NLA Trial index

NLA Trial Articles from 1949

  1. Accuracy of OCR and overProof is measured in comparison with the human corrections. We know human corrections in this sample are incomplete, and themselves contain errors, but they are the best we could find automatically from the NLA newspapers corpus, tagged as completely corrected then further filtered to those with at least 3 corrections, at least 40% of lines corrected and lowest third percentage of non-dictionary words.
  2. Accuracy is measured by a separate process from that used to colour words in this output: the colouring process is heuristic, and not completely accurate.
  3. Colour legend:
    Text - OCR text corrected by human and/or overProof
    Text - human and/or overProof corrections
    Text - discrepencies between human and/or overProof
    Text - human corrections not applied by overProof
  4. Identified overProof corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words changed by overProof which ALSO match human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list.
  5. Identified overProof non-corrections are calculated by the statistical calculation process, and shows those words in the overProof output which DO NOT MATCH human corrections. As human corrections are often wrong and incomplete, so too is this list. Words marked as [**VANDALISED] are those which have been changed by overProof but not by the human correction; as before, a missed human correction will be (incorrectly) classified as vandalisation by overProof.
  6. Searchability of unique words refers to the distinct words in an article, and how many are present before and after correction. It is measure of how many of the words within an article could be used to find the article using a search engine.
  7. Weighted Words refers to a calculation in which common words count for little (a fraction of a word) and unusual words count for more, in proportion to the log of the inverse of their frequency in the corpus. It may be an indicator of how well distinctive words in an article can be searched before and after correction.

Article ID 2820940, Article, CAMBERRA BEATS WAGGA AT SOCCER, page 3 1949-08-30, The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), 78 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Canberra defeated Wagga 2-nil Canberra defeated Wagga 2-nil Canberra defeated Wagga 3-nil
5n a soccer match at the week- in a soccer match at the week- in a soccer match at the week-end.
end. end.
.Sherriff scored the fürst J goal Sherriff scored the first goal Sherriff scored the first J goal
for Canberra following à move- for Canberra following a move- for Canberra following a movement
ment in which Law and Slater, ment in which Law and Slater, in which Law and Slater,
participated. _ V |,)l participated. participated. _ V |,)l
Morgan, Sheehy and Spread Morgan, Sheehy and Spread- Morgan, Sheehy and Spread
Ibury combined in a seriOBîo? pas- bury combined in a series of pas- Ibury combined in a serious? passes
ses which ended in Slater scoring ses which ended in Slater scoring which ended in Slater scoring
the second goal for Canberra. the second goal for Canberra. the second goal for Canberra.
A few minutes before half A few minutes before half- A few minutes before half
time, Adams headed «¿he ball Into time, Adams headed the ball into time, Adams headed the ball into
the net, but the score was disal the net, but the score was disal- the net, but the score was disal
íowed. lowed. rowed.
Identified overProof corrections FIRST
Identified overProof non-corrections OF DISALLOWED SERIES SPREADBURY
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6587.793.850.0
Searchability of unique words4689.191.320.0
Weighted Words90.892.316.8

Article ID 18133097, Article, FINANCE IS OBSTACLE Rail Gauge Plan, page 3 1949-10-15, The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 164 words, 8 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Rail Gauge Plan Rail Gauge Plan Rail Gauge Plan
CANBERRA, Friday-The CANBERRA, Friday.—The CANBERRA, Friday The
Prime Minister. Mr. Chifley, Prime Minister, Mr. Chifley, Prime Minister, Mr. Chifley,
said to-day the New South said to-day the New South said to-day the New South
Wales Government had made Wales Government had made Wales Government had made
it clear that it did not want to it clear that it did not want to it clear that it did not want to
go on with the scheme to go on with the scheme to go on with the scheme to
standardise i ait gauges standardise rail gauges. standardise i art gauges
"I undei stand the present "I understand the present "I understand the present
Premier feels that they are not Premier feels that they are not Premier feels that they are not
in a financial position to go on in a financial position to go on in a financial position to go on
with the agreement," Mi Chifley with the agreement," Mr. Chifley with the agreement," Mr Chifley
said said. said
"I hey lound beloie that the) "They found before that they "I they found before that they
put moie into the scheme th in put more into the scheme than put more into the scheme than
they got out ol it they got out of it. they got out of it.
We leeentlv decided to ti) We recently decided to try We recently decided to try
and negotiate with each Stale and negotiate with each State and negotiate with each State
sepal at ely We intimated to New separately. We intimated to New seat at ely We intimated to New
South Wales that we would like South Wales that we would like South Wales that we would like
an answer by Septcmbei 30, and an answer by September 30, and an answer by September 30, and
it was cleat they did not want it was clear they did not want it was clear they did not want
to go on with it to go on with it. to go on with it
'Victoria favours standardisa Victoria favours standardisa- Victoria favours standardisation
and Western Australia has tion, and Western Australia has and Western Australia has
made an agreement with the made an agreement with the made an agreement with the
Commonwealth to share the cost Commonwealth to share the cost Commonwealth to share the cost
of standardisation ' of standardisation." of standardisation Mr
Mr Chiflev added "An an- Mr. Chifley added "An an- Chifley added "An announcement
nouncement on the Common- nouncement on the Common- on the Commonwealth
wealth s negotiations can be ex- wealth's negotiations can be ex- s negotiations can be expected
pected bcfoie Parliament dis- pected before Parliament dis- before Parliament dis-
solves " solves." solves "
Identified overProof non-corrections COMMONWEALTHS SEPARATELY
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words14686.397.985.0
Searchability of unique words8987.697.881.8
Weighted Words86.097.280.3

Article ID 28667560, Article, Ballet At The University Revue, page 15 1949-05-15, The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), 96 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Ballet At The University Revue Ballet At The University Revue Ballet At The University Revue
MEMBERS of the University Revue Ballet in their cos-., MEMBERS of the University Revue Ballet in their costumes MEMBERS of the University Revue Ballet in their cos-.,
for "Blue Stockings or Black"-MISSES HILDA for "Blue Stockings or Black"—MISSES HILDA for "Blue Stockings or Black MISSES HILDA
GARET CAMERON, 07ÍCÍ ANN MUSZKAT, show one of the MARGARET CAMERON, and ANN MUSZKAT, show one of the CAMERON, 07ÍCÍ ANN MUSZKAT, show one of the
steps of their "can-can" dcince. The girls arc all students steps of their "can-can" dance. The girls are all students steps of their "can-can" dance. The girls are all students
at thc University, and have been learning their ballets at the University, and have been learning their ballets at the University, and have been learning their ballots
. between lectures. t . between lectures. between lectures. at .
VOURTH near Veterinary Science student, DON LAVERS, FOURTH near Veterinary Science student, DON LAVERS, FOURTH near Veterinary Science student, DON LAVERS,
1 persuaded first year Arts students, MISSES MADELEINE persuaded first year Arts students, MISSES MADELEINE 1 persuaded first year Arts students, MISSES MADELEINE
buy a lucky number ticket at the Settlement Fete at the to buy a lucky number ticket at the Settlement Fete at buy a lucky number ticket at the Settlement Fete at the
University yesterday. the University yesterday. University yesterday.
Identified overProof corrections ARE DANCE FOURTH
Identified overProof non-corrections BALLETS [**VANDALISED] AGID [**VANDALISED] COSTUMES
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8993.395.533.3
Searchability of unique words6794.095.525.0
Weighted Words94.395.113.6

Article ID 56894245, Article, NEW SECRETARY OF STATE A.F.U.L.E., page 4 1949-02-12, Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), 90 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
! BRISBANE, February ll.-! BRISBANE, February 11.— BRISBANE, February 14.-!
IA former alderman of the Bris- j A former alderman of the Bris- A former alderman of the Bris-
; j bane City Council and a rail-j bane City Council and a rail- ; bane City Council and a railway
¡way engine driver, H. L. Ed-j way engine driver, H. L. Ed- engine driver, H. L. Ed-j
[monds, has been elected State; monds, has been elected State [monds, has been elected State;
Secretary of the Australian! Secretary of the Australian Secretary of the Australian
¡¡Federated Union of Locomotive Federated Union of Locomotive Federated Union of Locomotive
iEnginemen. Enginemen. Enginemen.
! The position became vacant The position became vacant ! The position became vacant
¡last April when the former; last April when the former last April when the former;
¡State secretary <Mr G. M. State secretary (Mr. G. M. State secretary Mr G. M.
(Ridgway) was elected as the Ridgway) was elected as the (Ridgway) was elected as the
union's general secretary inj union's general secretary in union's general secretary in
¡Melbourne. Mr Edmonds hid; Melbourne. Mr. Edmonds had Melbourne. Mr Edmonds had;
I been acting in the position, ! been acting in the position, I been acting in the position, !
'nominations for which closed nominations for which closed nominations for which closed
;this- afternoon. His was the this afternoon. His was the this- afternoon. His was the
only nomination. only nomination. only nomination.
Identified overProof corrections RAILWAY ENGINEMEN HAD
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words7288.997.275.0
Searchability of unique words4993.9100.0100.0
Weighted Words95.0100.0100.0

Article ID 56899116, Article, Fotal Level Crossing Smash, page 4 1949-03-31, Morning Bulletin (Rockhampton, Qld. : 1878 - 1954), 194 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Fötal Level Fatal Level Fatal Level
Crossing Sipash Crossing Smash Crossing Smash
MACKAY, March 30. - A MACKAY, March 30.— A MACKAY, March 30. A
Macleay truck driver was killed Mackay truck driver was killed Macleay truck driver was killed
instantly when his truck col- instantly when his truck collided instantly when his truck col-
with a rail motor on a with a rail motor on a with a rail motor on a
level crossing at the junction level crossing at the junction level crossing at the junction
of Bridge* Road and Paradise: of Bridge Road and Paradise of Bridge Road and Paradise:
Street, about two miles from1 Street, about two miles from Street, about two miles from
Mackay railway station, at 9.55 Mackay railway station, at 9.55 Mackay railway station, at 9.55
a .m. today. a.m. today. a m today.
He was William Jennings He was William Jennings He was William Jennings
Bryan Hennesey, -33, single, of Bryan Hennesey, 33, single, of Bryan Hennesey, -33, single, of
Bridge Road, Mackay. He was Bridge Road, Mackay. He was Bridge Road, Mackay. He was
pinned under the truck when pinned under the truck when pinned under the truck when
it somersaulted after being bit it somersaulted after being hit it somersaulted after being hit
by the rail motor. He was dead by the rail motor. He was dead by the rail motor. He was dead
when released by ambulance when released by ambulance when released by ambulance
bearers and passengers from bearers and passengers bearers and passengers from
the train. from the train. the train.
When the rail motor struck When the rail motor struck the When the rail motor struck
the truck it was carried along truck it was carried along the truck it was carried along
about 12 ft and smashed into about 12 ft and smashed into about 12 ft and smashed into
guard posts before somersault- guard posts before somersaulting guard posts before somersault-
down a small embankment down a small embankment down a small embankment
The rail motor was partially The rail motor was partially The rail motor was partially
derailed and continued its way derailed and continued its way derailed and continued its way
for about 20 yards before it for about 20 yards before it for about 20 yards before it
could be pulled up. j could be pulled up. could be pulled up. The
The driver of the rail motor The driver of the rail motor driver of the rail motor
(H. c. Jeffcoat) sounded a horn (H. C. Jeffcoat) sounded a horn (H. C. Jeffcoat) sounded a horn
100 yards from the crossing. 100 yards from the crossing. 100 yards from the crossing.
The wheels of the leading The wheels of the leading The wheels of the leading
bogey were derailed and a bogey were derailed and a bogey were derailed and a
broken axle rendered the hand broken axle rendered the hand broken axle rendered the hand
brake inefficient. brake inefficient. brake inefficient.
Large clumps of Guinea Large clumps of Guinea Large clumps of Guinea
grass up to 8" ft high are grow- grass up to 8 ft high are growing grass up to 6" ft high are grow-
ing at the comer of the road, at the corner of the road, ing at the corner of the road,
j approaching the crossing. approaching the crossing. j approaching the crossing.
Identified overProof corrections SMASH FATAL HIT CORNER
Identified overProof non-corrections SOMERSAULTING COLLIDED
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words17094.197.660.0
Searchability of unique words10094.098.066.7
Weighted Words93.597.866.7

Article ID 63059579, Article, UNIFORM GAUGE BETW. CAPITALS, page 1 1949-06-09, Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), 52 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
CANBERRA. June 8.— Th* CANBERRA, June 8.— The CANBERRA. June 30 The
Prime Minister (Mr. Chifley) said Prime Minister (Mr. Chifley) said Prime Minister (Mr. Chifley) said
in the House of Representative* in the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives
to-dny that although it had not to-day that although it had not to-day that although it had not
been possible lo gel all States to ( been possible to get all States to been possible to get all States to (
agree to the general .standardisa agree to the general standardisarion agree to the general standardise
tion of railway gauges. It wa«. of railway gauges, it was tion of railway gauges. it was
hoped to provide uniform liner hoped to provide uniform lines hoped to provide uniform liner
between the capital cities. between the capital cities. between the capital cities.
Identified overProof corrections GET /TO/DAY|TODAY WAS REPRESENTATIVES
Identified overProof non-corrections LINES STANDARDISARION
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words4985.795.971.4
Searchability of unique words4085.095.066.7
Weighted Words84.994.060.3

Article ID 63071102, Article, SHUNTER HURT, page 1 1949-11-23, Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), 107 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
MACKAY, November 22 —A MACKAY, November 22.— A MACKAY, November 22 A
shunter employed by the Railwiv , shunter employed by the Railway shunter employed by the Railway Department
Department was Injured on the ! Department was injured on the was injured on the
Gordon Street level crossing ht ' Gordon Street level crossing at Gordon Street level crossing he
11.15 this morning, while en- I 11.15 this morning, while en- 11.15 this morning, while en- I
saped In shunting ip^ratior.s. ' gaged in shunting operations. saved in shunting operations. '
He is Mick Ponwoy (24). He, He is Mick Pomeroy (24). He He is Mick Ponwoy (24). He,
was taken to a private hrspital1 was taken to a private hospital was taken to a private hospital
suffcrins injuries and abrasions to ? suffering injuries and abrasions to suffering injuries and abrasions to the
the right slfoulder. Pomeroy I the right shoulder. Pomeroy right shoulder. Pomeroy I
was bending down to couple two 1 was bending down to couple two was bending down to couple two 1
«sggons when overhanging Urn- , waggons when overhanging tim- waggons when overhanging Urn- ,
oer on one rf the trucks struck ber on one of the trucks struck over on one of the trucks struck
him. and knocked him down by I him, and knocked him down by him and knocked him down by the
the side of the line. He was at- ' the side of the line. He was side of the line. He was at- attended
attended by his mates, who called attended by his mates, who called by his mates, who called
the ambulance. I the ambulance. the ambulance. I
His condition is not serious. His condition is not serious. His condition is not serious.
Identified overProof non-corrections ENGAGED BYTHE TIMBER
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8687.295.363.6
Searchability of unique words6485.995.366.7
Weighted Words84.094.163.4

Article ID 63453771, Article, LATEST SOVIET CLAIM, page 4 1949-02-15, Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld. : 1907 - 1954), 68 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
MOSCOW, Februarv 14, The MOSCOW, February 14. The MOSCOW, February 14, The
dlesel railway locomotive was in diesel railway locomotive was in- diesel railway locomotive was in
vented In Russia, claims the news vented in Russia, claims the news- vented In Russia, claims the newspaper
paper 'Ukrainian Pravda.' paper "Ukrainian Pravda." Ukrainian Pravda.'
The world's first, the paper says, The world's first, the paper says, The world's first, the paper says,
wns designed by thn Soviet scient was designed by the Soviet scient- was designed by the Soviet scientist
ist Professor Y. M. Galikelya, in ist Professor Y. M. Galtkelya, in Professor Y. M. Galikelya, in
August. 1924. August, 1924. August. 1924.
'Thus the U.H.S.R. became the "Thus the U.S.S.R. became the Thus the U.S.S.R. became the
birthplace or the railway diesel birthplace of the railway diesel birthplace or the railway diesel
locomotive,' adds the paper, 'and locomotive," adds the paper, "and locomotive,' adds the paper, and
was a long uay ahead of other was a long way ahead of other was a long way ahead of other
countries In this.' countries in this." countries In this.'
Identified overProof corrections FEBRUARY WAY
Identified overProof non-corrections GALTKELYA
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5787.796.571.4
Searchability of unique words3992.397.466.7
Weighted Words92.397.060.7

Article ID 70707661, Article, Councillors Inspect Toy Railway, page 1 1949-09-02, Williamstown Chronicle (Vic. : 1856 - 1954), 151 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Councillors Inspect Toy Councillors Inspect Toy Councillors Inspect Toy
Railway Railway Railway
To inspect a working model of. a To inspect a working model of a To inspect a working model of. a
railway with road crossings Werri railway with road crossings Werri- railway with road crossings Werribee
bee councillors made a. brief, ad bee councillors made a brief ad- councillors made a brief, adjournment
journnient during last meeting. journment during last meeting. during last meeting.
The ob.ject of the set up was, to The object of the set up was to The object of the set up was, to
demonstrate a safety crossm?g demonstrate a safety crossing demonstrate a safety crossing
scheme worked out by Mr. Wil-~ scheme worked out by Mr. Wil- scheme worked out by Mr. Wil-~
Hiams, a young technician, of East liams, a young technician, of East liams, a young technician, of East
Preston. Main point in the plan is' Preston. Main point in the plan is Preston. Main point in the plan is'
a warning to. a train of the too a warning to a train of the too a warning to. a train of the too
close approach of a- motor vehicle close approach of a motor vehicle close approach of a motor vehicle
to a crossing. Altona riding coun to a crossing. Altona riding coun- to a crossing. Altona riding councillors
cillors especially were interested, cillors especially were interested, especially were interested,
and it was decided to contact rail and it was decided to contact rail- and it was decided to contact railway
way and 'other authorities with a way and other authorities with a and other authorities with a
view to arranging a' further dem view to arranging a further dem- view to arranging a further demonstration
onstration at Altona in the pres onstration at Altona in the pres- at Altona in the presence
ence of the authorities concerned. ence of the authorities concerned. of the authorities concerned.
The railway was assembled on The railway was assembled on The railway was assembled on
the floor of the council chamber,, the floor of the council chamber, the floor of the council chamber,,
and while a mi~niature railway and while a miniature railway and while a miniature railway
train sped .along the rails, colored train sped along the rails, colored train sped along the rails, colored
lights were manipuilated andr toy lights were manipulated and toy lights were manipulated and toy and ttuedls moved-along: motor cars and trucks moved along motor. cars and tweeds moved along:
ah rioa si. g Warning; b. ;..bu. the roads causing warning buz- ah rich sig- Warning; by Sabu.
the~ crossings. zers to sound at the crossings. the crossings.
Identified overProof non-corrections BUZZERS SOUND ROADS WILLIAMS CAUSING TRUCKS
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words13487.393.347.1
Searchability of unique words8687.293.045.5
Weighted Words85.892.446.4

Article ID 78635315, Article, LUTHERAN PICNIC AT BAY, page 4 1949-10-11, Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954), 168 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
The annual Lutheran Sunday The annual Lutheran Sunday The annual Lutheran Sunday
SchLOqJ picnic was h$ld at Port School picnic was held at Port SchLOqJ picnic was held at Port
MacDonriell yesterday. Although MacDonnell yesterday. Although MacDonnell yesterday. Although
a ^little undecided early in the a little undecided early in the a little undecided early in the
morning it was later resQlyed to morning it was later resolved to morning it was later resolved to
change* the. weather and go to The chance the weather and go to The change the, weather and go to The
Springs. / Springs. Springs. After
After the midday meal, with After the midday meal, with the midday meal, with
the .weather greatly improved, a the weather greatly improved, a the weather greatly improved, a
Amove was made to the beach, just move was made to the beach, just move was made to the beach, just
,west of the Caravan Park, at the west of the Caravan Park, at the west of the Caravan Park, at the
foot <qf- the lightnouse hill, where foot of the lighthouse hill, where foot of- the lighthouse hill, where
the children enjoyed paddling and the children enjoyed paddling and the children enjoyed paddling and
racesl .The adults enjoyed com races. The adults enjoyed com- races The adults enjoyed competitive
petitive -games. .The children as petitive games. The children as- games. The children as
i sembled at 4'o^clock for afternoon sembled at 4 o'clock for afternoon a sembled at o'oclock for afternoon
'leaitand the">distribution of sweets tea, and the distribution of sweets 'tea and the distribution of sweets
and oranges. ; and oranges. and oranges. ;
Although the % attendance was Although the attendance was Although the % attendance was
.not" as large as iri previous years, not as large as in previous years, not" as large as in previous years,
all. voted the function a very all voted the function a very all voted the function a very
enjoyable outing. Only a few enjoyable outing. Only a few enjoyable outing. Only a few
drops of rain fell after''-leaving the drops of rain fell after leaving the drops of rain fell after leaving the
Sunday School Hall,, arid is the Sunday School Hall, and in the Sunday School Hall, and is the
afternoon the weather became afternoon the weather became afternoon the weather became
Quite -warm. - ;V ' 7~ quite warm. Quite warm. - V 77
Funerals conducted in any Funerals conducted in any Funerals conducted in any
part of the district. part of the district. part of the district.
. * J. W. McSHEEHY - - J. W. McSHEEHY J W. McSHEEHY - -
Commercial Street, Commercial Street, Commercial Street,
4 (opp. S.A. Hotel). (opp. S.A. Hotel). 4 (opp. S.A. Hotel).
Identified overProof non-corrections OCLOCK CHANCE ASSEMBLED
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words14487.596.572.2
Searchability of unique words9588.496.872.7
Weighted Words88.297.377.0

Article ID 79820227, Article, Rail Gauge Plans May Change, page 14 1949-03-19, The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950), 138 words, 15 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Rail Gauge Plans Rail Gauge Plans Rail Gauge Plans
; May Change May Change ; May Change
CANBERRA, Sat: New, . ran CANBERRA, Sat: New rail CANBERRA, Sat: New, . ran
standardisation proposals may standardisation proposals may standardisation proposals may
be drawn up by the Common be drawn up by the Common- be drawn up by the Commonwealth
wealth if the . NSW Govern wealth if the NSW Govern- if the . NSW Government
ment refuses to dke part in ment refuses to take part in refuses to take part in
the existing scheme. ? the existing scheme. the existing scheme.
Under present arrange Under present arrange- Under present arrange-
Victoria, NSW and SA ments Victoria, NSW and SA Victoria, NSW and SA
have agreed to pay 50 . per have agreed to pay 50 per have agreed to pay 50 . per
cent, plus a sinking fund. cent. plus a sinking fund. cent, plus a sinking fund.
NSW Premier McGirr, told NSW Premier McGirr, told NSW Premier McGirr, told
the NSW State Parliamentary the NSW State Parliamentary the NSW State Parliamentary
Labour Party this week thai Labour Party this week that Labour Party this week that
he did hot favour the Com he did not favour the Com- he did not favour the Commonweath
monweath's plan. monweath's plan. plan.
If the NSW decision is ad If the NSW decision is ad- If the NSW decision is adverse
verse the Commonwealth will verse the Commonwealth will the Commonwealth will
consider a new agreement consider a new agreement consider a new agreement
with the States that are will with the States that are will- with the States that are will
Ing to participate.. ing to participate. Ing to participate..
SA and^ Victoria, have rati SA and Victoria have rati- SA and Victoria, have made
the existing agreement, fied the existing agreement, the existing agreement,
,WA agrees in principle with WA agrees in principle with WA agrees in principle with
standardisation and Queens standardisation and Queens- standardisation and Queens
favours it if the line is land favours it if the line is favours it if the line is
built to link the Northern Ter built to link the Northern Ter- built to link the Northern Ter-
with south - western ritory with south-western with south - western
Queensland. Queensland. Queensland.
Identified overProof corrections TAKE NOT
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words11692.293.111.1
Searchability of unique words8192.692.60.0
Weighted Words92.491.4-13.6

Article ID 93332979, Advertising, Advertising, page 21 1949-02-10, Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), 209 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
IT'S dead easy. Just ignore the traffic safety signs and you IT'S dead easy. Just ignore the traffic safety signs and you IT'S dead easy. Just ignore the traffic safety signs and you
can qualify for death or injury. You'll make your own can qualify for death or injury. You'll make your own can qualify for death or injury. You'll make your own
/a headlines but you won't be around to read them. headlines but you won't be around to read them. a headlines I but you won't be around to read them.
jfka2 Die at Crossing' "2 Die at Crossing" jfka2 Die at Crossing'
To qualify for this To qualify for this To qualify for this
S^^ku headline an all too headline an all too Stake headline is an all too
TgggT frequent one just frequent one just TgggT frequent one s just
? .HUfcJrein forget that sign at forget that sign at ? .HUfcJrein forget that sign at
dp- ^^^igPs ^ raiIway level raiIway level de— designs a railway level
iff »^ ir~M cross*ng or fry to crossing or try to off 6 s 6 2s iron crossing or fry to
'// / fl /if race the train over it. race the train over it. 'If I fl of race the train over it.
'Hilltop FataKty^g, "Hilltop Fatality" 'Hilltop FataKty^g,
Just accelerate past ^^§$^(7$ Just accelerate past Just accelerate past ^^§$^(7$
another car on the^y^J^j// another car on the another car on the^y^J^j//
double lines neat the ^^^j&^J double lines neat the double lines near the ^^^j&^J
top of a hill. That yT JSC/fg top of a hill. That top of a hill. That yT JSC/fg
will give you a good^^ /$?// IM will give you a good will give you a good IN
even chance of sud-%\ AO ^^ even chance of sud- even chance of sudden AO is
den death. ^%(£W den death. den death. ^%(£W
'Pedestrian Killed' llp|L "Pedestrian Killed" Pedestrian Killed' lips
You can fit this headline too if you *gM fflT¥7^T2j You can fit this headline too if you You can fit this headline too if you gM fflT¥7^T2j
step off the kerb without looking ^S^\V/aUSJ« step off the kerb without looking step off the kerb without looking ^S^\V/aUSJ«
both ways. ? ' a*/i^ 1(^ both ways. both ways. ? ' aged 16
'Death Skid' "Death Skid" 'Death Skid'
Just think the 'S' Just think the "S" Just think the 'S'
bend sign doesn't bend sign doesn't bend sign doesn't
mean you, and step mean you, and step mean you, and step
on it. You'll never on it. You'll never on it. You'll never
knowwhathappened know what happened knowwhathappened
Too many Australians make headlines like these. Don't be one of them. Too many Australians make headlines like these. Don't be one of them. Too many Australians make headlines like these. Don't be one of them.
Whether driver or pedestrian, observe all traffic laws always. Be careful. Whether driver or pedestrian, observe all traffic laws always. Be careful. Whether driver or pedestrian, observe all traffic laws always. Be careful.
^$J2&/ (Administered by the Commonwealth Department of Transport) (Administered by the Commonwealth Department of Transport) st2&/ (Administered by the Commonwealth Department of Transport)
Identified overProof corrections SUDDEN
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words16395.194.5-12.5
Searchability of unique words11194.692.8-33.3
Weighted Words94.692.7-36.1

Article ID 95651038, Article, A £2 Postage Stamp, page 5 1949-10-18, Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 - 1950), 78 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
A £2 Postage Stamp A £2 Postage Stamp A £2 Postage Stamp
Melbourne, Oct. 17.— The Post Melbourne, Oct. 17.—The Post- Melbourne, Oct. 17 The Post
master-General's Department has ? master-General's Department has master-General's Department has
decided to re-Introduce a £2 post decided to re-introduce a £2 post- decided to re-introduce a £2 postage
age stamp from January 16. next. age stamp from January 16 next. stamp from January 16 next.
The Postmaster-General,' Sena The Postmaster-General, Sena- The Postmaster-General, Senator
tor Cameron, said to-day that this tor Cameron, said to-day that this Cameron, said to-day that this
had been decided to reduce the had been decided to reduce the had been decided to reduce the
number of stamps required on air number of stamps required on air- number of stamps required on air
mail parcels, bulk postage and. mail parcels, bulk postage and mail parcels, bulk postage and.
other items. The new stamp would other items. The new stamp would other items. The new stamp would
be sreen and similar in design be green and similar in design be green and similar in design
!'~ M-'?. £1 denomination, incorpor-. to the £1 denomination, incorpor- s' M-'?. £1 denomination, incorpor-.
at,--. the Commonwealth, eoat of ating the Commonwealth coat of at,--. the Commonwealth, coat of
arms, ' ! arms. arms, ' !
a 1 a 1
Identified overProof corrections SENATOR COAT GREEN
Identified overProof non-corrections INCORPORATING
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words6191.896.760.0
Searchability of unique words4791.597.975.0
Weighted Words88.997.173.8

Article ID 107732008, Article, PERSONAL., page 1 1949-03-04, The Muswellbrook Chronicle (NSW : 1898 - 1955), 196 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
After being in recess over the After being in recess over the After being in recess over the
past few months, members of the past few months, members of the past few months, members of the
Brentwood Hospital Women's Auxili Brentwood Hospital Women's Auxili- Brentwood Hospital Women's Auxiliary
ary and Red Cross Society will re ary and Red Cross Society will re- and Red Cross Society will resume
sume their meetings at the Masonic sume their meetings at the Masonic their meetings at the Masonic
Hall at 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon Hall at 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon Hall at 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon
next. Much useful work lias to be next. Much useful work has to be next. Much useful work has to be
carried out by these organisations carried out by these organisations carried out by these organisations
during the year, and the president during the year, and the president during the year, and the president
of the Auxiliary (Miss R. White).and of the Auxiliary (Miss R. White) and of the Auxiliary (Miss R. White). and
Mrs. C. E. Wall (president, Red Gross Mrs. C. E. Wall (president, Red Cross Mrs. C. E. Wall (president, Red Cross
Society) extend; an invitation to Society) extend an invitation to Society) extend; an invitation is to
Muswellbrook and district ladies to Muswellbrook and district ladies to Muswellbrook and district ladies to
be in attendance. Afternoon tea will be in attendance. Afternoon tea will be in attendance. Afternoon tea will
follow the meetings. follow the meetings. follow the meetings.
At the council meeting on Wednes At the council meeting on Wednes- At the council meeting on Wednesday,
day, Mrs. R. Anderson's appointment day, Mrs. R. Anderson's appointment Mrs. R. Anderson's appointment
to the ollice staff, in succession to Miss to the office staff, in succession to Miss to the office staff, in succession to Miss
D. Curran, resigned, was confirmed. D. Curran, resigned, was confirmed. D. Curran, resigned, was confirmed.
Two former school mates aro now Two former school mates are now Two former school mates are now
talking over other days. Mr. Bob Hbr talking over other days. Mr. Bob Hor- talking over other days. Mr. Bob Hbr
dern, of "Brogheda," has as his guest, dern, of "Brogheda," has as his guest, dern, of "Drogheda," has as his guest,
Mr. Brian Cobham, who came back Mr. Brian Cobham, who came back Mr. Brian Cobham, who came back
from San Francisco by plane last from San Francisco by plane last from San Francisco by plane last
week. Our visitor is an engineer on-an week. Our visitor is an engineer on an week. Our visitor is an engineer on-an
oil tanker. ; oil tanker. oil tanker. ; A
A guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. Cheatle A guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. Cheatle guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. Cheadle
during the week was Mr. Don McCrfed during the week was Mr. Don McCred- during the week was Mr. Don McCredie
ie, of Sydney. Mr. McCredie is a mem ie, of Sydney. Mr. McCredie is a mem- of Sydney. Mr. McCredie is a member
ber of the staff of Quantas Empire ber of the staff of Quantas Empire of the staff of Quantas Empire
Airways, and is a son of Rev. J.'D. Airways, and is a son of Rev. J. D. Airways, and is a son of Rev. J B.
McCredie, formerly of Muswellbrook. McCredie, formerly of Muswellbrook. McCredie, formerly of Muswellbrook.
Identified overProof corrections ARE OFFICE WHITE
Identified overProof non-corrections HORDERN CHEATLE [**VANDALISED] BROGHEDA [**VANDALISED]
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words17895.598.362.5
Searchability of unique words11596.597.425.0
Weighted Words96.797.113.6

Article ID 124632602, Article, NEW GRINDER FOR TOOL AND GAUGE, page 2 1949-11-11, Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), 92 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Latest piece of equipmept Latest piece of equipment Latest piece of equipment
for the Railway Workshops ar for the Railway Workshops ar- for the Railway Workshops arrived
rived yesterday. It is an Eng rived yesterday. It is an English yesterday. It is an Eng-
grinding machine, and will grinding machine, and will grinding machine, and will
be installed in the tool and be installed in the tool and be installed in the tool and
gauge section. gauge section. gauge section.
Yesterday men from the Yesterday men from the Yesterday men from the
Commonwealth Engineering Commonwealth Engineering Commonwealth Engineering
Works, Sydney, which is fill Works, Sydney, which is fill- Works, Sydney, which is full
ing contracts fr the Quenes. ing contracts for the Queens- ing contracts for the Queens.
land Rallway Department, land Railway Department, land Railway Department,
were at the workshops. were at the workshops. were at the workshops.
After an Inspection of the After an inspection of the After an inspection of the
ol and gauge section, one of tool and gauge section, one of ol and gauge section, one of
he southern engineers, com the southern engineers, com- he southern engineers, com
enting on the high standard menting on the high standard enting on the high standard
t the equipment in the of the equipment in the at the equipment in the
lock said, "What could a man block said, "What could a man lock said, "What could a man
ot make in there?" not make in there ?" of make in there?"
Identified overProof corrections QUEENSLAND
Identified overProof non-corrections ENGLISH FILLING [**VANDALISED] COMMENTING BLOCK NOT
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8687.291.936.4
Searchability of unique words5691.191.10.0
Weighted Words90.690.1-5.1

Article ID 134181195, Article, Complaints On Transport By Progress Bodies, page 2 1949-12-16, Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), 317 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Complaints On Complaints On Complaints On
ransport By Transport By transport By
rogress Bodies Progress Bodies Progress Bodies
Half of the 140,000 people in Half of the 140,000 people in Half of the 140,000 people in
Newcastle had to stand on bus Newcastle had to stand on bus Newcastle had to stand on bus
tops waiting for' transport, Mr. E. stops waiting for transport, Mr. E. tops waiting for transport, Mr. E.
Rothery told Newcastle District Rothery told Newcastle District Rothery told Newcastle District
Council of Progress Associations Council of Progress Associations Council of Progress Associations
last night. last night. last night.
The council had invited the Com The council had invited the Com- The council had invited the Commissioner
umissioner for Transport (Mr. Win missioner for Transport (Mr. Win- for Transport (Mr. Wm.
scr), or an officer of his depart sor), or an officer of his depart- scr), or an officer of his department,
ment, to attend the meeting to dis ment, to attend the meeting to dis- to attend the meeting to discuss
cuss transport problems. cuss transport problems. transport problems.
No reply was received from Mr. No reply was received from Mr. No reply was received from Mr.
WVinsor, nor dlid any departmental Winsor, nor did any departmental Winsor, nor did any departmental
renresentative attend. representative attend. representative attend.
rhe Secretary (Mr. J. T, Bren The Secretary (Mr. J. T. Bren- the Secretary (Mr. J. T, Bren
nun) said the Town Clerk (Mr. nan) said the Town Clerk (Mr. nan) said the Town Clerk (Mr.
Miller) and Mayfield Civic Associa Miller) and Mayfield Civic Associa- Miller) and Mayfield Civic Associations
tnon had been informed that Mr, tion had been informed that Mr. had been informed that Mr,
Winsor would visit NewcastleiJn the Winsor would visit Newcastle in the Winsor would visit Newcastle in the
last week in January. The progress last week in January. The progress last week in January. The progress
ouncil had had no advice of the council had had no advice of the council had had no advice of the
roposed. visit. proposed visit. proposed. visit.
Delegates, who discussed defici Delegates, who discussed defici- Delegates, who discussed deficiencies
encies in bus services, said that a encies in bus services, said that a in bus services, said that a
ecord of the complaints would be record of the complaints would be record of the complaints would be
made for reference to Mr. Winsor made for reference to Mr. Winsor made for reference to Mr. Winsor
in the New Year. in the New Year. in the New Year.
Delegated said more buses should Delegated said more buses should Delegates said more buses should
follow circular routes to give better follow circular routes to give better follow circular routes to give better
services to a greater ntumber of services to a greater number of services to a greater number of
suburbs. suburbs. suburbs.
Mr. R. Dawson (Waratah South) Mr. R. Dawson (Waratah South) Mr. R. Dawson (Waratah South)
said that in peak hours, buses said that in peak hours, buses said that in peak hours, buses
passed through the Newcastle West passed through the Newcastle West passed through the Newcastle West
wvithout picking up because they without picking up because they without picking up because they
had been filled at the top end of had been filled at the top end of had been filled at the top end of
town. Women shoppers often had town. Women shoppers often had town. Women shoppers often had
to Pacific-street or Parnell to go to Pacific-street or Parnell- to go to Pacific-street or Parnell
place if they wanted a seat on a place if they wanted a seat on a place if they wanted a seat on a
bus. bus. bus.
Outer Suburbs Outer Suburbs Outer Suburbs
He said Mr. Winsor should be He said Mr. Winsor should be He said Mr. Winsor should be
asked for buses for outer suburbs asked for buses for outer suburbs asked for buses for outer suburbs
to start from the west end of the to start from the west end of the to start from the west end of the
city. city. city.
Delegates fromt South Wallsend. Delegates from South Wallsend, Delegates from South Wallsend.
Eleebana, and Hamilton North said Eleebana, and Hamilton North said Eleebana, and Hamilton North said
that private bus rnins were inter that private bus runs were inter- that private bus rains were interfering
fering with the efficient operation fering with the efficient operation with the efficient operation
of the Government buses. They of the Government buses. They of the Government buses. They
asked that Government buses be asked that Government buses be asked that Government buses be
put on all routes. put on all routes. put on all routes.
The Department of Railways ad The Department of Railways ad- The Department of Railways advised
vised that the operation of the wic vised that the operation of the wic- that the operation of the wicket
ket gate at the pedestrian crossing ket gate at the pedestrian crossing gate at the pedestrian crossing
a Clyde-street level crussing had a Clyde-street level crossing had a Clyde-street level crossing had
been inspected. It seemed satis been inspected. It seemed satis- been inspected. It seemed satisfactory.
factory. Pedestrians often used the factory. Pedestrians often used the Pedestrians often used the
main boom tates to cross the lines. main boom gates to cross the lines. main boom times to cross the lines.
The attention of signalmen had The attention of signalmen had The attention of signalmen had
beecn drawn to this. been drawn to this. been drawn to this.
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words29791.698.076.0
Searchability of unique words16191.996.961.5
Weighted Words92.696.857.0

Article ID 138499349, Article, FROST WARNING ISSUED, page 1 1949-06-02, Cootamundra Herald (NSW : 1877 - 1954), 62 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
SYDNEY, Thursday A special SYDNEY, Thursday A special SYDNEY, Thursday A special
AaTing to graziers to be pre warning to graziers to be pre- ATing to graziers to be prepared
pared for the oncoming froslr pared for the oncoming frosts for the oncoming frosts
wes Issued by the . \V-ather was issued by the Weather was issued by the Weather
Bureau last niLrht. Bureau last night. Bureau last night.
The Bureau s.iid the colder The Bureau said the colder The Bureau said the colder
v/cailw would iwrf today, and weather would start today, and yearly would port today, and
frosts would be pt.-ttolurly se frosts would be particularly se- frosts would be pt.-ttolurly se
v.-i-i! tonight vere tonight. vein! tonight
A spokesman for the Bureau A spokesman for the Bureau A spokesman for the Bureau
said the severest frosts would said the severest frosts would said the severest frosts would
be on the Slopes and ' Table be on the Slopes and Table- be on the Slopes and Table
lands. lands. lands.
Identified overProof corrections WEATHER NIGHT WAS
Identified overProof non-corrections PARTICULARLY SEVERE START
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words5581.890.950.0
Searchability of unique words3482.491.250.0
Weighted Words82.190.044.0

Article ID 145541107, Article, Rail Gauge Standardisation, page 1 1949-10-14, Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954), 79 words, 4 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
Rail Gauge Rail Gauge Rail Gauge
Standardisation Standardisation Standardisation
CANBERRA, Thursday: The CANBERRA, Thursday: The CANBERRA, Thursday: The
Federal Government would Federal Government would Federal Government would
negotiate a separate negotiate a separate agreement negotiate a separate agreement
with Victoria to Implement Its with Victoria to implement its with Victoria to Implement Its
rail standardisation programme, rail standardisation programme, rail standardisation programme,
the Minister for Supply (Senator the Minister for Supply (Senator the Minister for Supply (Senator
Armstrong) told the Senate to Armstrong) told the Senate to- Armstrong) told the Senate to
day. day. day.
He added that a similar agree He added that a similar agree- He added that a similar agreement
ment would be sought with ment would be sought with would be sought with
South Australia. ' South Australia. South Australia.
New South Wales bad still New South Wales had still New South Wales had still
not ratified the Three States' not ratified the Three States' not ratified the Three States'
Agreement on standardisation. Agreement on standardisation. Agreement on standardisation.
Senator Armstrong was re Senator Armstrong was re- Senator Armstrong was replying
plying for the Minister for plying for the Minister for for the Minister for
Transport (Mr. Ward) to, a Transport (Mr. Ward) to a Transport (Mr. Ward) to a
question by Senator S&ndford question by Senator Sandford question by Senator Sandford
(Lab., Vic.). (Lab., Vic.). (Lab., Vic.).
Identified overProof corrections SANDFORD HAD
Identified overProof non-corrections
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words7295.8100.0100.0
Searchability of unique words5396.2100.0100.0
Weighted Words96.1100.0100.0

Article ID 161690049, Article, RAIL GAUGE PROJECT SYDNEY, Tuesday., page 1 1949-03-09, National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954), 87 words, 5 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
*8YONES\ Tuesday. SYDNEY, Tuesday. *8YONES\ Tuesday.
The NSW Governmeit. has not yet The NSW Government has not yet The NSW Government. has not yet
decided If It will participate in the decided if it will participate in the decided If It will participate in the
rail standardisation' scheme. rail standardisation scheme. rail standardisation' scheme.
.The matter, was discussed at the The matter was discussed at the The matter, was discussed at the
lost Premiers' Conference, at which last Premiers' Conference, at which lost Premiers' Conference, at which
the NSW Premier (Mr,1* McGirr) said the NSW Premier (Mr. McGirr) said the NSW Premier (Mrand McGirr) said
he wquld confer on It. with. Cabinet. he would confer on it with Cabinet. he would confer on It. with. Cabinet.
The Minister for. Transport, (Mr. The Minister for Transport, (Mr. The Minister for Transport, (Mr.
O'Bulllven) said, today.. 'that: during O'Sullivan) said today that during O'Sullivan) said, today.. 'that: during
Mr. McQirr's absence tn England last Mr. McGirr's absence in England last Mr. McGirr's absence in England last
year the matter was raiseij in Cabinet year the matter was raised in Cabinet year the matter was raised in Cabinet
but discussion was deferred until Mr but discussion was deferred until Mr. but discussion was deferred until Mr
McGlrr returned. ', ',''.,' McGirr returned. McGirr returned. ',''.,'
Nothing further had been done by Nothing further had been done by Nothing further had been done by
Cabinet. . , Cabinet. Cabinet. . ,
Identified overProof non-corrections SYDNEY
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words8388.096.470.0
Searchability of unique words6090.098.383.3
Weighted Words89.898.787.5

Article ID 195729113, Article, TIGHTER CONTROL ON DIESEL FUEL, page 1 1949-05-06, Daily Examiner (Grafton, NSW : 1915 - 1954), 213 words, 3 corrections

Raw OCRHuman CorrectedoverProof Corrected
t CANBERRA. Wed.— The Fed CANBERRA. Wed.— The Fed- t CANBERRA. Wed The Federal
eral Government by a' regula eral Government by a regula- Government by a regula-
tion gazetted tb-day tightened ; tion gazetted to-day tightened tion gazetted to-day tightened ;
control over the use of Diesel control over the use of Diesel control over the use of Diesel
fuel in road. -vehicles;- but -freed : fuel in road vehicles, but freed fuel in road. vehicles; but freed
primary producers and other primary producers and other primary producers and other
users from having to use it users from having to use it users from having to use it
under licence. under licence. under licence.
The Government also gazetted- The Government also gazetted The Government also gazetted-
regulations prohibiting., the use- of regulations prohibiting the use of regulations prohibiting, the use of
any liquid fuel including;; ipetrol. any liquid fuel including petrol. any liquid fuel including petrol.
Diesel oil and - fuel kerosene , in Diesel oil and fuel kerosene in Diesel oil and - fuel kerosene in
auxiliary electricity generating auxiliary electricity generating auxiliary electricity generating
plants except for essential, pur-. plants except for essential, pur- plants except for essential, purposes.
poses. ' poses.
Explaining the regulations 1 - the Explaining the regulations the Explaining the regulations 1 - the
Controller of Liquid Fuel. (Mr. J. Controller of Liquid Fuel (Mr. J. Controller of Liquid Fuel. (Mr. J.
B. Cumming) said it was known B. Cumming) said it was known B. Cumming said it was known
some Diesel vehicles were some Diesel vehicles were some Diesel vehicles were
operating without licences . . and operating without licences and operating without licences and others
others were using the , amenities, others were using the amenities were using the , amenities,
-in excess .of those allowed'- under in excess of those allowed under in excess of those allowed" under
their licences. : their licences. their licences. :
Owners - of - Disel vehicles will Owners of Diesel vehicles will Owners - of - Diesel vehicles will
in" future" have to obtain specific in future have to obtain specific in" future" have to obtain specific
permits from the State Liquid permits from the State Liquid permits from the State Liquid
Fuel Control Boards to obtain Fuel Control Boards to obtain Fuel Control Boards to obtain
this fuel . .. this fuel. this fuel ...
Similarly', special permission Similarly, special permission Similarly', special permission
will have to be obtained for the will have to be obtained for the will have to be obtained for the
use of liquid - fuel in- - electricity use of liquid fuel in electricity use of liquid - fuel in- electricity
generating- plants'- during black generating plants during black- generating- plants'- during black
outs outs. outs
Mr. . Gumming said consent for Mr. Cumming said consent for Mr Cumming said consent for
the use .of liquid- . fuel - for this the use of liquid fuel for this the use of liquid- . fuel - for this
purpose would be/given" whfefe purpose would be given where purpose would be given" where
electricity- was used -for. the pro electricity was used for the pro- electricity, was used for the produce
duct! on. of essential., goods, but not duction of essential goods, but not on. of essential., goods, but not
for exterior lighting of buildings;1 for exterior lighting of buildings, for exterior lighting of buildings
showcase or advertising ; displays; showcase or advertising displays. showcase or advertising ; displays;
Identified overProof corrections PETROL WHERE GIVEN PURPOSES BUILDINGS
Identified overProof non-corrections PRODUCTION
accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words18195.099.488.9
Searchability of unique words10494.299.083.3
Weighted Words94.399.082.7

Accumulated stats for 20 articles from year 1949

accuracy %
accuracy %
corrected %
All Words230490.996.460.4
Searchability of unique words149791.596.153.6
Weighted Words91.395.851.8