunities. tunities.
Waratah has won Its share of Waratah has won its share of Waratah has won its share of
games this season. Jncky Marsden Is games this season. Jacky Marsden is games this season. Jacky Marsden is
an excellent sharp-shooter, and he an excellent sharp-shooter, and he an excellent sharp-shooters, and he
Is not without a chance of getting is not without a chance of getting is not without a chance of getting
Into ono of the big games In the into one of the big games in the into one of the big games in the
offing. offing. offing.
The other game In the metropoli The other game in the metropoli- The other game in the metropolitan
tan area1 Is between Gladesvllle-Ryde tan area is between Gladesville-Ryde area Is between Gladesville-Ryde
and Kurri Kurrt. Lloyd, a newcomer, and Kurri Kurri. Lloyd, a newcomer, and Kurri Kurri. Lloyd, a newcomer,
playing on the left wing, has playing on the left wing, has playing on the left wing, has
strengthened the home side's attack. strengthened the home side's attack. strengthened the home side's attack.
He and rep. lnslde-left Billy Price - He and rep. inside-left Billy Price He and rep. inside-left Billy Price -
h'ave been combining well. have been combining well. have been combining well.
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words19886.495.566.7
Searchability of unique words13586.794.155.6
Weighted Words85.093.154.2

Accumulated stats for 42 articles from year 1937

accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words642187.596.168.7
Searchability of unique words377088.195.965.2
Weighted Words88.895.862.5