NLA Trial index

NLA Trial Articles from 1941

  1. Accuracy of OCR and overProof is measured in comparison with the human corrections. We know human corrections in this sample are incomplete, and themselves contain errors, but they are the best we could find automatically from the NLA newspapers corpus, tagged as completely corrected then further filtered to those with at least 3 corrections, at least 40% of lines corrected and lowest third percentage of non-dictionary words.
  2. Accuracy is measured by a separate process from that used to colour words in this output: the colouring process is heuristic, and not completely accurate.
  3. Colour legend:
    Text - OCR text corrected by human and/or overProof
    Text - human and/or overProof corrections
    Text - discrepencies between human and/or overProof
    Text - human corrections not applied by overProof
  4. Identified overProof corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words changed by overProof which ALSO match human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list.
  5. Identified overProof non-corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words in the overProof output which DO NOT MATCH human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list. Words marked as [**VANDALISED] are those which have been changed by overProof but not by the human correction; as before, a missed human correction will be (incorrectly) classified as vandalisation by overProof.
  6. Searchability of unique words refers to the distinct words in an article, and how many are present before and after correction. It is measure of how many of the words within an article could be used to find the article using a search engine.
  7. Weighted Words refers to a calculation in which common words count for little (a fraction of a word) and unusual words count for more, in proportion to the log of the inverse of their frequency in the corpus. It may be an indicator of how well distinctive words in an article can be searched before and after correction.

Article ID 2559483, Article, JAPANESE RAILWAY TUNNEL., page 4 1941-07-14, The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), 56 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
TOKYO, Saturday.-The Minister TOKYO, Saturday.— The Minister TOKYO, Saturday.-The Minister
for Railways (Mr. Ogawa), blasted tlie for Railways (Mr. Ogawa), blasted the for Railways (Mr. Ogawa), blasted the
last tube wall in the under sea tunnel last tube wall in the under sea tunnel last tube wall in the under sea tunnel
linking Shimonoseki and Moji. Tn° linking Shimonoseki and Moji. The linking Shimonoseki and Moji. The
project took live years to complet' project took five years to complete, project took five years to complete
and cost 25,000,0t*b yen, as well as tim and cost 25,000,000 yen, as well as the and cost 25,000,0t*b yen, as well as the
lives of 13 engineers and many <aboU,' lives of 13 engineers and many labour- lives of 13 engineers and many about,'
eis. The railway will be opened i" ers. The railway will be opened in cars. The railway will be opened in"
April next, , April next. April next, ,
Identified overProof corrections FIVE COMPLETE
Identified overProof non-corrections LABOURERS
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5386.898.185.7
Searchability of unique words4292.997.666.7
Weighted Words91.796.659.2

Article ID 8178979, Article, RAIL CONVERSION, page 3 1941-03-24, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 225 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Sir-The Acting Premier (Mr Lind) Sir.—The Acting Premier (Mr. Lind) Sir-The Acting Premier (Mr Lind
is wearing the State bunkers with a ven- is wearing the State blinkers with a ven- is wearing the State bunkers with a vengeance
geance when he offers sweeping opposi- geance when he offers sweeping opposi- when he offers sweeping opposition
tion to a rail conversion which is abso- tion to a rail conversion which is abso- to a rail conversion which is absolutely
lutely vital in Australia s defence I lutely vital in Australia's defence. I vital in Australia's defence I
refer to the Brol en Hill to Port Pirie refer to the Broken Hill to Port Pirie refer to the Broken Hill to Port Pirie
line which is now a 3ft Gin link be- line, which is now a 3ft. 6in. link be- line which is now a 3ft 6in link between
tween the two standard gauge systems tween the two standard gauge systems the two standard gauge systems
provided with limited rolling stock slow provided with limited rolling stock, slow provided with limited rolling stock show
tiansfers and a total Inability to transfer transfers and a total inability to transfer transfers and a total inability to transfer
any requited broad gauge equipment over any required broad gauge equipment over any required broad gauge equipment over
Itself If Mr Lind will take the tiouble itself. If Mr. Lind will take the trouble Itself If Mr Lind will take the trouble
to inquire how long it takes troop trains to inquire how long it takes troop trains to inquire how long it takes troop trains
to travel from NSW to Terowie the to travel from N.S.W. to Terowie the to travel from NSW to Terowie the
terminus of the broad-gauge line In terminus of the broad-gauge line in terminus of the broad-gauge line in SA
SA he will promptly change his views S.A. he will promptly change his views he will promptly change his views
if he has any regard for our defence if he has any regard for our defence if he has any regard for our defence
efficiency efficiency. efficiency
Commg nearer home Victoria and S A Coming nearer home Victoria and S.A. Coming nearer home Victoria and S A
have the same gauge and Victorian rails have the same gauge and Victorian rails have the same gauge and Victorian rails
are at least as heavy as in SA but are at least as heavy as in S.A. but are at least as heavy as in SA but
can the Acting Premier assure the public can the Acting Premier assure the public can the Acting Premier assure the public
that in the case of emergency SA's large that in the case of emergency S.A.'s large that in the case of emergency SA's large
engines can travel beyond Seiviceton into engines can travel beyond Serviceton into engines can travel beyond Serviceton into
Victoria and if not why this elementary Victoria and if not why this elementary Victoria and if not why this elementary
provision has not been made in peace provision has not been made in peace provision has not been made in peace
time How much worse a position than time ? How much worse a position than time How much worse a position than
this could be created by a different gauge this could be created by a different gauge this could be created by a different gauge
on such a vital link docs not require on such a vital link does not require on such a vital link does not require
much imagination but tint is unfortun- much imagination but that is unfortun- much imagination but that is unfortun-
ate« widriß- in many of our political ately lacking in many of our political ates widely- in many of our political
-Yours, &c, A. W. MURRAY. leaders.—Yours, &c., A. W. MURRAY. -Yours, etc, A. W. MURRAY.
Bordertown. Bordertown. Bordertown.
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words19893.497.561.5
Searchability of unique words13791.296.458.3
Weighted Words90.295.958.0

Article ID 8223011, Article, SOLDIER DROWNED IN HUME WEIR, page 2 1941-12-17, The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 112 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
WODONGA, Tuesday-Pte. John WODONGA, Tuesday.—Pte. John WODONGA, Tuesday Pte. John
Andrew Gay, of Bonegilla military Andrew Gay, of Bonegilla military Andrew Gay, of Bonegilla military
camp, «as drowned in the Hume camp, was drowned in the Hume camp, was drowned in the Hume
weir late yesterday afternoon With weir late yesterday afternoon. With weir late yesterday afternoon With
Sgt Arthur T. Barton and another Sgt Arthur T. Barton and another Sgt Arthur T. Barton and another
soldier Gay went to the weir to soldier Gay went to the weir to soldier Gay went to the weir to
bathe Soon after they entered bathe. Soon after they entered bathe Soon after they entered
the water. Gay, who was not strong the water, Gay, who was not strong the water. Gay, who was not strong
swimmer, got into difficulties and swimmer, got into difficulties and swimmer, got into difficulties and
sank Charles A Allen, a mem- sank. Charles A. Allen, a mem- sank Charles A Allen, a member
ber of the officers' training school ber of the officers' training school, of the officers' training school
after diving se\cral times rcco\cred after diving several times recovered after diving several times recovered
Uie bodj hi lift, of water Gay, the body in 11ft of water. Gay, the body he lift, of water Gay,
who was single, carne from North who was single, came from North who was single, came from North
De\on, \la Yarram He was aged Devon, via Yarram. He was aged Devon, via Yarram He was aged
22 j cars Mr M H Buntz, JP, 22 years. Mr. M. H. Buntz, JP, 22 years. Mr M H Buntz, JP,
deput} coroner, recorded a \erdict deputy coroner, recorded a verdict deputy coroner, recorded a verdict
of accidental drowning at an inquest of accidental drowning at an inquest of accidental drowning at an inquest
this afternoon this afternoon. this afternoon
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words10288.299.091.7
Searchability of unique words7688.2100.0100.0
Weighted Words87.7100.0100.0

Article ID 17720587, Article, OVERSEA NEWS., page 9 1941-04-07, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 148 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Such ol the oversea news In this Issue its Is Such of the oversea news in this issue as is Such of the oversea news in this issue its Is
Headed "From Our Own Corrw-ondent" or "Herald headed "From Our Own Correspondent" or "Herald Headed "From Our Own Correspondent" or "Herald
Exclusive Service" Is from n service owned and con- Exclusive Service" is from a service owned and con- Exclusive Service" is from a service owned and conducted
ducted entirely by "The Sydney Morning Herold" ducted entirely by "The Sydney Morning Herald" entirely by "The Sydney Morning Herald"
mid exclusive to it within New South Wales. and exclusive to it within New South Wales. and exclusive to it within New South Wales.
NewJ headed "A.A.P." Is from the Australian New headed "A.A.P." is from the Australian News headed "A.A.P." is from the Australian
Associated Preis, of which "The Sydney Morning Associated Press, of which "The Sydney Morning Associated Press, of which "The Sydney Morning
Herald" Is part-proprlotor «nd Joint manager. Herald" is part-proprietor and joint manager. Herald" is part-proprietor and joint manager.
Such of the cable news la so headed appeared Such of the cable news as is so headed appeared Such of the cable news as is so headed appeared
in "Tito Times" and Is sent to this paper by special in "The Times" and is sent to this paper by special in "The Times" and is sent to this paper by special
permission. It should be understood that anv permission. It should be understood that any permission. It should be understood that any
opinions given ara not those or "The Times" unless opinions given are not those of "The Times" unless opinions given are not those or "The Times" unless
expressiv stated lo be so. expressly stated to be so. expressly stated to be so.
By special permission. World Services of Renter's By special permission, World Services of Reuter's By special permission. World Services of Reuter's
and British United Presa, In addition to other and British United Press, in addition to other and British United Press, In addition to other
sources of Information, are used In lhe compllnllon sources of information, are used in the compilation sources of information, are used in the compilation
of the oversea Intelligence published In this hum., of the oversea intelligence published in this issue, of the oversea Intelligence published in this hum.,
anti sil rtRhls therein in Australia and New Zealand and all rights therein in Australia and New Zealand and all rights therein in Australia and New Zealand
.re reserved. are reserved. are reserved.
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words14481.997.284.6
Searchability of unique words7987.3100.0100.0
Weighted Words87.2100.0100.0

Article ID 17728201, Article, PORTER'S DEATH., page 13 1941-04-12, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 54 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Pollick Connolly/28, railway porter, em Patrick Connolly, 28, railway porter, em- Pollack Connolly/28, railway porter, employed
I ployed at Strathfield station, of Parramatta ployed at Strathfield station, of Parramatta at Strathfield station, of Parramatta
Road, Homebush, wad fatally injured when lie Road, Homebush, was fatally injured when he Road, Homebush, was fatally injured when he
was struck by a fast electric train last night was struck by a fast electric train last night was struck by a fast electric train last night
os he was crossing the line from one platform as he was crossing the line from one platform as he was crossing the line from one platform
to another. ,. t ,.i , . to another. to another. t i , He
He died iii Western Suburbs Hospital. He died in Western Suburbs Hospital. died in Western Suburbs Hospital.
Identified overProof corrections IN AS EMPLOYED
Identified overProof non-corrections PATRICK CONNOLLY
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words4484.195.571.4
Searchability of unique words4087.595.060.0
Weighted Words86.692.241.9

Article ID 17735555, Article, BRIDGE COLLAPSES UNDER TRAIN. Driver and Fireman Killed. BRISBANE, Tuesday., page 13 1941-04-09, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 219 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Driver and Fireman Killed. Driver and Fireman Killed. Driver and Fireman Killed.
BRISBANE, Tuesdav. BRISBANE, Tuesday. BRISBANE, Tuesday.
When a flood-weakened tailway When a flood-weakened railway When a flood-weakened railway
budge collapsed ncai «the Alpha rail- bridge collapsed near the Alpha railway bridge collapsed near the Alpha rail-
station this afteinoon under the station this afternoon under the station this afternoon under the
weight of an engine and two Hucks, weight of an engine and two trucks, weight of an engine and two Hucks,
the duvci and flieman on the engine the driver and fireman on the engine the driver and fireman on the engine
weie killPd were killed. were killed
I he men-Gcoigc Condon and L A The men— George Condon and E. A. The men George Condon and L A
Vannât-both of Emu aid vvcic tiapped in Yahnke— both of Emerald, were trapped in Vannât-both of Emu and were trapped in
the cabin of the engine as it fell the cabin of the engine as it fell. the cabin of the engine as it fell
The ac< ident occui i ed almost In the Alpha The accident occurred almost in the Alpha The accident occur i ed almost In the Alpha
Railway Station vdid People on the sta- Railway Station yard. People on the station Railway Station yard People on the station
tion platfoim vin two spans of the wooden platform saw two spans of the wooden platform saw two spans of the wooden
bi log" collapse 1 hi n thp engine dived bridge collapse. Then the engine dived bi log" collapse 1 his the engine dived
nose first to Hie di y creek bed J4 feet below nose first to the dry creek bed 34 feet below. nose first to the day creek bed 15 feet below
Clouds ol escaping steam diove back mem Clouds of escaping steam drove back members Clouds of escaping steam drove back members
bcis of n rescue paitv but eventually they of a rescue party but eventually they of a rescue party but eventually they
îccovcied Hie bodies recovered the bodies. recovered the bodies
The cneine fell against a span ot the bnd';e The engine fell against a span of the bridge The engine fell against a man of the bride
,ino this had to be sha.Hued \ ith e {plosives and this had to be shattered with explosives in this had to be shattered A the explosives
before the icscueis could "i>t it the cabin before the rescuers could get at the cabin. before the rescuers could "get it the cabin
The budge had been under repan but it The bridge had been under repair, but it The bridge had been under repair but it
Is believed that the piles became loosened is believed that the piles became loosened is believed that the piles became loosened
in the leeent Hoods in the recent floods. in the recent floods
The biidce will eiuse turther dis- The broken bridge will cause further The broken bridge will cause further dislocation
location to noith Queensland train sei vices dislocation to north Queensland train services. to north Queensland train services
Recpnl floods in the noith had made the Recent floods in the north had made the Recent floods in the north had made the
(Oistal route impassible and mail trains had coastal route impassible and mail trains had (coastal route impassable and mail trains had
been divciled fiom Rockhampton to the in- been diverted from Rockhampton to the been diverted from Rockhampton to the in-
land unite via longreach, which is now alai) inland route via Longreach, which is now also land unite via Longreach, which is now alas)
[ blocked blocked. [ blocked
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words19769.592.475.0
Searchability of unique words12169.490.970.3
Weighted Words70.291.872.4

Article ID 17750631, Article, SPORT IN BRIEF, page 8 1941-07-29, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 344 words, 7 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Dr A F Finch h won the annual cham Dr. A. E. Finckh won the annual championship Dr A F Finch h won the annual championship
plonnhip of (he faydncy Amateur Fencing of the Sydney Amateur Fencing of (he Sydney Amateur Fencing
Circle beating Melvyn Flnckh willi lorn Circle beating Melvyn Finckh with Tom Circle beating Melvyn Finckh will form
Lambío third Lambie third. Lambe third
After his splendid display on Saturday in After his splendid display on Saturday in After his splendid display on Saturday in
the Interstate Ne v South Wales v Queensland the interstate New South Wales v Queensland the Interstate New South Wales v Queensland
match Sjdncv Rugby league enthusltsts will match, Sydney Rugby league enthusiasts will match Sydney Rugby league enthusiasts will
bo keen to see K Troomo In action again be keen to see K. Froome in action again. be keen to see K Froome In action again
He is versatile and equally Rood at hair bael He is versatile and equally good at half-back He is versatile and equally good at hair hazel
or five eighth Troomo is also a flist das or five eighth. Froome is also a first-class or five eighth Troomo is also a first day
crlckctei batting and keeping wickets veil cricketer, batting and keeping wickets well. cricketer batting and keeping wickets veil
Hockey Bcnnell the welterweight chnm Hockey Bennell, the welterweight cham- Hockey Bennell the welterweight champion
plon and Bill Fadden have- agreed to m rot pion and Bill Fadden have agreed to meet and Bill Fadden have- agreed to in rot
In a return match of 12 rounds at the Carl in a return match of 12 rounds at the Carl- In a return match of 12 rounds at the Carlton
ton Stadium on August 7 It It stipulated ton Stadium on August 7. It is stipulated Stadium on August 7 It It stipulated
that the borers shall not exceed lOst **Ib at that the boxers shall not exceed 10st 7lb at that the borers shall not exceed lOst ebb at
ringside lion McLaughlin who is to op ringside. Ron McLaughlin who is to op- ringside lion McLaughlin who is to oppose
pose ferry tteilly in Melbourne on Saturday pose Terry Reilly in Melbourne on Saturday ferry steadily in Melbourne on Saturday
nicht will be matched with the winner of night will be matched with the winner of night will be matched with the winner of
the Bcnnell fadden contest lor August 21 the Bennell-Fadden contest for August 21. the Bennell fadden contest for August 21
The NSW Rugby Lcaguo is to invest The N.S.W. Rugby Lcague is to invest The NSW Rugby League is to invest
another £ 1 000 in the- War Loan another £1,000 in the War Loan. another £1 000 in the War Loan
In the final of the Pymble Golf Clubs In the final of the Pymble Golf Club's In the final of the Pymble Golf Club's
four ball knock out competition K C Hirdy four-ball knock-out competition, K. C. Hardy four ball knock out competition K C Hardy
and L M Purcell beat R r Oliver and T and L. M. Purcell beat R. F. Oliver and T. and L M Purcell beat R F Oliver and T
D Oliver T and 1 D. Oliver, 3 and 1. D Oliver T and 1
Bren ParHnson the Victorian boxer, who Bren Parkinson, the Victorian boxer, who Bren Parkinson the Victorian boxer, who
was knocked out at the Tivoli Theatre boxlni was knocked out at the Tivoli Theatre boxing was knocked out at the Tivoli Theatre boxing
match in Adelaide died at the Tlojal match in Adelaide died at the Royal match in Adelaide died at the Royal
Adelaide Hospital He was admitted with Adelaide Hospital. He was admitted with Adelaide Hospital He was admitted with
cerebral haemorrhage cerebral haemorrhage. cerebral haemorrhage
The bo\lng and wrestling championships ol The boxing and wrestling championships of The boxing and wrestling championships of
the RAAF Central Arei Units will he de the R.A.A.F. Central Area Units will he de- the RAAF Central Area Units will he decided
elded at the Rushcutter Bay Stadium on cided at the Rushcutter Bay Stadium on at the Rushcutter Bay Stadium on
faaturday night Saturday night. Saturday night
rite annual reunion ot Kanguroos will le The annual reunion of Kangaroos will be rite annual reunion of Kangaroos will be
held nt the League Club on August 10 \\ held at the League Club on August 10. Ex- held at the League Club on August 16 W
penses are being defrayed bv the I nene penses are being defrayed by the League penses are being defrayed by the name
Club Mc-ms J Quinlan nnd H Hallett Club. Messrs. J. Quinian and H. Hallett Club Messrs J Quinlan and H Hallett
are organising the reunion are organising the reunion. are organising the reunion
To night at the Greenstead Mall Rand viel* To-night at the Greenstead Hall, Randwick, To night at the Greenstead Hall Rand wick
the boxing championships of the Marist the boxing championships of the Marist the boxing championships of the Marist
Brothers College Randwick are to be con Brothers' College, Randwick, are to be con- Brothers College Randwick are to be contested
tested tested.
The hcavjwelpht boxing champion Blllv The heavyweight boxing champion, Billy The heavyweight boxing champion Billy
Britt is matched with I of tv Stlgt, for 12 Britt, is matched with Lofty Stigg, for 12 Britt is matched with I of tv Stage, for 12
rounds at the Carlton Stadium lomoirov rounds at the Carlton Stadium to-morrow rounds at the Carlton Stadium to-morrow
night The 21 stone Les McNabb will havr> night. The 21 stone Les McNabb will have night The 21 stone Les McNabb will have
IIÍT first 10 rounds contcEt opposrd to Herb his first 10 rounds contest opposed to Herb LIST first 10 rounds contest opposed to Herb
Daly _ Daly. Daly 2
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words29079.392.161.7
Searchability of unique words17177.891.260.5
Weighted Words77.791.260.4

Article ID 17762219, Article, OBITUARY. MR. PERCY J. MARKS., page 4 1941-06-24, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 186 words, 12 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
' Mr Percy J Marks, a well-known Mr. Percy J. Marks, a well-known ' Mr Percy J Marks, a well-known
.olicltor, and one of the leaders of Svd solicitor, and one of the leaders of Syd- solicitor, and one of the leaders of Sydney's
ney's Jewish community, died yesterday ney's Jewish community, died yesterday. Jewish community, died yesterday
Mi MarkR, who was bom at West Mr. Marks, who was born at West Mr Marks, who was born at West
Maitland, was a vlce-ptesiaent and foun- Maitland, was a vice-president and foun- Maitland, was a vice-president and foundation
dation member of the New South Wales dation member of the New South Wales member of the New South Wales
Suakespcarean Society, a mambei of the Shakespearean Society, a member of the Shakespearean Society, a member of the
tommittee of the ex-Library Society, committee of the ex-Library Society, committee of the ex-Library Society,
Royal Austi alian Historical Soeietv, Royal Australian Historical Society, Royal Australian Historical Society,
Society of Australian Genealogists piesi Society of Australian Genealogists, presi- Society of Australian Genealogists president
dent of the Ausli allan Jewish Kistoiieal dent of the Australian Jewish Historical of the Australian Jewish Historical
Society honorarv tieasuier of the Numis- Society, honorary treasurer of the Numis- Society honorary treasurer of the Numismatic
matic Society of New South Wales and matic Society of New South Wales and Society of New South Wales and
an authoritv on emly Austiallan history an authority on early Australian history. an authority on early Australian history
Mi Marks was at one time joint editoi, Mr. Marks was at one time joint editor, Mr Marks was at one time joint editor,
with the late Sii Daniel Levi* of tlip with the late Sir Daniel Levy, of the with the late Sir Daniel Levy of the
New South Wales "Hcbiew Standard " New South Wales "Hebrew Standard," New South Wales "Hebrew Standard "
and president of the Union of J mloi and president of the Union of Junior and president of the Union of J mloi
Zionists, and secietaiy of the New Soulh Zionists, and secretary of the New South Zionists, and secretary of the New South
Wales Boaid of Jewish Education Wales Board of Jewish Education. Wales Board of Jewish Education
Mi Marks was a life and foundation Mr. Marks was a life and foundation Mr Marks was a life and foundation
metnbei of the New South Wales Amateiu member of the New South Wales Amateur member of the New South Wales Amateur
Sports Club When 11 yeais of age he Sports Club. When 19 years of age, he Sports Club When 11 years of age he
passed his B A examination at the Syd- passed his B.A. examination at the Syd- passed his B. A. examination at the Sydney
ney university i ney University. university The
The funeral w ill leave the Jewish House. The funeral will leave the Jewish House funeral will leave the Jewish House
of Prayer, Chippendale at 1130 ami of Prayer, Chippendale at 11.30 a.m. of Prayer, Chippendale at 1156 am
to-day, for Rookwood Cemetery i to-day, for Rookwood Cemetery. to-day, for Rookwood Cemetery i
Identified overProof non-corrections JUNIOR
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words16279.099.497.1
Searchability of unique words8675.698.895.2
Weighted Words77.198.794.4

Article ID 25901722, Article, Railway Collision, page 7 1941-11-10, The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), 62 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Railway Collision Railway Collision Railway Collision
When a rall motor over-ran the points on When a rail motor over-ran the points on When a rail motor over-ran the points on
the Mt. Lyell raliway at Halls Creek, a few the Mt. Lyell railway at Halls Creek, a few the Mt. Lyell railway at Halls Creek, a few
miles from Queenstown on Friday, it col- miles from Queenstown on Friday, it miles from Queenstown on Friday, it col-
collided head-on with a railway engine. The collided head-on with a railway engine. The collided head-on with a railway engine. The
motor was travelling slowly, and the oc- motor was travelling slowly, and the motor was travelling slowly, and the oc-
occupants. A. C. Fahey (driver), P. Kennedy, occupants. A. C. Fahey (driver), P. Kennedy, occupants. A. C. Fahey (driver), P. Kennedy,
and J. Booton, escaped with a severe shak- and J. Booton, escaped with a severe shak- and J. Booton, escaped with a severe shak-
ing. The rall motor was damaged slightly. ing. The rail motor was damaged slightly. ing. The rail motor was damaged slightly.
Identified overProof corrections RAIL
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5094.0100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words3997.4100.0100.0
Weighted Words97.5100.0100.0

Article ID 27943524, Article, WAR CORRESPONDENT FOR MALAYA, page 6 1941-10-16, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 58 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
CANBERRA. Wednesday.- The CANBERRA, Wednesday.— The CANBERRA. Wednesday.- The
Minister for information, Senator Minister for Information, Senator Minister for information, Senator
Ashley, said to-day thal one of the Ashley, said to-day that one of the Ashley, said to-day that one of the
officiai Australian War Correspondents official Australian War Correspondents official Australian War Correspondents
in the Middle East Mr, Kenneth in the Middle East Mr. Kenneth in the Middle East Mr Kenneth
Slessor, or Se;séant Ian, Fltchett. Slessor, or Sergeant Ian Fitchett, Slessor, or Sergeant Ian, Fitchett.
would shortly : be transferred to would shortly be transferred to would shortly be transferred to
Malaya. ., Malaya. Malaya.,
Senator Ashley also said that an Senator Ashley also said that an Senator Ashley also said that an
official war photographe! would shortly official war photographer would shortly official war photographs! would shortly
?be sent from Australia to Malaya be sent from Australia to Malaya. be sent from Australia to Malaya
Identified overProof corrections FITCHETT SERGEANT
Identified overProof non-corrections PHOTOGRAPHER
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5691.198.280.0
Searchability of unique words4092.597.566.7
Weighted Words89.496.566.7

Article ID 38326264, Article, WAR SCENES Captured Nazi Film, page 3 1941-11-09, Army News (Darwin, NT : 1941 - 1946), 92 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Captured Nazi Film Captured Nazi Film Captured Nazi Film
-Kenincth Slessor, Official' War Kenneth Slessor, Official War -Kenneth Slessor, Official' War
'Coirespondent,. says thlit families of. Correspondent, says that families of 'Correspondent,. says that families of.
Austialiain soldiers taketi prisoner Australian soldiers taken prisoner Australian soldiers taken prisoner
during. tie evacuatiion .oo Greece may during the evacuation of Greece may during. the evacuation on Greece may
recogiiise the faces 'of their relatives recognise the faces of their relatives recognise the faces of their relatives remarklable series of Germiian in a remarkable series of German most remarkable series of German
war filiiis recently captured from the war films recently captured from the war films recently captured from the
eney.- Thel films,: which have beeii enemy. The films, which have been enemy.- The films,: which have been
shown. in Caii'o 'to .British Allied shown in Cairo to British Allied shown. in Cairo to British Allied
officcrs; depict Geraiian views of early, officers, depict German views of early officers; depict German views of early,
fightinig in. Russia, parachute attack fighting in Russia, parachute attack fighting in. Russia, parachute attack
S.dn Corinth Canal _and- the sinking of on Corinth Canal and the sinking of Side Corinth Canal and- the sinking of
7;ritish. shipljinb by 'stibmarines. The British shipping by submarines. The British. shipping by 'submarines. The
Il.rls are being re-edited with Eng films are being re-edited with Eng- girls are being credited with English
lish captions, to be shown in Aus lish captions, to be shown in captions, to be shown in Aus
Australia and elsewhere. Australia and elsewhere. Australia and elsewhere.
————— ————— shows
Identified overProof non-corrections /RE/EDITED|REEDITED [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9072.295.684.0
Searchability of unique words6774.698.594.1
Weighted Words75.298.192.5

Article ID 41933360, Article, V.A.D's. AT WORK AT ASHGROVE, page 2 1941-07-21, The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), 71 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
v.a.d's. at Work I V.A.D's AT WORK ward's. at Work I
Two 'pnlienls' who were unable to protest at (he treatment they re Two patients who were unable to protest at the treatment they 'patients' who were unable to protest at the treatment they received
ceived during the V.A.D. field day al St. John's Wood, Ashgrovc, yestcr received during the V.A.D. field day at St. John's Wood, Ashgrove yesterday. during the V.A.D. field day at St. John's Wood, Ashgrove, yesterday.
day. They were being trenteel for fractured jaws. They were being treated for fractured jaws. They were being treated for fractured jaws.
Two 'pnlienls' who were unable to protest at (he treatment they re Two 'patients' who were unable to protest at the treatment they received
ceived during the V.A.D. field day al St. John's Wood, Ashgrovc, yestcr during the V.A.D. field day at St. John's Wood, Ashgrove, yesterday.
day. They were being trenteel for fractured jaws. They were being treated for fractured jaws.
Identified overProof corrections YESTERDAY PATIENTS TREATED
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words3387.9100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words2688.5100.0100.0
Weighted Words87.0100.0100.0

Article ID 42279168, Article, STANDARD GAUGE. WAR COUNCIL TO CONSIDER. CANBERRA, February 25., page 1 1941-02-27, Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), 97 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
t . CANBERRA. Febraarv 25 CANBERRA, February 25. t . CANBERRA. February 25
^The Advisory War Council shortly will The Advisory War Council shortly will The Advisory War Council shortly will
consider proposals for a gradual standard- consider proposals for a gradual standard- consider proposals for a gradual standardisation
isation of rail gauges to provide a stand- isation of rail gauges to provide a stand- of rail gauges to provide a standard
ard 4ft. 8%in. W between Brisbane.and ard 4ft. 8½in. line between Brisbane and 4ft. 8in. W between Brisbane. and
Kalgoorlie. The proposals are understood Kalgoorlie. The proposals are understood Kalgoorlie. The proposals are understood
to inwade the conversion of , the Albury-. to include the conversion of the Albury- to invade the conversion of the Albury-.
Melbourne, Tocomwal-Seymour *nd Brofcea Melbourne, Tocumwal-Seymour and Broken Melbourne, Tocomwal-Seymour and Broken
Hfll-Fort Pirie* lines' to standard- sauge, Hill-Port Pirie lines to standard gauge, Hill-Port Pirie lines' to standard- gauge,
and-the duplication singleítracks -be- and the duplication of single tracks be- and-the duplication of single-track between
tween the capital cities. The total cost is tween the capital cities. The total cost is the capital cities. The total cost is
estimated at £120,000,000. estimated at £120,000,000. estimated at £120,000,000.
The work , is claimed to .be ot great de- The work is claimed to be of great de- The work , is claimed to be of great defence
fence importance for the transportation of fence importance for the transportation of importance for the transportation of
troops and materials. - troops and materials. troops and materials. -
Identified overProof non-corrections TOCUMWAL INCLUDE TRACKS LINE
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8582.495.373.3
Searchability of unique words5683.992.955.6
Weighted Words83.292.957.9

Article ID 42301861, Article, Message in Bottle., page 4 1941-03-13, Cairns Post (Qld. : 1909 - 1954), 118 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Meas»*;« in Bottle. - Message in Bottle. Measures in Bottle. -
What is probably a link with the What is probably a link with the What is probably a link with the
transport of Australian troops is- the transport of Australian troops is the transport of Australian troops is the
report from Lockhart Mission Station report from Lockhart Mission Station report from Lockhart Mission Station
that a bottle containing a message from that a bottle containing a message from that a bottle containing a message from
a soldier had been washed up there. a soldier had been washed up there. a soldier had been washed up there.
The message, which was sent by mis- The message, which was sent by mis- The message, which was sent by mission
sion officials to i Mr. H. Brown, at sion officials to Mr. H. Brown, at officials to Mr. H. Brown, at
Cairns, read: "Passed here on January Cairns, read : "Passed here on January Cairns, read: "Passed here on January
30, 1941. by boat, Pie. P. J. Breen, No. 30, 1941, by boat, Pte. P. J. Breen, No. 30, 1941. by boat, Pte. P. J. Breen, No.
70686, Cairns." Lockhart Mission Sta- 70686, Cairns." Lockhart Mission Sta- 70686, Cairns." Lockhart Mission Sta-
tion is situated in the Gulf of Carpen- tion is situated in the Gulf of Carpentaria, tion is situated in the Gulf of Carpen-
and the bottle was found a few and the bottle was found a few and the bottle was found a few
miles south of the head station. Pta. miles south of the head station. Pte. miles south of the head station. Pta.
Breen is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Breen is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Breen is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A.
Breen, of Gatton-streét, Cairns, " te Breen, of Gatton-street, Cairns, to Breen, of Gatton-street, Cairns, " to
whom Mr. Brown passed on the mes- whom Mr. Brown passed on the mes- whom Mr. Brown passed on the message.
sage. sage.
Identified overProof corrections /GATTON/STREET|GATTONSTREET PTE
Identified overProof non-corrections CARPENTARIA
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9793.896.950.0
Searchability of unique words5894.898.366.7
Weighted Words93.298.069.8

Article ID 44908945, Article, £118,217 FOR RAIL WORKS, page 1 1941-01-14, The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), 99 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
tll8,217 FOK KA11 £118,217 FOR RAIL tlS 217 FOR ROAD
uaiiway worKS to cosi; tiio,ai( win oe Railway works to cost £118,217 will be railway works to cost; transit will be
jarried out in Queensland by the State carried out in Queensland by the State carried out in Queensland by the State
3overnment for the Commonwealth. Government for the Commonwealth. Government for the Commonwealth.
Requisitions for this amount were Requisitions for this amount were Requisitions for this amount were
singed by the Minister for the Interior singed by the Minister for the Interior singed by the Minister for the Interior
Senator ' Foil)' in ; Brisbane yesterday. (Senator Foll) in Brisbane yesterday. Senator ' Foll)' in Brisbane yesterday.
Ml the works to be carried out are of All the works to be carried out are of All the works to be carried out are of
iefence value. They include:— defence value. They include:— defence value. They include
Entraining and detraining facilities. Entraining and detraining facilities. entraining and detraining facilities.
Alterations, and sdditions to platforms, Alterations, and additions to platforms, Alterations, and additions to platforms,
tracks, &c. tracks, &c. tracks, &c.
Provision of end loading ramps for Provision of end loading ramps for Provision of end loading ramp for
loading mechanical transport, guns, loading mechanical transport, guns, loading mechanical transport, guns,
&c. &c. &c.
Provision of ambulance train equip Provision of ambulance train equip- Provision of ambulance train equipment.
ment. ment.
Additional facilities at transfer yards, Additional facilities at transfer yards. Additional facilities at transfer yards,
Mechanical transporters at breakof Mechanical transporters at break-of- Mechanical transporters at break-of-gauge
gauge stations. . gauge stations. stations.
Improved track and crossing facilities Improved track and crossing facilities Improved track and crossing facilities
and locomotive watering arrange and locomotive watering arrange- and locomotive watering arrangements
mentS- _________ ments. _________
Identified overProof non-corrections RAMPS [**VANDALISED] RAIL
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9586.397.984.6
Searchability of unique words6785.197.080.0
Weighted Words87.197.076.9

Article ID 47319621, Article, RAILWAY GUAGE. Widening Advocated., page 10 1941-04-17, The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), 102 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Widening Advocated. Widening Advocated. Widening Advocated.
Mr. J. H. Prowse. M.H.R., who is a Mr. J. H. Prowse, M.H.R., who is a Mr. J. H. Prowse. M.H.R., who is a
member of the Country Party, has won member of the Country Party, has won member of the Country Party, has won
the approval of the National Party for the approval of the National Party for the approval of the National Party for
his advocacy of the widening of the Kal his advocacy of the widening of the his advocacy of the widening of the Kal-
Kalgoorlie to Fremantle railway to the Kalgoorlie to Fremantle railway to the Kalgoorlie to Fremantle railway to the
standard gauge of 4ft. 8}in. standard gauge of 4ft. 8½in. standard gauge of 4ft. 8½in.
During the last session of the Federal During the last session of the Federal During the last session of the Federal
Parliament Mr. Prowse urged the widen Parliament Mr. Prowse urged the widen- Parliament Mr. Prowse urged the widow
of the line immediately to cope with ing of the line immediately to cope with of the line immediately to cope with
the increased traffic due to the restric the increased traffic due to the restric- the increased traffic due to the restric-
of interstate shipping. tion of interstate shipping. of interstate shipping.
At the last meeting of the council of At the last meeting of the council of At the last meeting of the council of
the National Party of Western Austra the National Party of Western Austra- the National Party of Western Austra-
a motion was carried congratulating lia a motion was carried congratulating a motion was carried congratulating
Mr. Prowse on his attitude. Mr. Prowse on his attitude. Mr. Prowse on his attitude.
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections AUSTRALIA RESTRICTION
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9096.796.70.0
Searchability of unique words5196.196.10.0
Weighted Words96.496.40.0

Article ID 48412870, Article, TRANSHIPPING YARD WORK Public Interest In Activities, page 1 1941-03-27, Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), 319 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Public Interné Public Interest In Public Interns
Activities Activities Activities
VV'ITH a Settlement in the matter With a Settlement in the matter WITH a Settlement in the matter
. ' of the employment of local of the employment of local of the employment of local
drivers for trucks used in connection drivers for trucks used in connection drivers for trucks used in connection
with, work on the railway tranship- with work on the railway tranship- with work on the railway transhipping;
ping; -yards, work ' is proceeding ping yards, work is proceeding -yards, work is proceeding
rapidly. Both the excavator and trail rapidly. Both the excavator and trail rapidly. Both the excavator and trail
builder were working-on a big dump builder were working on a big dump builder were working on a big dump
between Chloride, and Oxide Streets between Chloride, and Oxide Streets between Chloride, and Oxide Streets
today. today. today.
The transhipping yards will bc The transhipping yards will be The transhipping yards will be
used to link the ? narrow gauge line used to link the narrow gauge line used to link the ? narrow gauge line
of the Silverton Tramway Co. Ltd. of the Silverton Tramway Co. Ltd. of the Silverton Tramway Co. Ltd.
with that of the New South Wales with that of the New South Wales with that of the New South Wales
Government line at Crystal Street. Government line at Crystal Street. Government line at Crystal Street.
When the work is completed, Broken When the work is completed, Broken When the work is completed, Broken
Hill .will become an 'important rail- Hill will become an important rail- Hill will become an important rail-
head forming a direct' link .with. head forming a direct link with head forming a direct' link with
Sydney, Brisbane; South. Australia.' Sydney, Brisbane, South Australia. Sydney, Brisbane; South Australia
andi Western Australia.' ' ' ... and Western Australia. and Western Australia ' ' ...
Electrical equipment and modern Electrical equipment and modern Electrical equipment and modern
plant will. facilitate the handling of plant will facilitate the handling of plant will. facilitate the handling of
goods travelling between the States goods travelling between the States goods travelling between the States
and'result in a saving of shipping and result in a saving of shipping and result in a saving of shipping
apace. space. space.
. Work . started on Monday. ' It has Work started on Monday. It has . Work started on Monday. It has
attracted-intense public interest, and attracted intense public interest, and attracted intense public interest, and
crowds ; watch-, it all day. While the crowds watch it all day. While the crowds ; watch-, it all day. While the
excavator works .'digging into the excavator works digging into the excavator works digging into the
dump and loading lorries, the trail dump and loading lorries, the trail dump and loading lorries, the trail
builder is levelling' the front of thc builder is levelling the front of thc builder is levelling' the front of the
dump, and filling in huge areas. dump, and filling in huge areas. dump, and filling in huge areas.
Hundred,» of cubic yards of material Hundred of cubic yards of material Hundreds of cubic yards of material
have been moved. have been moved. have been moved.
/ Huge.lorries are carting away loads Huge lorries are carting away loads / Huge lorries are carting away loads
of material, which is being used to All of material, which is being used to fill of material, which is being used to All
In other sections, nearer the line of in other sections, nearer the line of In other sections, nearer the line of
thja.'-. i.Silyerton '^Traniway.. Company the Silyerton Tramway Company. the.'-. Silverton 'Tramway.. Company
They are unable, however, to keep up They are unable, however, to keep up They are unable, however, to keep up
with the loading of the excavator. It with the loading of the excavator. It with the loading of the excavator. It
ia expected that the work of Ailing is expected that the work of filling is expected that the work of Ailing
Ind excavating will be completed in and excavating will be completed in and excavating will be completed in
?bout eight-weeks. about eight-weeks. about eight weeks.
. It was ¿tated at the Labor Bureau It was stated at the Labor Bureau It was stated at the Labor Bureau
today that - all difficulties in connec- today that all difficulties in connec- today that - all difficulties in connection
tion with the employment of local tion with the employment of local with the employment of local
lorry divers hail been overcome and lorry divers had been overcome and lorry divers had been overcome and
local men were now engaged. ' Sum- , local men were now engaged. Suffi- local men were now engaged. ' Sum- ,
rient.drivers had reported this morn- cient drivers had reported this morn- right drivers had reported this morning.
ing. ing.
As tile railway transhipping yard As the railway transhipping yard As the railway transhipping yard
¡s an urgent defence work, it is being ¡s an urgent defence work, it is being is an urgent defence work, it is being
pushed ahead as quickly RS possible. pushed ahead as quickly as possible. pushed ahead as quickly as possible.
r,wo shifts will he worked. Two shifts will be worked. two shifts will he worked.
The ''contractors are thc Australian The contractors are the Australian The ''contractors are the Australian
Blue Metal Co. Ltd., Sydney. Blue Metal Co. Ltd., Sydney. Blue Metal Co. Ltd., Sydney.
Identified overProof corrections TWO SPACE STATED ABOUT RESULT
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words29890.997.066.7
Searchability of unique words16595.297.037.5
Weighted Words95.696.724.4

Article ID 52405724, Article, LEVEL CROSSING LIGHTS, page 6 1941-02-22, Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), 118 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The announcement that a contract The announcement that a contract The announcement that a contract
has been let for the erection of elec has been let for the erection of electrical has been let for the erection of electrical
trical level crossing signals is the out level crossing signals is the outcome level crossing signals is the out
of an agitation which commenced of an agitation which commenced of an agitation which commenced
some years ago. some years ago. some years ago.
As a result of the agitation a pro As a result of the agitation a programme As a result of the agitation a programme
gramme was drawn up by the Trans was drawn up by the Transport was drawn up by the Transport
port Commission to extend over seve Commission to extend over several Commission to extend over several
ral years, whereby the main level years, whereby the main level crossings years, whereby the main level
in the state would be equipped in the state would be equipped in the state would be equipped
with electrically operated track sig with electrically operated track signals. with electrically operated track sig
Under the system a train as Under the system a train as Under the system a train as
soon as it touches the track a quar soon as it touches the track a quarter soon as it touches the track a quarter
ter of a mile from the crossing will of a mile from the crossing will put of a mile from the crossing will
into operation a flashing light, into operation a flashing light, into operation a flashing light,
which will warn the public of the which will warn the public of which will warn the public of the
train's approach. the train's approach. train's approach.
The work of installation will be The work of installation will The work of installation will be
commenced very shortly. be commenced very shortly. commenced very shortly.
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections CROSSINGS OUTCOME PUT
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words10496.296.20.0
Searchability of unique words7295.895.80.0
Weighted Words95.095.00.0

Article ID 52409572, Article, Evandale Level Crossing, page 6 1941-03-22, Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), 126 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Evandale Level Crossing Evandale Level Crossing Evandale Level Crossing
The Minister for Transport (MIr. The Minister for Transport (Mr. The Minister for Transport (Mr.
Brooker) stated yesterday that during Brooker) stated yesterday that during Brooker) stated yesterday that during
the Ministerial tour, representations the Ministerial tour, representations the Ministerial tour, representations
were made by the Evandale Council to were made by the Evandale Council were made by the Evandale Council to
have a signal erected at the level to have a signal erected at the level have a signal erected at the level
crossing on the Evandale highway. He crossing on the Evandale highway. crossing on the Evandale highway. He
had been informed by the Transport He had been informed by the Transport had been informed by the Transport
Commission that in the programme Commission that in the programme Commission that in the programme
which had been drawn up for the pro which had been drawn up for the pro- which had been drawn up for the protection
tection of level crossings, provision tection of level crossings, provision of level crossings, provision
been made for automatic signals at had been made for automatic signals at been made for automatic signals at
that crossing, but it was not included that crossing, but it was not included that crossing, but it was not included
in the first batch of signs for which in the first batch of signs for which in the first batch of signs for which
tenders had already been accepted. The tenders had already been accepted. The tenders had already been accepted. The
Minister added that a survey had been Minister added that a survey had been Minister added that a survey had been
made of a deviation of the Evandale made of a deviation of the Evandale made of a deviation of the Evandale
highway at Western Junction and for highway at Western Junction and for highway at Western Junction and for
the construction of an overhead bridge. the construction of an overhead bridge. the construction of an overhead bridge.
When this was erected two level cross When this was erected two level cross- When this was erected two level cross
would be eliminated. ings would be eliminated. would be eliminated.
Identified overProof corrections MR
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words12197.598.333.3
Searchability of unique words7098.6100.0100.0
Weighted Words99.5100.0100.0

Article ID 52468335, Article, HELPING RUSSIA BY SENDING TRAINS TO IRAN, page 1 1941-10-10, Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954), 95 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
By Our Federal Correspondent By Our Federal Correspondent By Our Federal Correspondent
CANBERRA, Thursday. - CANBERRA, Thursday. CANBERRA, Thursday. -
Standard gauge locomotives and Standard gauge locomotives and Standard gauge locomotives and
railway waggons are to be sent railway waggons are to be sent railway waggons are to be sent
from Australia to Iran for use from Australia to Iran for use from Australia to Iran for use
by the British and Russian U by the British and Russian by the British and Russian U
forces in that country. forces in that country. forces in that country.
This was announced to-day This was announced to-day This was announced to-day
by the Prime Minister (Mr. by the Prime Minister (Mr. by the Prime Minister (Mr.
Curtin) after a meeting of Curtin) after a meeting of Curtin) after a meeting of
Cabinet. He said it represented Cabinet. He said it represented Cabinet. He said it represented
practical aid to Russia. Not practical aid to Russia. Not- practical aid to Russia. Not
withstanding the severe strain ? withstanding the severe strain withstanding the severe strain on
on. our own internal transport on our own internal transport our own internal transport
systems that the shioments in systems that the shipments in- systems that the shipments in
volved, Cabinet considered it a volved, Cabinet considered it a volved, Cabinet considered it a
proner contribution for Aus proper contribution for Aus- proper contribution for Australia
tralia to make. tralia to make. to make.
Identified overProof corrections PROPER SHIPMENTS
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8397.698.850.0
Searchability of unique words6496.9100.0100.0
Weighted Words95.4100.0100.0

Article ID 56088510, Article, AUSTRALIAN RAILWAY PATENT REJECTED CANBERRA, April 2., page 6 1941-04-03, Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), 99 words, 6 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
CANBERRA, April 2. CANBERRA, April 2. CANBERRA, April 2.
An Australian patent to enable rail- An Australian patent to enable rail- An Australian patent to enable railway
way vehicles to travel over all exist- way vehicles to travel over all exist- vehicles to travel over all exist-
tracks bad been tested and rejected ing tracks had been tested and rejected tracks had been tested and rejected
after adverse reports from qualified after adverse reports from qualified after adverse reports from qualified
railway engineers, the Acting Prim i railway engineers, the Acting Prime railway engineers, the Acting Prime Minister
Minister (Mr A. W. Fadden) told Mr Minister (Mr. A. W. Fadden) told Mr. (Mr A. W. Fadden) told Mr
Ward in the House of Representatives Ward in the House of Representatives Ward in the House of Representatives
today. today. today.
Mr Fadden said that he did not know Mr. Fadden said that he did not know Mr Fadden said that he did not know
.whether the same invention was being whether the same invention was being whether the same invention was being
used without authority by the Germans used without authority by the Germans used without authority by the Germans
between Poland, Eastern Silesia, and between Poland, Eastern Silesia, and between Poland, Eastern Silesia, and
Russia. Action had been taken t-t Russia. Action had been taken to Russia. Action had been taken to
provide all railway facilities at break provide all railway facilities at break- provide all railway facilities at break
of-gauge points in Australia and the of-gauge points in Australia and the of-gauge points in Australia and the
work was well advanced. work was well advanced. work was well advanced.
Identified overProof corrections PRIME
Identified overProof non-corrections EXISTING
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9395.798.975.0
Searchability of unique words7197.298.650.0
Weighted Words96.598.041.3

Article ID 58960905, Article, DIESEL TO SOUTH BEACH, page 7 1941-01-26, Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), 75 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The Railway Department advises The Railway Department advises The Railway Department advises
that as from Sunday, -January 26. and , that as from Sunday, January 26, and that as from Sunday, -January 26. and
until furl her notice a Diesel electric j until further notice a Diesel electric until further notice a Diesel electric
«ail oar will run on Mundays to Mouth rail car will run on Sundays to South rail car will run on Sundays to South
Keach «ta Armadale and Jandakot. j Beach via Armadale and Jandakot. Beach at Armadale and Jandakot. j
lt will leave Perth at «.'¿0 a m. and It will leave Perth at 8.20 a.m. and It will leave Perth at also a m. and
stop at all stations to pick up passen stop at all stations to pick up passen- stop at all stations to pick up passengers
gera The return trip wi! be made at ¡ gers. The return trip will be made at The return trip will be made at a
5.55 p.m. from South Beach. Specially 5.55 p.m. from South Beach. Specially 5.55 p.m. from South Beach. Specially
reduced fares will apply. I reduced fares will apply. reduced fares will apply. I
Identified overProof corrections IT PASSENGERS SUNDAYS FURTHER RAIL CAR
Identified overProof non-corrections VIA
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6183.698.490.0
Searchability of unique words4584.497.885.7
Weighted Words85.098.086.9

Article ID 59153489, Article, Institute of Public Affairs, page 9 1941-05-18, Sunday Times (Perth, WA : 1902 - 1954), 154 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Public Affairs Public Affairs Public Affairs
Although :the average Australian is Although the average Australian is Although the average Australian is
recognised ajs intensely human in his recognised as intensely human in his recognised as intensely human in his
attitude toward his fellow men, it is attitude toward his fellow men, it is attitude toward his fellow men, it is
generally admitted that he is charac- generally admitted that he is charac- generally admitted that he is characteristically
teristically apathetic regarding mat- teristically apathetic regarding mat- apathetic regarding matters
ters of public concern, ters of public concern. of public concern,
A wider knowledge of Public affairs A wider knowledge of public affairs A wider knowledge of Public affairs
would do much to overcome this dis- would do much to overcome this dis- would do much to overcome this dis-
ability and this is the basic idea be- ability and this is the basic idea be- ability and this is the basic idea behind
hind the formation of "The Institute hind the formation of "The Institute the formation of "The Institute
of PubUc Affairs" of Public Affairs." of Public Affairs
The office-bearers are as follows: The office-bearers are as follows :— The office-bearers are as follows:
Chairman. Mr. A. E. Dry; vice-chair- Chairman, Mr. A. E. Dry ; vice-chair- Chairman. Mr. A. E. Dry; vice-chair-
man, Mr. E, G. Sier; hon. secretary. man, Mr. E. G. Sier ; hon. secretary, man, Mr. E G. Ster; hon. secretary.
Mr- J. R. Donaldson; honl treasurer. Mr. J. R. Donaldson ; hon. treasurer, Mr- J. R. Donaldson; hon treasurer.
Mr. W. E. Aspinall; council. Messrs. Mr. W. E. Aspinall ; council. Messrs. Mr. W. E. Aspinall; council. Messrs.
E. F. Wilson, R. Eddy aod E D. Ben- E. F. Wilson, R. Eddy and R. D. Ben- E. F. Wilson, R. Eddy and E D. Benjamin.
jamin. jamin.
The inaugural meeting, which is by The inaugural meeting, which is by The inaugural meeting, which is by
invitation, will be held at Gleddon invitation, will be held at Gleddon invitation, will be held at Gledden
Building (7th floor) on Tuesday next, Building (7th floor) on Tuesday next, Building (7th floor) on Tuesday next,
at 7.50 p.m. The" Minister for Indus- at 7.50 p.m. The Minister for Indus- at 7.50 p.m. The" Minister for Industrial
trial Development <Mr. A. R- G. trial Development (Mr. A. R. G. Development Mr. A. R- G.
Hawke, M.L.A.) Will give an address Hawke, M.L.A.) will give an address Hawke, M.L.A.) Will give an address
on "The Value of W.A. Secondary In- on "The Value of W.A. Secondary In- on "The Value of W.A. Secondary In-
dustries in Peace ana War." ¡ dustries in Peace and War." dustries in Peace and War." I
Identified overProof corrections
Identified overProof non-corrections GLEDDON [**VANDALISED] SIER [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words12495.298.466.7
Searchability of unique words90100.097.8-122.2
Weighted Words100.097.2-138.6

Article ID 61800177, Article, RESERVE COAL STOCKS, page 5 1941-12-15, Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), 76 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
MELBOURNE, December 13. MELBOURNE, December 13.— MELBOURNE, December 13. 2
Special coal stocks are being built up Special coal stocks are being built up Special coal stocks are being built up
at all border railway yards at break at all border railway yards at break at all border railway yards at break
of eauRe point*, so that tt will be of gauge points, so that it will be of gauge points, so that it will be
available for trains of either gauge, available for trains of either gauge, available for trains of either gauge,
ena big coal dumps are being laid and big coal dumps are being laid ena big coal dumps are being laid
down In Inland centres throughout down in inland centres throughout down In Inland centres throughout
Australia. , Australia. Australia.
Ta safeguard petrol supplies from To safeguard petrol supplies from To safeguard petrol supplies from
overseas, plans are being made for overseas, plans are being made for overseas, plans are being made for
the us« of the BAA.F. to protect the use of the R.A.A.F. to protect the use of the RAAF. to protect
tankers while they are passing tankers while they are passing tankers while they are passing
tnirmKh the danger tones. through the danger zones. tnirmKh the danger tones.
Identified overProof corrections POINTS IT USE
Identified overProof non-corrections ZONES THROUGH AND
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words7288.995.862.5
Searchability of unique words5689.394.650.0
Weighted Words90.995.550.4

Article ID 68353952, Article, NEW POSTAGE STAMP PROPOSED Issue Would Commemorate A.I.F. Feats, page 7 1941-09-20, Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), 99 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Issue Would Commemorate Issue Would Commemorate Issue Would Commemorate
A.I.F. Feats A.I.F. Feats A.I.F. Feats
MELBOURNE, Eridny.-Proposals MELBOURNE, Friday.—Proposals MELBOURNE, Friday. Proposals
that a now postago stamp should bo that a new postage stamp should be that a new postage stamp should be
issued to commemorate tho siege of issued to commemorate the siege of issued to commemorate the siege of
Tobruk and other A.T.I'', fonts of nrms Tobruk and other A.I.F. feats of arms Tobruk and other A.T.I'', feats of arms
will probnbly be considered immediate will probably be considered immediate- will probably be considered immediately
ly nftor tho budget. ly after the budget. after the budget.
So far, Australia has not issued any So far, Australia has not issued any So far, Australia has not issued any
special war stamps. special war stamps. special war stamps.
Tho Post Office will not consider a The Post Office will not consider a The Post Office will not consider a
new issue pending presentation of the new issue pending presentation of the new issue pending presentation of the
budget, which is unofficially reported budget, which is unofficially reported budget, which is unofficially reported
fo próvido for nn increase in tho basic to provide for an increase in the basic to provide for an increase in the basic
postngo rn tu from 2d. to at lonst 2Jd. postage rate from 2d. to at least 2½d. postage on tu from 2d. to at least 2d.
A special war stamp if approved, A special war stamp if approved, A special war stamp if approved,
would almost certainly be of this new would almost certainly be of this new would almost certainly be of this new
denomination. denomination. denomination.
Identified overProof non-corrections RATE
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9180.298.994.4
Searchability of unique words6387.398.487.5
Weighted Words88.097.982.8

Article ID 68490890, Article, R.A.A.F. Officer Missing After Action in Libya, page 5 1941-01-29, Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), 69 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
R.A.A.F. Officer R.A.A.F. Officer R.A.A.F. Officer
Missing After Missing After Missing After
Action in Libya Action in Libya Action in Libya
MELBOURNE, Tuesday. - Flying MELBOURNE, Tuesday. Flying MELBOURNE, Tuesday. - Flying
Ofliccr J. C. Campbell C¿'¿), formerly Officer J. C. Campbell (22), formerly Officer J. C. Campbell Co's), formerly
of Melbourne, has been posted missing of Melbourne, has been posted missing of Melbourne, has been posted missing
after an action in Libya on Saturday. after an action in Libya on Saturday. after an action in Libya on Saturday.
Announcing this to-day, the Air Announcing this to-day, the Air Announcing this to-day, the Air
Board suid ho -was flying one of four Board said he was flying one of four Board said he was flying one of four
R.A.A.F. Glostcr Gladiators -which R.A.A.F. Gloster Gladiators which R.A.A.F. Gloster Gladiators which
went into action. went into action. went into action.
Flving Ofliccr Campbell, who lived Flying Officer Campbell, who lived Flying Officer Campbell, who lived
at Charleville, Queensland, was well at Charleville, Queensland, was well- at Charleville, Queensland, was well
known in journalistic circles in Syd known in journalistic circles in Syd- known in journalistic circles in Sydney
ney and Melbourne. ney and Melbourne. and Melbourne.
Identified overProof corrections SAID GLOSTER HE
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6190.2100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words4493.2100.0100.0
Weighted Words94.5100.0100.0

Article ID 68507708, Article, Question & Answer, page 2 1941-05-20, Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890 - 1954), 74 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Question & Answer Question & Answer Question & Answer
Question: If she has two sons under Question: If she has two sons under Question: If she has two sons under
16, the oldest reaching 16 in August, is 16, the oldest reaching 16 in August, is 16, the oldest reaching 16 in August, is
the mother entitled to the endowment ? the mother entitled to the endowment? the mother entitled to the endowment ?
Answer : For two months only. Answer: For two months only. Answer : For two months only.
Question: "Where to apply for a.pat Question: "Where to apply for a pat- Question: "Where to apply for a pat
ent J _ . . . -, . ent? ent J L . e, .
Answer: Tho Commissioner Of Pat Answer: The Commissioner of Pat- Answer: The Commissioner Of Patents
ents for the Commonwealth is Mr. C. S. ents for the Commonwealth is Mr. C. S. for the Commonwealth is Mr. C. S.
Teecc, Canberra; any information de Teece, Canberra; any information de- Teece, Canberra; any information desired
sired may bo obtained nt thc Irado sired may be obtained at the Trade may be obtained at the Trade
Marks Sub-office, Customs House, Ho Marks Sub-office, Customs House, Ho- Marks sub-office, Customs House, Ro
bart,_ bart. bert
Identified overProof corrections AT BE PATENT TRADE TEECE
Identified overProof non-corrections HOBART
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5986.498.387.5
Searchability of unique words4586.797.883.3
Weighted Words87.997.176.0

Article ID 74460371, Article, PORT PIRIE-BROKEN HILL RAILWAY Widening Of Gauge Plan Rejected, page 17 1941-01-03, The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), 173 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Widening Of Gauge Plan Widening Of Gauge Plan Widening Of Gauge Plan
Reiected Rejected. Rejected
Because it was rejected recently by a Because it was rejected recently by a Because it was rejected recently by a
committee of engineers responsible to committee of engineers responsible to committee of engineers responsible to
a Commonwealth authority, it is un a Commonwealth authority, it is un- a Commonwealth authority, it is unlikely
likely that the suggestion that the gauge likely that the suggestion that the gauge that the suggestion that the gauge
of the Port Pirie-Broken Hill railway of the Port Pirie-Broken Hill railway of the Port Pirie-Broken Hill railway
line should be expanded from 3 ft. 6 in. line should be expanded from 3 ft. 6 in. line should be expanded from 3 ft. 6 in.
to the 4 ft. 81 inches standard, will be to the 4 ft. inches standard, will be to the 4 ft. inches standard, will be
put into effect. put into effect. put into effect.
This was made clear by the Minister This was made clear by the Minister This was made clear by the Minister
of Railways (Mr. Mclntosh). who said of Railways (Mr. Mclntosh), who said of Railways (Mr. Mclntosh). who said
last night that, in common with other last night that, in common with other last night that, in common with other
works which held possible advantages works which held possible advantages works which held possible advantages
as defence undertakings, the widening as defence undertakings, the widening as defence undertakings, the widening
of the gauge on this line had been in of the gauge on this line had been in- of the gauge on this line had been in
vestigated by the engineers, iney naa vestigated by the engineers. They had vestigated by the engineers, they had
rejected the' scheme from the defence rejected the scheme from the defence rejected the' scheme from the defence
viewpoint as it would not be in opera viewpoint as it would not be in opera- viewpoint as it would not be in operation
tion for years. tion for years. for years.
As the' result of this investigation, As the result of this investigation, As the result of this investigation,
the Minister said, it had been decided] the Minister said, it had been decided the Minister said, it had been decided
to proceed with certain improvements! to proceed with certain improvements to proceed with certain improvements!
in the provision of water and additional! in the provision of water and additional in the provision of water and additional!
facilities for the passing of trains at] facilities for the passing of trains at facilities for the passing of trains at]
sidings. sidings. sidings.
Th-- Minister added that it would be The Minister added that it would be The-- Minister added that it would be
folly to proceed with the scheme as a folly to proceed with the scheme as a folly to proceed with the scheme as a
peacetime work. peacetime work. peacetime work.
Identified overProof corrections THEY
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words16397.5100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words9398.9100.0100.0
Weighted Words99.3100.0100.0

Article ID 74461126, Article, Mr. Fadden To Visit Newcastle CANBERRA, March 27., page 20 1941-03-28, The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), 114 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Mr. Fadden To Visit Mr. Fadden To Visit Mr. Fadden To Visit
Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle
CANBERRA. March 2«. CANBERRA, March 27. CANBERRA. March 22.
The Acting Prime Minister (Mr - The Acting Prime Minister (Mr. The Acting Prime Minister (Mr -
Fadden) will visit Newcastle on Satur- ; Fadden) will visit Newcastle on Satur- Fadden) will visit Newcastle on Satur- ;
day to discuss industrial questions con- ! day to discuss industrial questions con- day to discuss industrial questions con- !
nected with the war effort with New nected with the war effort with New- nected with the war effort with New
castle business men. castle business men. castle business men.
He will leave Sydney in the mornins. He will leave Sydney in the morning, He will leave Sydney in the morning.
and on arrival wil] inspect the B.H.P. and on arrival will inspect the B.H.P. and on arrival will inspect the B.H.P.
steel works. steel works. steel works.
In the afternoon he will open the new In the afternoon he will open the new In the afternoon he will open the new
council rooms of the Newcastle Cham council rooms of the Newcastle Cham- council rooms of the Newcastle Chamber
ber of Manufactures. At niRht he will ber of Manufactures. At night he will of Manufactures. At night he will
attend a dinner siven by the chamber attend a dinner given by the chamber. attend a dinner given by the chamber
LONDON.— Ron W Moelwyn LONDON.—Ron W. Moelwyn- LONDON Ron W Moelwyn
Hughes (Labort, a London barrister, Hughes (Labor), a London barrister, Hughes (Labor, a London barrister,
was returned unopposed at the bv was returned unopposed at the by- was returned unopposed at the by-election
election for Carmarthen which resulted election for Carmarthen which resulted for Carmarthen which resulted
throuRli the appointment of Mr D. through the appointment of Mr. D. through the appointment of Mr D.
Hopkin as a London magistrate— A.AP. Hopkin as a London magistrate.—A.A.P. Hopkins as a London magistrate AAP.
Identified overProof non-corrections SATURDAY CONNECTED HOPKIN [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words9890.896.966.7
Searchability of unique words6687.995.562.5
Weighted Words87.694.757.0

Article ID 98666485, Article, MISSING LINK RAILWAY FAVOURED, page 4 1941-08-18, Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), 323 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
construction of a railway between construction of a railway between construction of a railway between
Murwillurtibah and Tweed.. Heads— Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads— Murwillumbah and Tweed.. Heads
known as the "missing link"—will known as the "missing link"— will known as the "missing unknowing
be urged on the Minister for Works be urged on the Minister for Works be urged on the Minister for Works
(Mr. Cahill) by the North Coast (Mr. Cahill) by the North Coast (Mr. Cahill) by the North Coast
Council of Municipalities and Council of Municipalities and Council of Municipalities and
Shires. This decision was made at Shires. This decision was made at Shires. This decision was made at
the half-yearly meeting of the the half-yearly meeting of the the half-yearly meeting of the
association yesterday after the sec association yesterday after the sec- association yesterday after the secretary
retary (Mr. J. W. Every-Burns) had retary (Mr. J. W. Every-Burns) had (Mr. J. W. Every Burns) had
said that he believed the Minister said that he believed the Minister said that he believed the Minister
would visit the North Coast after! would visit the North Coast after would visit the North Coast after
the close of the Parliamentary I the close of the Parliamentary the close of the Parliamentary session.
session. session.
The question of pressing for the i The question of pressing for the The question of pressing for the building
building of the missing rail link I building of the missing rail link of the missing rail link I
was raised by Aid. N. Melville (Lis-j was raised by Ald. N. Melville (Lis- was raised by Ald. N. Melville (Lis
more), who said that he believed a' more), who said that he believed a more), who said that he believed a'
réason why the line had not beer, I reason why the line had not been reason why the line had not been, I
built was that it might adversely j built was that it might adversely built was that it might adversely j
affect the interests of some Sydney! affect the interests of some Sydney affect the interests of some Sydney!
traders. ' ¡ traders. traders. The
The meeting agreed without fur-j The meeting agreed without fur- meeting agreed without fur-
tfcer discussion to submit the matter ther discussion to submit the matter after discussion to submit the matter
to the Minister. to the Minister. to the Minister.
It was decided to re-submit a re It was decided to re-submit a re- It was decided to re-submit a request
quest for classification as trunk quest for classification as trunk for classification as trunk
roads of the main road from Evans roads of the main road from Evans roads of the main road from Evans
Head to State Highway 9, via Wood Head to State Highway 9, via Wood- Head to State Highway 9, via Woodburn,
burn, Casino and Kyogle, and from burn, Casino and Kyogle, and from Casino and Kyogle, and from
Evans Head to Murwillumbah, via Evans Head to Murwillumbah, via Evans Head to Murwillumbah, via
Lismore and Nimbin. Lismore and Nimbin. Lismore and Nimbin.
The Department of Main Roads The Department of Main Roads The Department of Main Roads
had written, stating that its finan had written, stating that its finan- had written, stating that its financial
cial position, because of the war, cial position, because of the war, position, because of the war,
would not permit it to undertake would not permit it to undertake would not permit it to undertake
reclassification at present. It was reclassification at present. It was reclassification at present. It was
stated that the Woodbum-Evans stated that the Woodbum-Evans stated that the Woodburn Evans
Head road was in a deplorable con Head road was in a deplorable con- Head road was in a deplorable condition
dition and. it was agreed to res dition and. it was agreed to re- and it was agreed to rest
submit, an application for bitumen submit, an application for bitumen submit, an application for bitumen
surfacing. The Commonwealth surfacing. The Commonwealth surfacing. The Commonwealth
Minister for Transport (Mr. An Minister for Transport (Mr. An- Minister for Transport (Mr. Anthony).
thony). after being informed that a thony). after being informed that a after being informed that a
Federal offer of ' finance had been Federal offer of finance had been Federal offer of ' finance had been
insufficient by £2500 and the ques insufficient by £2500 and the ques- insufficient by £2500 and the question
tion of who was to provide the bal tion of who was to provide the bal- of who was to provide the balance
ance had not been settled, promised ance had not been settled, promised had not been settled, promised
to look into the matter again. to look into the matter again. to look into the matter again.
At the instance of Tintenbar At the instance of Tintenbar At the instance of Tintenbar
Shire Council it was decided to Shire Council it was decided to Shire Council it was decided to
apply for continuance iov three apply for continuance for three apply for continuance for three
vears from the cxDiry dr. te of the years from the expiry date of the years from the expiry dr. te of the
Government subsidy for rural elec Government subsidy for rural elec- Government subsidy for rural electricity
tricity lines. tricity lines. lines.
Tenterfield Municipal Council re Tenterfield Municipal Council re- Tenterfield Municipal Council resigned
signed from the association. signed from the association. from the association.
Identified overProof corrections ALD EXPIRY REASON THREEYEARS
Identified overProof non-corrections WOODBUM [**VANDALISED] FURTHER DATE WILL [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words29396.298.354.5
Searchability of unique words15496.197.433.3
Weighted Words95.897.848.5

Article ID 130465125, Article, SPITFIRE SQUADRON, page 3 1941-05-13, Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW : 1893 - 1953), 201 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
, An Australian Spitfire squadron is An Australian Spitfire squadron is , An Australian Spitfire squadron is
being established iu Brilain, and a being established in Britain, and a being established in Britain, and a
ground maintenance staff will be sent ground maintenance staff will be sent ground maintenance staff will be sent
from Australia to moke it complete. from Australia to make it complete. from Australia to make it complete.
One of the largest cuttings in Au.S' One of the largest cuttings in Aus- One of the largest cuttings in Aus'
(ralfa is proposed for the Bclhuugr.i tralia is proposed for the Bethungra (raids is proposed for the Bethungra
hfllfi consequent upon the duplication hills consequent upon the duplication hills consequent upon the duplication
of the main southern railway line ' of the main southern railway line of the main southern railway line between
between Junce and Cootnmuudra.' It i between Junee and Cootamundra. It Junee and Cootamundra.' It will
will have a depth of 90ft. through will have a depth of 90ft. through have a depth of 90ft. through
what is known as 'Betlnmgra Moun- j what is known as "Bethungra Moun- what is known as 'Bethungra Mount- j
tain.' This tremendous culling Is j tain." This tremendous cutting is rain.' This tremendous culling Is j
liecessary if engineers arc to secure j necessary if engineers are to secure necessary if engineers are to secure j
a maximum grade ot one In every j a maximum grade of one in every a maximum grade of one in every
75 tor the journey over the Bcthungra j 75 for the journey over the Bethungra 75 for the journey over the Bethungra j
hills. The railway department desires j hills. The railway department desires hills. The railway department desires j
the cutting, it is believed, primarily j the cutting, it is believed, primarily the cutting, it is believed, primarily j
that larger loadB can be hauled. | that larger loads can be hauled. that larger loads can be hauled. Work
Work has just been commenced re- j Work has just been commenced re- has just been commenced re- j
constructing the old line on the constructing the old line on the constructing the old line on the
horse-shoe bend near Framplon. This, ] horse-shoe bend near Frampton. This, horse-shoe bend near Frampton. This, which
which has a grade of one in every ; which has a grade of one in every has a grade of one in every
45. will be brought .into operation j 45, will be brought into operation 45. will be brought into operation j
for down traffic only. Consequent. j for down traffic only. Consequent for down traffic only. Consequent. j
upon securing the required grade j upon securing the required grade upon securing the required grade throughout,
throughout, the railway distance be- | throughout, the railway distance be- the railway distance be- tween
tween Bethungra and Coolamundra j tween Bethungra and Cootamundra Bethungra and Cootamundra will
will he increased three miles, It is ? will be increased three miles, it is he increased three miles, It is
believed,— 'Junee Southern Cross,' believed.—"Junee Southern Cross." believed 'Junee Southern Cross,
Identified overProof non-corrections MOUNTAIN RECONSTRUCTING
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words16487.297.076.2
Searchability of unique words10091.098.077.8
Weighted Words90.197.675.9

Article ID 131293546, Article, Former Railway Chief Knighted, page 5 1941-01-18, The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate (NSW : 1894 - 1954), 60 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Former Rathvay Chief | Former Railway Chief Former Railway Chief |
Knighted I Knighted Knighted I
-ir Harold Clnpp, Sir Harold Clapp, -Mr Harold Clapp,
rcccntly. dccoMtcd recently decorated recently. decorated
by flic King, held 1 by the King, held by the King, held 1
important posts important posts important posts
in n number of in a number of in a number of
Amcricnn rnilw.iy American railway American railway
nnd other trans and other trans- and other transport
port companies port companies companies
before becoming before becoming before becoming
Chnirmnn of the Chairman of the Chairman of the
Victorian Railways Victorian Railways Victorian Railways
Commissioners in Commissioners in Commissioners in
1 920. He resigned 1920. He resigned 1 920. He resigned
this position early this position early this position early
last year to dircct last year to direct last year to direct
the Commonwealth plans for con the Commonwealth plans for con- the Commonwealth plans for constructing
structing Beaufort bombing planes in structing Beaufort bombing planes in Beaufort bombing planes in
Australia. Australia. Australia.
Identified overProof non-corrections SIR
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5276.998.191.7
Searchability of unique words4678.397.890.0
Weighted Words78.798.090.6

Article ID 141581148, Article, Uniform Rail Gauge Advocacy Continues CANBERRA, April 29., page 1 1941-04-30, Barrier Daily Truth (Broken Hill, NSW : 1908; 1941 - 1954), 85 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Uniform Rail Gauge Uniform Rail Gauge Uniform Rail Gauge
Advocacy Continues Advocacy Continues Advocacy Continues
CANBERRA. ADril 20. CANBERRA, April 29. CANBERRA. April 20.
A conference 'of the Associated Cham A conference of the Associated Cham- A conference of the Associated Chamber
ber of Commerce today urged the Com ber of Commerce today urged the Com- of Commerce today urged the Commonwealth
monwealth Government to proceed with monwealth Government to proceed with Government to proceed with
the laying down ot a new direct rallw.»y the laying down of a new direct railway the laying down of a new direct railway
route between Port Piric through Peter route between Port Pirie through Peter- route between Port Pirie through Peterborough
borough to Broken Hill. borough to Broken Hill. to Broken Hill.
Mr. E. Saw (Western Australia), who Mr. E. Saw (Western Australia), who Mr. E. Saw (Western Australia), who
moved the motion, said there should bo moved the motion, said there should be moved the motion, said there should be
one transport system from end to end one transport system from end to end one transport system from end to end
or. Australia. By making a uniform of Australia. By making a uniform or. Australia. By making a uniform
line through Broken Hill the Journey line through Broken Hill the journey line through Broken Hill the journey
from Perth to Sydney would be consid from Perth to Sydney would be consid- from Perth to Sydney would be considerably
erably shortened. erably shortened. shortened.
Identified overProof corrections RAILWAY PIRIE APRIL
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words7592.098.783.3
Searchability of unique words5894.8100.0100.0
Weighted Words96.0100.0100.0

Article ID 144127319, Article, SABOTAGE SOUGHT, page 1 1941-07-28, Cootamundra Herald (NSW : 1877 - 1954), 78 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
: LONDON, Sunday (B.O.W.) : The LONDON, Sunday (B.O.W.): The : LONDON, Sunday (B.O.W.) The
emergency council of the Internation emergency council of the Internation- emergency council of the International
al Transport Workers' Federation, -'at al Transport Workers' Federation, at Transport Workers' Federation, at
V private meeting, passed a resolution a private meeting, passed a resolution V private meeting, passed a resolution
appealing to transport workers , hi appealing to transport workers in appealing to transport workers , in
occupied countries to sabotaged, r\ by occupied countries to sabotaged, by occupied countries to sabotaged, r\ by
every1 suitable means, traffic, by ' railj every suitable means, traffic by rail, every suitable means, traffic, by rail
road, and air and water ' destined '? fijiS road, and air and water destined for road, and air and water ' destined '? fijiS
arid' serving the ends Of the ' ;Axls and serving the ends of the Axis and serving the ends of the ' Axis
powers. The resolution states that powers. The resolution states that powers. The resolution states that
transport constitutes the weakest' link transport constitutes the weakest link transport constitutes the weakest' link
m the German war machine. ? , : in the German war machine. in the German war machine. :
Identified overProof corrections EVERY IN AXIS RAILROAD
Identified overProof non-corrections FOR
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6288.798.485.7
Searchability of unique words4689.197.880.0
Weighted Words90.999.594.3

Article ID 172371076, Article, PERSONAL VICE-REGAL. ENGAGEMENTS., page 7 1941-10-02, The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), 134 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The Governor (Sir Leslie Wilson), The Governor (Sir Leslie Wilson), The Governor (Sir Leslie Wilson),
accompanied by Lady Wilson, opens the accompanied by Lady Wilson, opens the accompanied by Lady Wilson, opens the
Royal Queensland Art Society's exhibi Royal Queensland Art Society's exhibi- Royal Queensland Art Society's exhibition
tion at the Randall Gallery at 2.45 p.m. tion at the Randall Gallery at 2.45 p.m. at the Randall Gallery at 2.45 p.m.
At 3.45 .they will proceed to the City At 3.45 they will proceed to the City At 3.45 they will proceed to the City
Hall, where his Excellency will officially Hall, where his Excellency will officially Hall, where his Excellency will officially
open the floral carpet. Sir Leslie will open the floral carpet. Sir Leslie will open the floral carpet. Sir Leslie will
attend a meeting of the Red Cross Appeal attend a meeting of the Red Cross Appeal attend a meeting of the Red Cross Appeal
Fund committee. At 7.4S o.m.. In thri Fund committee. At 7.45 p.m., in the Fund committee. At 745 am.. In the
Union Bank Chambers, his Excellency Union Bank Chambers, his Excellency Union Bank Chambers, his Excellency
'?ill preside at the annual meeting of will preside at the annual meeting of 'will preside at the annual meeting of
the Australian Aerial Medical Services the Australian Aerial Medical Services the Australian Aerial Medical Services
Mr. J, Curtin was congratulated al Mr. J. Curtin was congratulated al- Mr. J Curtin was congratulated at
a meeting of the Federal Parliamen a meeting of the Federal Parliamen- a meeting of the Federal Parliamentary
tary Labour Party to-day on the sixtl tary Labour Party to-day on the sixth Labour Party to-day on the sixth
anniversary of his election as leadei anniversary of his election as leader anniversary of his election as leader
of the party. of the party. of the party.
News has been received of the death News has been received of the death News has been received of the death
in Melbourne on Tuesday, of Mr. C. A in Melbourne on Tuesday, of Mr. C. A. in Melbourne on Tuesday, of Mr. C. A
Nonis. general manager of the Na Norris, general manager of the Na- Norris. general manager of the National
tional Mutual Life Association. tional Mutual Life Association. Mutual Life Association.
Identified overProof corrections SIXTH NORRIS LEADER
Identified overProof non-corrections AL [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words11995.899.280.0
Searchability of unique words8196.398.866.7
Weighted Words95.598.566.7

Article ID 172378667, Article, ADVANCE TRUCKINGS, page 9 1941-09-18, The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), 68 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The /(illowlnir me iim advuncr trticl:m'x* o/ The following are the advance truckings of The following me in advance trticl:m'x* of
cnltlc und shncp suuplicrt [or thi- Wholesnle cattle and sheep supplied for the Wholesale cattle and sheep supplies order Wholesale
Traders' Association iiora information re Traders' Association from information re- Traders' Association more information re
ct-ivp.d from this RHilway Orptirlment '(he ap ceived from the Railway Department (the ap- received from this Railway Department heap
Droxiinatc iivi-racc rnpacity nl K trucks hns proximate average capacity of K trucks has proximate average capacity at K trucks has
bi-en I'.slimutcil Ai lil callle und N trucks at been estimated at 19 cattle and N trucks at been E.stimated At the cattle and N trucks at
180 sheen); September 25. iiik cattle and 180 sheep); September 25, 117K cattle and 160 sheep); September 25. like cattle and
?UN sheep: Octobei 'J. 118K i-.a'.llp nnd 47N 41N sheep; October 2, 118K cattle and 47N JUN sheep: October J. 118K Isabelle and 47N
-.hfcli, Octolii' 9 107K cat tip niiii 16N sheep. sheep; October 9 107K cattle and 16N sheep. -before, October' 9 1879 at the mill 163 sheep.
Identified overProof non-corrections APPROXIMATE ARE SUPPLIED FOR ESTIMATED
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5129.472.561.1
Searchability of unique words2846.482.166.7
Weighted Words53.786.370.5

Article ID 185785409, Article, CHARGE OF NEGLIGENT DRIVING NOT VIEWED SERIOUSLY BY P.M., page 2 1941-04-21, The West Wyalong Advocate (NSW : 1928 - 1954), 228 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
At the West Wyalong Police Court At the West Wyalong Police Court At the West Wyalong Police Court
011 Wednesday, before Mr. F. Gruge.m, , on Wednesday, before Mr. F. Grugeon, on Wednesday, before Mr. F. Grugeon, ,
P.M., Aliok James Cattle pleaded j P.M., Alick James Cattle pleaded P.M., Alick James Cattle pleaded guilty
guilty to a charge of driving neglfg guilty to a charge of driving neglig- to a charge of driving neglfg
eutly. ently. entry.
Constable Williins stated thai at 10 Constable Wilkins stated that at 10 Constable Williams stated that at 10
11.111. 011 1st March, defendant was p.m. on 1st March, defendant was 11.111. 011 1st March, defendant was
driving a utility truck on the Mid-j driving a utility truck on the Mid- driving a utility truck on the Midas
westen Highway. about five miles western Highway, about five miles western Highway. about five miles
from West Wyalong. at a speed of, from West Wyalong, at a speed of from West Wyalong. at a speed of,
about o.ri miles an hour, 1 about 35 miles an hour. about four miles an hour, 1
The truck was on the wrong- side The truck was on the wrong side The truck was on the wrong side
of the road about eight feet nom the of the road about eight feet from the of the road about eight feet from the
offside gutter, and was driven ill this . offside gutter, and was driven ill this offside gutter, and was driven in this
manner for about 9.0 feet. It collided ' manner for about 90 feet. It collided manner for about 90 feet. It collided '
with a car travelling at a slow speed ? with a car travelling at a slow speed with a car travelling at a slow speed in
in Ibe opposite direction. The driver i in the opposite direction. The driver the opposite direction. The driver of
of the car saw defendant comin? of the car saw defendant coming the car saw defendant coming
and drew further to' the left, the col and drew further to the left, the col- and drew further to the left, the collision
lision occuring almost in the gutter. I lision occurring almost in the gutter. occuring almost in the gutter. I
The other vehicle only had a small j The other vehicle only had a small The other vehicle only had a small j
li^ad light, having blown his head-1 head light, having blown his head- Head light, having blown his head
lights, and finishing up putting- the] lights, and finishing up putting- the] lights, and finishing up putting the]
fail light bulb into the headlights. De j fail light bulb into the headlights. De tail light bulb into the headlights. De j
fondants vehicle liad good headlights, | fondants vehicle had good headlights, fendants vehicle had good headlights, |
and there was nothing to prevent liim and there was nothing to prevent him and there was nothing to prevent him
seeing the other vehicle. It was a seeing the other vehicle. It was a seeing the other vehicle. It was a
dark niglif and there had been some dark night and there had been some dark night and there had been some
rain. rain. rain.
Defendant did not make make any Defendant did not make make any Defendant did not make make any
statement. statement. statement.
The P.M. remarked that lie did not The P.M. remarked that he did not The P.M. remarked that he did not
consider it negligence, hut as defend consider it negligence, but as defend- consider it negligence, but as defendant
ant had pleaded guilty he was fined ant had pleaded guilty he was fined had pleaded guilty he was fined
2/- and 8/- costs. 2/- and 8/- costs. 2/- and 8/- costs.
Identified overProof corrections COMING BUT HIM GRUGEON NIGHT ALICK
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words19490.795.955.6
Searchability of unique words11791.594.030.0
Weighted Words91.693.421.3

Article ID 185790024, Article, FEWER TRUCKS FOR WHEAT, page 1 1941-12-15, The West Wyalong Advocate (NSW : 1928 - 1954), 74 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
TUe New South Wales Kiilway De THE New South Wales Railway De- The New South Wales Railways Department,
partment, . aunojinced, has been partment, it is announced, has been . announced, has been
forced'to cut by per cent '.lie num forced to cut by 50 per cent the num- forced to cut by per cent the number
ber ol truck? usually made available ber of trucks usually made available of truck? usually made available
for the State wheat harvest because for the State wheat harvest because for the State wheat harvest because
of the heavy demands for the haulage of the heavy demands for the haulage of the heavy demands for the haulage
of coal aad iron necessary for war of coal aad iron necessary for war of coal and iron necessary for war
needs. It has been the practice to needs. It has been the practice to needs. It has been the practice to
.set aside 2000 specially fitted trucks set aside 2000 specially fitted trucks set aside 2000 specially fitted trucks
to handle the wheat, but only 1000 to handle the wheat, but only 1000 to handle the wheat, but only 1000
can nuw be niadg available. ^ can now be made available. can now be made available. a
Identified overProof corrections FORCED ANNOUNCED NOW
Identified overProof non-corrections AAD [**VANDALISED] IS RAILWAY
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words7183.193.058.3
Searchability of unique words4989.893.940.0
Weighted Words91.995.847.9

Article ID 187825312, Article, TWO KILLED Five Injured ADELAIDE, Monday., page 1 1941-05-05, The Inverell Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954), 70 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Five Injured Five Injured Five Injured
Ross Gigney, 21. and Alexander Ross Gigney, 21, and Alexander Ross Gigney, 21 and Alexander
Clarke. 49. were killed and five others | Clarke, 49, were killed and five others Clarke. 49 were killed and five others were
were injured when a bus containing 53 j were injured when a bus containing 53 injured when a bus containing 53 j
employees of Whyaiia shipyard collid employees of Whyalla shipyard collid- employees of Whyalla shipyard collided
ed with a line of moving railway ed with a line of moving railway with a line of moving railway
trucks at a level crossing near Why trucks at a level crossing near Why- trucks at a level crossing near Why
aiia. alla. area.
Glgney was flown by plane to Ade Gigney was flown by plane to Ade- Gigney was flown by plane to Adelaide,
laide, but died soon after admission laide, but died soon after admission but died soon after admission
to hospital. Clarke died last night, j to hospital. Clarke died last night. to hospital. Clarke died last night,
Identified overProof corrections WHYALLA
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5594.598.266.7
Searchability of unique words4397.7100.0100.0
Weighted Words95.2100.0100.0

Accumulated stats for 39 articles from year 1941

accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words435087.796.874.0
Searchability of unique words282289.296.870.5
Weighted Words89.296.769.2